研究所の活動と成果HPI research projects and activities

研究員の仕事Members’ work

  • 2024.06.23


    Prof. Umehara presents a lecture titled, “Atomic Bomb, Wars, Nuclear Weapons and Peace,” as part of the prior training session for International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future, Hiroshima 2024.

  • 2024.06.16


    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, held online.

  • 2024.06.04

    ジェイコブズ教授、ニューサウスウェールズ大学主催の歴史セミナーシリーズで「How millions harmed by nuclear weapons and power have been made invisible during the Cold War and After」と題して講演(於:オーストラリア・シドニー)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “How millions harmed by nuclear weapons and power have been made invisible during the Cold War and After,” to the History Seminar Series at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.

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