活動 Activities


While the HPI applies the results of its research on peace in education at HCU, it returns the benefits to society through symposia, public lecture series, and other social events. All the events mentioned below are free of charge and the outcomes are publicized on HPI’s newsletter, booklet, or journal, which are available digitally on our website.


  • 2024.12.26


    Associate Prof. Son, Associate Prof. Shijo and Associate Prof. Takemoto participate in a study tour hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hiroshima and visit Dongseo University, the National Museum of Forced Mobilization under Japanese Occupation, the Hapchon A-Bomb Museum and the Joseon Tongsinsa History Museum. They also conduct interviews with Korean hibakushas.

  • 2024.12.21


    Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “World Peace Visions and the Pacifism of the Constitution of Japan: From the Perspectives of Peace as War Illegality, Abolition of Armaments and Human Rights,” at a “Constitution Lecture” hosted by Futaba Community Center.

  • 2024.12.07


    Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Nuclear Taboo in International Relations and Japan,” for local university students in “Peace Academy Part IV” held at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

  • 2024.11.30


    Prof. Jacobs presents the keynote lecture titled, “Nuclear weapons development and production as violence: the global hibakusha,” at Hiroshima Peace Institute International Symposium, “Victims of Nuclear Weapons in Global Contexts: Appealing — ‘No More Hibaksha’ Now," at International Conference Center Hiroshima.

  • 2024.11.30


    Prof. Umehara takes the podium as a moderator in International Symposium “Victims of Nuclear Weapons in Global Contexts: Appealing – ‘No More Hibakusha’ Now,” at International Conference Center Hiroshima, jointly held by HPI, The Chugoku-Shimbun newspaper, and Research Center for Nuclear Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA).