平和学研究科(GSPS)ってどんなところ? ~よくある質問特集~
平和学研究科では、毎年6 月と10月に、進学説明会をオンラインで開催しています。今回は、過去の進学説明会を踏まえて、博士前期課程に関するよくある質問をまとめてみました。入試や教育内容について知っていただく一助となれば幸いです。
博士前期課程の「社会人特別入試」により入学した方には、「長期履修制度」をご活用いただけます。博士前期課程の修業年限は2 年間ですが、入学後の申請により「長期履修学生」として認められた場合は、修業年限を延長して入学時から3 年または4 年で計画的に教育課程を履修することができるようになります。この場合、正規の修業年限である2 年分の授業料を3 年または4 年で納入することとなるため、「長期履修学生」となったことによって納入すべき授業料の総額が増加することはありません。
Frequently Asked Questions
The Graduate School of Peace Studies (GSPS) holds its online briefing sessions on admission annually in June and October. This page introduces questions concerning the Master’s Program that were frequently asked at previous briefing sessions. We hope this page will help you understand the entrance examinations and educational program of the GSPS.
What should I study to prepare for the entrance examination?
Examinations for the Master’s Program comprise short essays and oral tests. You can check questions in previous examinations. If you want to obtain them, contact the Admissions Office.
Is it possible to gain credits necessary for completing the program by attending only English courses?
Yes. The Master’s Program offers various courses in English. You can also write a thesis for a master’s degree in English.
I am concerned about whether I can obtain the mandatory number of credits for a master’s degree while continuing my business career?
The Master’s Program has a Long-Term Study System for students who enter the graduate school by taking a special examination for adult learners. While the term of the Master’s Program is basically two years, you can extend the term to three or four years if your application for this system is accepted and you are approved as a long-term study student. In such cases, you can take courses systematically over the extended term. Moreover, tuition fees for two years can be paid over three or four years. That is, you will not have to pay additional fees for extending your course term.
Please tell me about the career paths after completion.
Although the number of graduates is not great at this moment, a few have joined the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, while a few others joined private companies. Some graduates have enrolled in graduate schools outside Japan.