研究員の仕事 Members’ work

  • 2024.08.14

    梅原教授、秋田魁新報27頁(社会面)の連載「ヒロシマからの問い 秋田戦後79年」第2回「生きているから伝える 被爆者の声」の記事にコメントが掲載

    Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in a feature series article of the Akita Sakigake Shimpo newspaper (a local daily in Akita prefecture) on the 79th anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing and survivors’ testimonies.

  • 2024.08.09

    梅原教授、毎日新聞(朝刊)3面「クローズアップ 伝わらぬ長崎の真意/原爆の日イスラエル除外 主要6カ国大使不参加」の記事にコメントが掲載

    Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in an article of the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper (morning edition, page 3) reporting about disputes surrounding Nagasaki City’s decision not to invite the Israeli ambassador to the 79th year memorial ceremony of Nagasaki Atomic Bombing, and the harsh reaction from ambassadors of 6 Western countries, led by the U.S., not to participate in the Nagasaki ceremony as a way to express their concern.

  • 2024.08.08


    Prof. Umehara acts as a facilitator for a group discussion by 25 young leaders from seven cities (including Hiroshima) of six countries around the world, and advises them in the drafting process of their collective manifesto of peace, “Hiroshima Appeal 2024,” in the “International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future, Hiroshima 2024,” held by and in Hiroshima City."

  • 2024.08.07

    梅原教授、東京新聞1面「遠のく『核なき世界』広島 戦後79年原爆忌」の記事にコメントが掲載

    Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in a front-page article of the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper on the 79th anniversary of Hiroshima Atomic Bombing and the current state of affairs surrounding nuclear weapons.

  • 2024.08.05

    沖村教授、2024年ピースフォーラムで「SDGs and Peace」と題して基調講演(於:広島女学院高等学校)

    Prof. Okimura presents the Keynote Lecture, “SDGs and Peace,” at the 2024 Peace Forum at Hiroshima Jogakuin High School.

  • 2024.07.29


    Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Thinking About Nuclear Issues: A Viewpoint From Hiroshima,” in the training session, “Introduction to Hiroshima,” for 10 junior Japanese journalists, held by Hiroshima City.

  • 2024.07.14


    Prof. Umehara participates in the kickoff symposium of Hiroshima Peace Platform as a panel member discussing the prospects for joint research project and makes a presentation titled, “Thinking About ‘No More Hiroshimas’ Anew: The Nuclear Taboo.”

  • 2024.07.03

    加藤講師、Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)第26回年次大会のセッション7「In the Fog of War: Russian Invasion of Ukraine and East Asia(戦争の混乱の中でーロシアのウクライナ侵略と東アジア)」に討論者として参加(於:上智大学四谷キャンパス)

    Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant in the session 7 “In the Fog of War: Russian Invasion of Ukraine and East Asia,” at the 26th annual Asian Studies Conference Japan at the Yotsuya Campus of Sophia University.

  • 2024.06.29


    Associate Prof. Son participates as a steering committee member and a moderator of the session in the 21st International Conference of the Korea-Japan Next Generation Academic Forum, held at the Fukuoka Campus of Japan University of Economics.

  • 2024.06.23


    Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Atomic Bomb, Wars, Nuclear Weapons and Peace,” as part of the prior training session for International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future, Hiroshima 2024.

  • 2024.06.21


    Associate Prof. Son receives the Civil Merit Medal in the category of Unification Education from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea at the 2024 Unification Cultural Event, held in Cheonggyecheon, Korea.

  • 2024.06.16


    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, held online.

  • 2024.06.04

    ジェイコブズ教授、ニューサウスウェールズ大学主催の歴史セミナーシリーズで「How millions harmed by nuclear weapons and power have been made invisible during the Cold War and After」と題して講演(於:オーストラリア・シドニー)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “How millions harmed by nuclear weapons and power have been made invisible during the Cold War and After,” to the History Seminar Series at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.

  • 2024.05.21


    Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Japanese Media Coverage on Japan-ROK relations: Facts and Norms,” at the Hiroshima Korea Forum 2024, co-hosted by Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hiroshima and the Hiroshima Peace Institute, held at Hilton Hiroshima.

  • 2024.05.19

    ジェイコブズ教授、カリフォルニア大学の留学生と明治学院大学の学生に「Radiation exposures and legacies of nuclear technologies」と題して講演(於:広島JMSアステールプラザ)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Radiation exposures and legacies of nuclear technologies,” to study abroad students from the University of California and students from Meiji Gakuin University at JMS Aster Plaza in Hiroshima.

  • 2024.05.17

    ジェイコブズ教授、南イリノイ大学の学生に「Global hibakusha during the Cold War」と題して講演(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Global hibakusha during the Cold War,” to students from Southern Illinois University at the HCU Satellite Campus in Hiroshima.

  • 2024.05.10

    加藤講師、タルトゥ大学東洋学センター主催ワークショップ「Contesting Authorities in Central Asia: Prospects, Concerns and Balances」で「Russia’s Turn to the East Policy after the War in Ukraine」と題して報告(於:タルトゥ大学・ハイブリッド)

    Lecturer Kato delivers a presentation entitled, “Russia’s Turn to the East: Policy after the War in Ukraine,” at the workshop “Contesting Authorities in Central Asia: Prospects, Concerns and Balances,” held in a hybrid format (in-person and online via Zoom) at the Centre for Oriental Studies, University of Tartu.

  • 2024.05.03


    Associate Prof. Son participates in the “2024 Global Strategy Special Committee Workshop,” held in Seoul, Korea, and is appointed as a Special Committee Member of the Global Strategy.

  • 2024.04.07


    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, held online.

  • 2024.03.29

    加藤講師、『ロシア・ユーラシアの社会』(2024年冬号No. 1070)に「ウクライナ侵攻が露朝関係に与えたインパクト:大国間競争と国益の変遷の観点から」を寄稿

    Lecturer Kato contributes an article entitled, “The Impact of the Invasion of Ukraine on Russia-DPRK Relations: From the Perspective of Great Power Competition and Transition of National Interests,” to the journal "Russian Eurasian Society," No. 1070 [in Japanese].

  • 2024.03.21


    Lecturer Kato delivers a presentation entitled, “Strengthening Ties between Russia and North Korea under the Russia-Ukraine War,” at the international conference “The Path of Trilateral Security Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific Era,” organized by the Institute for Global Strategy and Cooperation (ROK) and KEIO Center for Contemporary Korean Studies (Japan) in Seoul.

  • 2024.03.20


    Associate Prof. Xu presents a lecture titled, “Japan-China Relations and East Asia Regional Cooperation,” to students from the School of Political Science and Economics of Waseda University, at Chisun Hotel Hiroshima.

  • 2024.03.18


    Associate Prof. Xu presents a paper entitled, “China's Foreign Policy” at the “Governance and Peace in Asia II” conference hosted by the Hiroshima Peace Institute, held at the HCU Satellite Campus.

  • 2024.03.13


    Lecturer Kato presents a keynote lecture entitled, “Russia and East Asia -- Change, Continuity, and Prospects after the Russo-Ukraine War,” at the online seminar “Hokkaido Symposium on International Affairs in Northeast Asia 2024,” organized by the Hokkaido International Exchange and Cooperation Center (HIECC), via Zoom.

  • 2024.03.12

    沖村教授、Global Issues特別講義で、「ウクライナ戦争と日本のエネルギー安全保障」と題して講義(於:広島女学院高等学校)

    Prof. Okimura presents a lecture entitled “Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Japanese Energy Security,” as “Global Issues” special lecture at the Hiroshima Jogakuin High School.

  • 2024.03.08

    加藤講師、日本国際問題研究所のウェブサイトに研究レポート「ウクライナ危機下のロシアとASEAN—戦略的パートナーシップの背景」を寄稿  https://www.jiia.or.jp/research-report/russia-fy2023-05.html

    Lecturer Kato contributes a research report entitled, “Russia and ASEAN under the Ukraine Crisis – Background of Strategic Partnership,” on the website of the Japan Institute of International Affairs.

  • 2024.03.06

    徐准教授、川島真、井上正也編著『大平正芳の中国・東アジア外交 経済から環太平洋連帯構想まで』(PHPエディターズ・グループ、2024年3月)に「対中ODAの始動」を寄稿(第12章、431-466頁)

    Associate Prof. Xu contributes an article entitled, “The Beginning of Japan’s ODA to China,” to Kawashima Shin and Inoue Masaya eds. (March 2024) Masayoshi Ohira's Diplomacy toward China and East Asia: From the Economy to the Solidarity Initiative for the development of the Pacific Rim, PHP Editors Group, Chapter 12, pp. 431-466.

  • 2024.02.20


    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture as the Inaugural Hiroshima Seminar at the Museum of Literature Ireland, hosted by University College Dublin.

  • 2024.02.14

    ジェイコブズ教授、ウエスタンシドニー大学法学校の学生に向けて「Nuclear weapons and international relations」と題して講義(於:広島市)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Nuclear weapons and international relations,” to students from the Law School of Western Sydney University in Hiroshima.

  • 2024.02.09


    Lecturer Kato welcomes Dr. Redouan Najah, International Relations specialist of the Policy Center for the New South in Morocco, to HPI and exchange opinions on Russia’s strategy towards non-Western countries after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, at HPI.

  • 2024.02.02

    ジェイコブズ教授、『英語による市民講座』で「American hibakusha: the history of Americans exposed to radiation」と題して講義(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “American hibakusha: the history of Americans exposed to radiation,” as part of the Hiroshima Peace Institute 7th English Lecture Series at the HCU satellite campus.

  • 2024.01.26

    沖村教授、『英語による市民講座』で、「The impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Japanese energy security」と題して講義(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)

    Prof. Okimura delivers a lecture in English entitled “The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Japanese Energy Security,” as part of the HPI 7th English lecture series at the HCU satellite campus.

  • 2024.01.20


    Lecturer Kato contributes a commentary entitled, “Keep Seeking ‘a World Without Nuclear Weapons,’” to the website of the Nippon Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA). [in Japanese]

  • 2024.01.17

    ジェイコブズ教授、THINK Global Schoolの学生に向けて「The global hibakusha in world history」と題して講義(於:広島市)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “The global hibakusha in world history,” to students from the THINK Global School.

  • 2023.12.10


    Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a paper titled, “The War in Ukraine and the Future of the International Peace Order,” at the International Symposium “Confronting the Danger of Nuclear War: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, G7 Summit and the Future,” co-hosted by Hiroshima Peace Institute, Chugoku Shimbun and RECNA, held at International Conference Center Hiroshima.

  • 2023.12.08

    ジェイコブズ教授、英・オープン大学、シェフィールド大学、英国人文・芸術リサーチカウンシル、広島平和研究所が共催するHPI研究プロジェクト「反核運動史の現在」(代表:竹本准教授)によるワークショップ「反核運動の原点としてのヒロシマ」で「How Nuclear Weapon States Choose Nuclear Test Site Locations」と題して研究報告▽四條准教授、同ワークショップにて「広島市における遊郭の原爆被害」と題して研究報告▽竹本准教授、同フォーラムにて「広島の反核運動とそのグローバル化」と題して研究報告(於:広島国際会議場)

    HPI Research Project “Current Research Trend of History of Antinuclear Movements” (Organizer: Associate Prof. Takemoto) holds a two-day workshop, “Hiroshima, the Origin of Antinuclear Activism,” at the International Conference Center Hiroshima in collaboration with the Global Peace Research Network, the Open University and the University of Sheffield funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. Prof. Jacobs gives a presentation entitled, “How Nuclear Weapon States Choose Nuclear Test Site Locations,” Associate Prof. Shijo gives a presentation entitled, “Yukaku (The Red-Light District) in Hiroshima City Damaged by the Atomic Bomb,” and Associate Prof. Takemoto gives a presentation entitled, “The Antinuclear Movement in Hiroshima and its Globalization.”

  • 2023.12.05

    四條准教授、東北アジア歴史財団 国際関係と歴史対話研究所・広島平和研究所共同セミナー「記憶の政治:日韓相互理解の模索」にて、「広島/長崎の原爆被害から考える日韓の歴史の可能性」と題して報告(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)

    Associate Prof. Shijo gives a presentation entitled "Possibilities for Japan-Korea History from the perspective of the Damage Caused by the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Atomic Bombings" at the Northeast Asian History Foundation, Institute for International Relations and Historical Dialogue, and Hiroshima Peace Institute Joint Seminar "The Politics of Memory: The Search for Mutual Understanding between Japan and Korea" held at the HCU Satellite Campus in Hiroshima.

  • 2023.11.27


    Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a lecture titled, “Why President of Russia Putin Invaded Ukraine: The Inside Story of the Collapse of the Post-Cold War European International Order,” in the lecture series “Community Service and Science, and SDGs,” held in a hybrid format (in-person and online via Zoom) at Tsuruoka Campus of Tohoku University of Community Service and Science.

  • 2023.11.24


    Lecturer Kato contributes an article entitled, “Foreign Policy of the Fourth Putin Administration: Focusing on Asia-Pacific Policy,” in Russia & NIS Business Monthly, Vol. 68, No. 12, #1092.

  • 2023.11.24


    Prof. Okimura presents a paper titled, “Energy and Security Affected by Conflict” at the Hiroshima Korea Forum 2023, co-hosted by Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hiroshima and the Hiroshima Peace Institute. ▽Associate Prof. Son presents a paper titled, “Challenges on the Korean Peninsula under the New Cold War” at the same Forum, held in Hiroshima.

  • 2023.11.19


    Associate Prof. Makiko Takemoto presents a paper titled, “Diffusion of Hiroshima: Focusing on the Case of Germany,” at the 20th meeting of the Research Society for Peace Sociology, via Zoom.

  • 2023.11.17


    Prof. Okimura gives a lecture titled "The Ukraine War and Energy" in the public lecture series on the web AY2023 organized and given by Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University (online)

  • 2023.11.12


    Prof. Yamada serves as the chair for Session 11, “The Nuclear Taboo in International Relations,” at the 2023 Annual Convention of the Japan Association of International Relations held at Fukuoka International Congress Center.

  • 2023.11.12


    Specially Appointed Prof. Oshiba participates as a discussant in the Round Table, “The World Bank,” at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development held at the Yotsuya Campus of Sophia University.

  • 2023.11.11


    Lecturer Kato serves as a discussant for Section 5, “Dialogue between Area Studies and International Relations,” at the 2023 Annual Convention of the Japan Association of International Relations, held at Fukuoka International Congress Center.

  • 2023.11.11


    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato presents the Keynote Lecture, “The United Nations and Security: Theory, Reality and Challenges of the Collective Security by the United Nations,” in the Sixth Public Lecture Series, “Security and International Law,” hosted by the Japanese Society of International Law, Zoom webinar.

  • 2023.11.10


    Prof. Okimura presents a paper entitled, “Governance of Diversified Goals in Climate Change Issues,” at the Environmental Studies section I of the 2023 Annual Convention of the Japan Association of International Relations held at Fukuoka International Congress Center.

  • 2023.11.09


    Prof. Yamada and Associate prof. Shijo participate in interviews by students of Nagoya University Affiliated Lower Secondary School on the International Understanding and Peace Study Tour, at Hiroshima City University.

  • 2023.11.04


    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato presents the Opening Address in the International Symposium, “Accountability and Power in the Law of International Organizations,” held in a hybrid format (in-person and online via Zoom) in Tokyo.

  • 2023.11.03


    Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a lecture titled, "The Logic of President Vladimir Putin’s War in Ukraine," in the public lecture series on the web AY2023 organized and given by Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University (online).

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