研究員の仕事 Members’ work
Associate Prof. Son, Associate Prof. Shijo and Associate Prof. Takemoto participate in a study tour hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hiroshima and visit Dongseo University, the National Museum of Forced Mobilization under Japanese Occupation, the Hapchon A-Bomb Museum and the Joseon Tongsinsa History Museum. They also conduct interviews with Korean hibakushas.
Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “World Peace Visions and the Pacifism of the Constitution of Japan: From the Perspectives of Peace as War Illegality, Abolition of Armaments and Human Rights,” at a “Constitution Lecture” hosted by Futaba Community Center.
Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Nuclear Taboo in International Relations and Japan,” for local university students in “Peace Academy Part IV” held at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.
Prof. Jacobs presents the keynote lecture titled, “Nuclear weapons development and production as violence: the global hibakusha,” at Hiroshima Peace Institute International Symposium, “Victims of Nuclear Weapons in Global Contexts: Appealing — ‘No More Hibaksha’ Now," at International Conference Center Hiroshima.
Prof. Umehara takes the podium as a moderator in International Symposium “Victims of Nuclear Weapons in Global Contexts: Appealing – ‘No More Hibakusha’ Now,” at International Conference Center Hiroshima, jointly held by HPI, The Chugoku-Shimbun newspaper, and Research Center for Nuclear Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA).
Prof. Umehara participate in interviews about nuclear weapons by students of Nagoya University Affiliated Lower Secondary School on the International Understanding and Peace Study Tour, at HCU Satellite Campus.
梅原教授、中国新聞(26頁、中国わいど面)にインタビュー記事「返り咲きのトランプ氏 核使用の重み感じず/広島市立大広島平和研究所 梅原季哉教授に聞く」が掲載
Prof. Umehara appears in the Chugoku Shimbun Daily Newspaper (page 26) in an interview article titled, “President Trump’s Return to Power; Seemingly Less Careful About the Burden of ‘Nuclear Botton.’”
Prof. Umehara speaks at a session of International Security sectional meeting at Japan Association of International Relations Annual Convention 2024 in Sapporo, titled, “Norm Acceptance in Japan Regarding Nuclear Weapons Use: A Discourse Analysis.”
Specially appointed Prof. Sato presents a brief lecture on the United Nations and peace as part of an interview by students at Nagoya University Affiliated Lower Secondary School who are to visit the Hiroshima Peace Institute later, via Zoom.
Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture on Hiroshima and the global hibakusha to students at Georgia Institute of Technology, via Zoom.
Associate Prof. Son presents a lecture titled, “The Problem of Assistance in Settling North Korean Defectors from the Perspective of the North Korean Diaspora,” to the seminar “The North Korean Diaspora and the Role of the International Society,” at the Korea Hana Foundation held at Imperial Hotel Osaka.
Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant in the session 2 “Politics and Diplomacy,” at the 2024 annual conference of the Japan Association for Russian and East European Studies, via Zoom.
Prof. Kawakami attended as a panelist the panel discussion, “Considering the Revision of the Local Autonomy Act from the Perspective of the Constitution,” at the 60th Saga Prefecture Local Autonomy Research Conference (Jichi-ken), held at the Meito Plaza Saga.
河上教授、島根県のキリスト教愛真高等学校で生徒たちに「憲法前文・9条の理念」について講義(於:同高校 島根県江津市)
Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture on the principles of the Preamble and Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan to students at the Christian Aishin High School in Gotsu City.
梅原教授、NHK広島放送局による夕方のニュース番組及びウェブサイトで、「トランプ氏勝利 識者「被爆の実相知ってもらう必要」などとする米大統領選についてのコメントが紹介される https://www3.nhk.or.jp/hiroshima-news/20241107/4000027549.html
Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in a local news program of the NHK Hiroshima and its website about the outcome of the U.S. presidential election, stressing the need to tell the reality of nuclear weapons usage to Mr. Trump. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/hiroshima-news/20241107/4000027549.html
Associate Prof. Xu presents a lecture titled, "Japan-China relations in Asia,” to the students of School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences of Nagasaki University, at Nagasaki University.
Prof. Kawakami delivers a presentation titled, “Thinking about Hiroshima and the Constitution Now,” at the Peace Studies Association of the Japan Autumn Research Conference, held online.
Specially appointed Prof. Oshiba presents a lecture titled, “Thinking about War and Peace from the Perspective of International Relations,” at Akita Prefectural Noshiro High School Library Open Lecture 2024 “Thinking about War and Peace,” via zoom.
Associate Prof. Son presents a lecture titled, “The Current Status of Nuclear Development and Governance in North Korea: Focusing on Changes in North Korea's Nuclear Policy,” in the public lecture series on the web AY2024 organized and given by Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University, held online.
Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture on the global hibakusha to students enrolled in the ICAN Academy, via Zoom.
Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “The Pacifism of the Constitution of Japan and Hiroshima,” to students from Nagoya City Meito Senior High School, at Hiroshima City University.
Associate Prof. Xu participates in Special Round Table entitled, "Masayoshi Ohira's Diplomacy for China and East Asian" of the 2024 Autumn Convention, as a panel member makes a presentation titled, "The Launch of ODA to China" held at Kagawa University.
Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant in the session 5 “Russia and North Korea,” at the 30th annual conference of the Association for Northeast Asia Regional Studies at Osaka University of Commerce.
Prof. Umehara presents an online-talk at “Hachidori-Sha,” a social book café in downtown Hiroshima, titled, “What We Can Tell from Successive Prime Ministers’ Speeches at Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremonies.” via zoom.
Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “Constitutional and Labor Issues in the Age of Neoliberalism: From the Age of Competition and Selection to the Age of Coexistence and Solidarity,” hosted by the Unnan City Employee Labor Union at Unnan City Hall, Shimane Prefecture.
Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “The Imperial Rescript on Education and the Crisis of Human Rights Today: The Mind Control, Neoliberalism, and ‘Education which Does Not Encourage Thinking’ by the Country,” hosted by the Fuchu City Employee Labor Union at Fuchu City Hall, Hiroshima Prefecture.
Associate Prof. Xu presents a lecture titled, "Japan-China relations and East Asian Community" at the 43rd Japan-China Student Conference, at the Satellite Campus Hiroshima.
梅原教授、秋田魁新報27頁(社会面)の連載「ヒロシマからの問い 秋田戦後79年」第2回「生きているから伝える 被爆者の声」の記事にコメントが掲載
Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in a feature series article of the Akita Sakigake Shimpo newspaper (a local daily in Akita prefecture) on the 79th anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing and survivors’ testimonies.
梅原教授、毎日新聞(朝刊)3面「クローズアップ 伝わらぬ長崎の真意/原爆の日イスラエル除外 主要6カ国大使不参加」の記事にコメントが掲載
Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in an article of the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper (morning edition, page 3) reporting about disputes surrounding Nagasaki City’s decision not to invite the Israeli ambassador to the 79th year memorial ceremony of Nagasaki Atomic Bombing, and the harsh reaction from ambassadors of 6 Western countries, led by the U.S., not to participate in the Nagasaki ceremony as a way to express their concern.
Prof. Umehara acts as a facilitator for a group discussion by 25 young leaders from seven cities (including Hiroshima) of six countries around the world, and advises them in the drafting process of their collective manifesto of peace, “Hiroshima Appeal 2024,” in the “International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future, Hiroshima 2024,” held by and in Hiroshima City."
梅原教授、東京新聞1面「遠のく『核なき世界』広島 戦後79年原爆忌」の記事にコメントが掲載
Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in a front-page article of the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper on the 79th anniversary of Hiroshima Atomic Bombing and the current state of affairs surrounding nuclear weapons.
Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture on the global hibakusha to students from Meiji Gakuin University and the University of California at the HCU Satellite Campus.
沖村教授、2024年ピースフォーラムで「SDGs and Peace」と題して基調講演(於:広島女学院高等学校)
Prof. Okimura presents the Keynote Lecture, “SDGs and Peace,” at the 2024 Peace Forum at Hiroshima Jogakuin High School.
梅原教授、下野新聞(栃木県)朝刊に掲載の記事「平和を考える 核兵器巡る動きに警鐘——広島市立大教授が講演/ヒロシマ講座」で、「広島から考える核問題」の講座内容が紹介される
Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in an article of the Shimotsuke Shimbun newspaper (Tochigi Pref.) and on the 79th anniversary of Hiroshima Atomic Bombing and concerns about de-facto buildup of nuclear weapons around the world.
梅原教授、熊本日日新聞(朝刊19頁)に掲載の記事「ヒロシマの思い——戦後79年/核兵器「構造的問題伝えて」広島市 平和報道で講話」で発言内容が紹介される
Prof. Umehara's comment appears in the Kumamoto Nichinichi Daily Newspaper (page 19) on the 79th anniversary of the end of WWII and the role of media in peace discourse.
Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Thinking About Nuclear Issues: A Viewpoint From Hiroshima,” in the training session, “Introduction to Hiroshima,” for 10 junior Japanese journalists, held by Hiroshima City.
Prof. Jacobs attends the (HOPe) Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace Plan Promotion Committee meeting in Hiroshima.
Prof. Umehara participates in the kickoff symposium of Hiroshima Peace Platform as a panel member discussing the prospects for joint research project and makes a presentation titled, “Thinking About ‘No More Hiroshimas’ Anew: The Nuclear Taboo.”
Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “Who Bears Peace, Democracy and Civic Autonomy from the Perspective of the Constitution: Thinking about the Crisis and Hope Together with Young Generations,” at the Regional Community Forum (Chugoku Region) hosted by the Association for Promoting Fair Elections at Workpier Hiroshima.
Associate Prof. Son presents a lecture titled, “Considering Regional Peace: North Korea's Nuclear and Human Rights Issues,” at the university mock lecture at Hijiyama Girls' Senior High School.
加藤講師、Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)第26回年次大会のセッション7「In the Fog of War: Russian Invasion of Ukraine and East Asia(戦争の混乱の中でーロシアのウクライナ侵略と東アジア)」に討論者として参加(於:上智大学四谷キャンパス)
Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant in the session 7 “In the Fog of War: Russian Invasion of Ukraine and East Asia,” at the 26th annual Asian Studies Conference Japan at the Yotsuya Campus of Sophia University.
Associate Prof. Son participates as a steering committee member and a moderator of the session in the 21st International Conference of the Korea-Japan Next Generation Academic Forum, held at the Fukuoka Campus of Japan University of Economics.
Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Atomic Bomb, Wars, Nuclear Weapons and Peace,” as part of the prior training session for International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future, Hiroshima 2024.
Associate Prof. Son receives the Civil Merit Medal in the category of Unification Education from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea at the 2024 Unification Cultural Event, held in Cheonggyecheon, Korea.
Specially Appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, held online.
ジェイコブズ教授、ニューサウスウェールズ大学主催の歴史セミナーシリーズで「How millions harmed by nuclear weapons and power have been made invisible during the Cold War and After」と題して講演(於:オーストラリア・シドニー)
Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “How millions harmed by nuclear weapons and power have been made invisible during the Cold War and After,” to the History Seminar Series at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Japanese Media Coverage on Japan-ROK relations: Facts and Norms,” at the Hiroshima Korea Forum 2024, co-hosted by Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hiroshima and the Hiroshima Peace Institute, held at Hilton Hiroshima.
ジェイコブズ教授、カリフォルニア大学の留学生と明治学院大学の学生に「Radiation exposures and legacies of nuclear technologies」と題して講演(於:広島JMSアステールプラザ)
Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Radiation exposures and legacies of nuclear technologies,” to study abroad students from the University of California and students from Meiji Gakuin University at JMS Aster Plaza in Hiroshima.
ジェイコブズ教授、南イリノイ大学の学生に「Global hibakusha during the Cold War」と題して講演(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)
Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Global hibakusha during the Cold War,” to students from Southern Illinois University at the HCU Satellite Campus in Hiroshima.
加藤講師、タルトゥ大学東洋学センター主催ワークショップ「Contesting Authorities in Central Asia: Prospects, Concerns and Balances」で「Russia’s Turn to the East Policy after the War in Ukraine」と題して報告(於:タルトゥ大学・ハイブリッド)
Lecturer Kato delivers a presentation entitled, “Russia’s Turn to the East: Policy after the War in Ukraine,” at the workshop “Contesting Authorities in Central Asia: Prospects, Concerns and Balances,” held in a hybrid format (in-person and online via Zoom) at the Centre for Oriental Studies, University of Tartu.