紀要『広島平和研究』 Hiroshima Peace Research Journal
This journal publishes peer-reviewed academic articles on research and activities concerning Peace, either in Japanese or English, presenting papers from home and abroad. It is published once a year in March. The contents include an opening essay entitled “A Window into Peace Studies,” and academic papers including Special Features, Research Articles, Research Notes, and Book Reviews.
第12号投稿の募集について(次号分)Call for Papers
第11号 2024年3月20日 HPI Journal Vol 11

吉川元特任教授への献辞 (大芝亮)19
研究者と教員の狭間で揺らいだ40年 (吉川元) 21
吉川元特任教授 略歴および研究業績 27
Dedication: Professor Narayanan Ganesan to Retire after 20 Years at HPI(Robert Jacobs) 39
Reflections on My Life in Hiroshima and the Peace Institute(2004–2024)(Narayanan Ganesan) 43
Curriculum Vitae of Narayanan Ganesan 48
――ロシアの領土拡張主義論理の形成過程の考察 (吉川元) 57
――ロシアの立場からの試論 (加藤美保子) 75
Policy Responses of the ASEAN States towards the Myanmar Military Coup(Narayanan Ganesan) 95
AU・国連及びAU・EU 間の政策連携の現在地
――アフリカの紛争対応をめぐる課題 (山根達郎) 115
国際秩序を支える原則としてのマルチラテラリズム (岩田将幸) 133
パブリック・ディプロマシーとしての福田赳夫による東南アジア歴訪(井原伸浩) 153
――長崎県立ろう学校を事例として (四條知恵) 171
第12号(2024年度)の投稿の募集について 190
投稿規程 192
審査規程 194
<A Window into Peace Studies>
Things to Protect: Peace, Constitution, “Little Japanism” (Kazuko Mori) 7
<Special Addition>
Dedication to Specially Appointed Professor Gen Kikkawa (Ryo Oshiba) 19
40 Years of Trembling between Researcher and Teacher (Gen Kikkawa) 21
Curriculum Vitae of Gen Kikkawa 27
Dedication: Professor Narayanan Ganesan to Retire after 20 Years at HPI(Robert Jacobs) 39
Reflections on My Life in Hiroshima and the Peace Institute(2004–2024)(Narayanan Ganesan) 43
Curriculum Vitae of Narayanan Ganesan 48
<Special Feature: Threats to International Peace>
“Kosovo Precedent” and the People’s Right to Self-Determination:
A Study of the Formation Process of Russia’s Territorial Expansionism Logic(Gen Kikkawa) 57
Post-Cold War Division of Europe and the Limits of the Helsinki Process:
An Essay from Russia’s Perspective (Mihoko Kato) 75
Policy Responses of the ASEAN States towards the Myanmar Military Coup(Narayanan Ganesan) 95
Current Status of Policy Collaboration between AU/UN and AU/EU:
Issues Surrounding Conflict Response in Africa (Tatsuo Yamane) 115
<Research Article>
Multilateralism as a Principle Supporting International Order(Masayuki Iwata) 133
Takeo Fukuda’s Visit to Southeast Asia as Public Diplomacy(Nobuhiro Ihara) 153
Difficulties in Narrating the Atomic Bomb Damage by Linguistic Minorities:
A Case Study of the Nagasaki Prefectural School for the Deaf(Chie Shijo) 171
Call for Papers: Hiroshima Peace Research Journal, Vol.12 190
Submission Guidelines 192
Regulation for Evaluating the Manuscripts 194
Editorial Note
第10号 2023年3月20日 HPI Journal Vol 10

ANGOLA: From military peace to social peace(Raul Tati)33
Violence in Cabo Delgado: A way to peace(Fontes Ramos)59
Evaluation of Social Cohesion and Peace Programs in SRI LANKA(Chamila Mallawaarachchi)113
ASEAN 文化基金設立にむけての日本によるイニシアティブ(井原伸浩)175
第11号(2023年度)の投稿の募集について 216
投稿規程 218
審査規程 220
<A Window into Peace Studies>
Ask for Peace, Think about Peace(Ryuhei Hatsuse)7
<Special Feature: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding>
Challenges and Prospects for Peacebuilding in the African Union:
Focusing on Efforts in the Post Conflict Transition Period after the 2016 Presidential Election in Gambia(Hiroshige Fujii)13
ANGOLA: From military peace to social peace(Raul Tati)33
Violence in Cabo Delgado: A way to peace(Fontes Ramos)59
The Follow-Up Transitional Justice in Timor-Leste:
Not Justice but Reparations and Memories(Akihisa Matsuno)87
Evaluation of Social Cohesion and Peace Programs in SRI LANKA(Chamila Mallawaarachchi)113
<Research Article>
Effectiveness of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement(Tadashi Okimura)139
Issues of Transitional Justice and Security Sector Reform in Post-Communist States, 1990-2014(Gen Kikkawa)155
Japan’s Initiatives Toward the Establishment of the ASEAN Cultural Fund(Nobuhiro Ihara)175
Hibakusha Voices in the Movie: Historical Analysis of the 10-feet-Movement in 1980s Japan(Hirotaka Suzuki)193
Call for Papers: Hiroshima Peace Research Journal, Vol.11 216
Hiroshima Peace Research Journal Submission Guidelines 218
Regulation for Evaluating the Manuscripts Submitted for Publication in Hiroshima Peace Research Journal 220
Editorial Note
第9号 2022年3月18日 HPI Journal Vol 9

Editorial Note (Narayanan Ganesan) 7
Down a Tortuous Road to Hiroshima: An Autobiographical Essay (Haruhiko Fukui) 11
水本和実教授 略歴および研究業績 23
〈特集論文 核技術と核兵器〉
Bridge-Building Between Two Morals Toward a Common Goal: Words of Popes and U.S. Presidents (Nobumasa Akiyama) 115
Learning the Wrong Lessons from Hiroshima: US Nuclear Testing in 1946 (Robert Jacobs) 129
The Kazakhstan-Japan Nuclear Nexus: Ideas, Norms, and Identities (Almas Dissyukov) 151
経済協力理念としてのマニラスピーチ(井原伸浩) 179
第10号(2022年度)の投稿の募集について 252
投稿規程 254
審査規程 256
< A Window into Peace Studies >
Editorial Note (Narayanan Ganesan) 7
Down a Tortuous Road to Hiroshima: An Autobiographical Essay (Haruhiko Fukui) 11
< Special Addition >
Transition of Awareness: My Experience as a Researcher in Hiroshima (Kauzmi Mizumoto) 19
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Kazumi Mizumoto 23
< Special Feature: Nuclear Technology, Weapons, and Related Issues >
Civil Use of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Non-proliferation: Issues and Prospects of the NPT at 50(Tatsujiro Suzuki)31
On Nuclear Threats by the US Against China During the Early-Cold War: Attempts of "Conventionalization" and Their Irreconcilability with Norms of Nuclear-Non-Use (Toshiya Umehara) 49
North Korean Nuclear Weapons and Denuclearization (Sung Chull Kim) 69
"Inheritance of the Atomic Bomb Experiences" and Documentary Materials: Issues Faced by Facilities in Hiroshima City (Chie Shijo) 93
Bridge-Building Between Two Morals Toward a Common Goal: Words of Popes and U.S. Presidents (Nobumasa Akiyama) 115
Learning the Wrong Lessons from Hiroshima: US Nuclear Testing in 1946 (Robert Jacobs) 129
The Kazakhstan-Japan Nuclear Nexus: Ideas, Norms, and Identities (Almas Dissyukov) 151
< Research Article >
The Manila Speech as Ideas for Economic Cooperation (Nobuhiro Ihara) 179
The Drafting Process of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial City Construction Act (Shota Moriue) 199
The "Carp Jyoshi" Phenomenon: A Study of the Hiroshima Toyo Carp and Fan Community (Kyungjin Ha) 225
< Book Review >
Bettina Stangneth, Erusaremu <izen> no aihiman [Eichmann Before Jerusalem] (Kaname Ishiguro) 247
Call for Papers for the Issue AY2022 (Volume 10) 252
Submission Guidelines 254
Regulation for Evaluating the Manuscripts 256
Editorial Note
第8号 2021年3月10日 HPI Journal Vol 8

Three Windows and Critical Peace/Nonviolence Research(Chaiwat SATHA-ANAND)5
〈特集論文 世界の平和と人間の安全保障に対する脅威〉
CSCE における「民主的平和」と「ウィーンの東」(玉井雅隆)37
Great Power Relations and Threats to the Liberal International Order(Haruko SATOH)53
Toward a Global Human Security Governance?: Progress, Problems, and Prospects(Sorpong PEOU)71
Global Threats to Peace and Human Security: Finding Regional Solutions to Transboundary Threats in Southeast Asia (Mely-CABALLERO ANTHONY and Margareth SEMBIRING)91
Transformation through Normalization: Delineating Justice in the Bangsamoro Peace Process(Raymond ANDAYA)133
投稿規程および審査規程 158
< A Window into Peace Studies >
Three Windows and Critical Peace/Nonviolence Research(Chaiwat SATHA-ANAND)5
< Special Feature: Threats to Global Peace and Human Security>
The Changing Role of the World Health Organization: Finance, Network, and COVID-19(YAMAKOSHI Yuta)13
“Democratic Peace” and “East of Vienna” at the CSCE (TAMAI Masataka)37
Great Power Relations and Threats to the Liberal International Order(Haruko SATOH)53
Toward a Global Human Security Governance?: Progress, Problems, and Prospects(Sorpong PEOU)71
Global Threats to Peace and Human Security: Finding Regional Solutions to Transboundary Threats in Southeast Asia
< Research Article >
Japan’s Rejection of the Role of a Military Power in the Manila Speech: Focusing on Takeo Fukuda’s Diplomatic Idea(IHARA Nobuhiro)113
Transformation through Normalization: Delineating Justice in the Bangsamoro Peace Process(Raymond ANDAYA)133
Author Guidelines 158
The Editors’ Notes
第7号 2020年3月20日 HPI Journal Vol 7

負の遺産の保存と継承 (藤本黎時) 5
〈特集論文 アジアの安全保障〉
The Emerging Security Landscape in Southeast Asia (Narayanan GANESAN) 25
The Regional Security System in East Asia: The Dilemma of the US-Japan Security Alliance(吉川 元) 43
残留日本兵とメディア――小野田寛郎元少尉の帰還をめぐって (永井 均) 61
戦後日本における「平和国家」・「平和憲法」論の形成――戦後直後における知識人の平和論を中心に(河上暁弘) 93
Martin Niemöller and the History of Anti-Nuclear Pacifism in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-1984 (Benjamin ZIEMANN) 117
日朝学生交流にみる北朝鮮の学生たちの変化 ――「南北コリアと日本のともだち展」の取材ノートより (渡辺夏目) 133
山崎雅弘著『歴史戦と思想戦――歴史問題の読み解き方』集英社新書、2019年 (上村英明) 159
マーク・カプリオ著『植民地朝鮮における日本の同化政策 1910~1945年』 クオン、2019年 (髙橋優子) 165
投稿規程及び審査規程 170
< A Window into Peace Studies >
Preservation and Progression of the Unfavorable Legacy of Past Deeds(FUJIMOTO Reiji) 5
< Special Feature: Security in Asia >
The Emerging Security Landscape in Southeast Asia(Narayanan GANESAN) 25
The Regional Security System in East Asia: The Dilemma of the US-Japan Security Alliance(KIKKAWA Gen) 43
< Research Article >
Japanese Army Stragglers and the Media: The Return of Former Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda from the Philippines(NAGAI Hitoshi) 61
Formation of “Peace Nation” and “Peace Constitution”: Theories in the Post-War Japan(KAWAKAMI Akihiro) 93
< Special Report >
Martin Niemöller and the History of Anti-Nuclear Pacifism in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950-1984(Benjamin ZIEMANN) 117
Changes of Attitudes of North Korean Students in the Students Exchange Program between Japan and North Korea(WATANABE Natsume) 133
< Book Review >
Masahiro Yamazaki, War of History and War of Thought(UEMURA Hideaki) 159
Mark Caprio, Japanese Assimilation Policies in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945(TAKAHASHI Yuko) 165
Author Guidelines 170
The Editor’s Notes
第6号 2019年3月18日 HPI Journal Vol 6

ある活動の精神史的記録――どこまで行けるか(植木研介) 5
〈特集論文 人権問題〉
Southeast Asia’s Human Rights Crisis: When Illiberal States meet weak National Human Rights Commissions(Marco Bünte) 21
Denarrating Japan’s Gendered and Raced Citizenship in Okinawa: A Transnational Plurality of Uchinanchu(Ayano Ginoza) 45
現代日本における「上下」からの差別と排外主義――朝鮮学校への差別、ヘイトスピーチ・ヘイトクライムと国連の是正勧告(朴金優綺) 65
包括的核実験禁止条約機関準備委員会の機能展開とその限界(石神輝雄) 81
朝鮮半島平和体制への転換点と日朝関係(石坂浩一) 105
Akerke Sultanova, Living in a Nuclear Test Site: The Present of Kazakhstan’s Semipalatinsk(Almas Dissyukov)(アケルケ・スルタノヴァ『核実験地に住む―カザフスタン・セミパラチンスクの現在』花伝社、2018年) 119
星野栄一他著『沖縄平和論のアジェンダ―怒りを力にする視座と方法』法律文化社、2018年(池上大祐) 121
投稿規程及び審査規程 128
< A Window into Peace Studies >
A Record of Psychological Changes and Activities: How far I can go(Kensuke Ueki) 5
< Special Feature: Human Rights Issues >
Southeast Asia’s Human Rights Crisis: When Illiberal States meet weak National Human Rights Commissions (Marco Bünte) 21
Denarrating Japan’s Gendered and Raced Citizenship in Okinawa: A Transnational Plurality of Uchinanchu(Ayano Ginoza) 45
Discrimination and Xenophobia from Above and Below in Contemporary Japan: Hate Speech and Hate Crime against Korean Schools and UN Recommendations (Wooki Park-Kim) 65
< Research Article >
Evolving Functions of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization(CTBTO) and Its Limitation(Teruo Ishigami) 81
Tipping Point to the Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula and Korea-Japan Relations(Koichi Ishizaka) 105
< Book Review >
Akerke Sultanova, Living in a Nuclear Test Site: The Present of Kazakhstan’s Semipalatinsk(Almas Dissyukov) 119
Eichi Hoshino et al.,The Agenda of Okinawa Peace Theory(Daisuke Ikegami) 121
Author Guidelines 108
第5号 2018年3月15日 HPI Journal Vol 5

北東アジアの核・ミサイル危機をどう見るか――平壌訪問を踏まえて(水本和実) 5
〈特集論文 核問題を巡る諸相〉
The Visible and the Invisible when Considering Northern European Permanent Spent Fuel Storage: Forsmark and Onkalo (Robert Jacobs) 13
ドイツ連邦議会における核兵器の撤去,核兵器共有政策の放棄に関する議論(1983-2017年)(津崎直人) 35
中国における原子力開発利用の社会史――「核」と「電」の争い(劉 晶) 55
強制的国際立憲主義の問題点と非武装平和主義の展望――カント,ハーバーマスと日本国憲法第9 条の政治哲学(田邉俊明) 81
投稿規程及び審査規程 108
< A Window into Peace Studies >
On the Issue of the Nuclear and Missile Crises in Northeast Asia: Reflections on my Short Visit to Pyongyang(Kazumi Mizumoto) 5
< Special Feature: Various Aspects of Nuclear Issues >
The Visible and the Invisible when Considering Northern European Permanent Spent Fuel Storage: Forsmark and Onkalo(Robert Jacobs) 13
The Debate in the German Bundestag over the Removal of US Nuclear Weapons and the Abandonment of the Policy of Nuclear Sharing (1983-2017)(Naoto Tsuzaki) 35
Social History of Nuclear Power Development in China(Liu Jing) 55
< Research Article >
Problems of Compulsory International Constitutionalism and the Prospect of Unarmed Pacifism: The Political Philosophy of Kant, Habermas and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution(Toshiaki Tanabe) 81
Author Guidelines 108
第4号 2017年3月15日 HPI Journal Vol 4

難民・国内難民と内戦と(長有紀枝) 5
〈特集論文 難民と内戦〉
北欧をめざすアラブ系「移民/難民」――再難民化する人々の意識と移動モデル(錦田愛子) 13
北朝鮮の脱北者の法的地位――国際法の観点から(孫 賢鎮) 35
Assessing Civil Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Thailand(Narayanan Ganesan) 57
核兵器の違法性に関する考察――不必要な苦痛禁止原則を中心として(石神輝雄) 79
日本における東京裁判研究の動向――回顧と展望(永井 均) 99
吉川元・水本和実編『なぜ核はなくならないのかII』法律文化社、2016年(戸崎洋史) 113
投稿規程及び審査規程 118
< A Window into Peace Studies >
Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, and Non-international Armed Conflicts(Yukie Osa) 5
< Special Feature: Refugees and Non-international Armed Conflicts >
Repeated Migration of Refugees from the Middle East: Dynamics and Perception of Arab Migrants-refugees to the Nordic Countries(Aiko Nishikida) 13
Legal Status of Defectors from DPRK: From the View Point of International Law(Son Hyun Jin) 35
Assessing Civil Conflicts in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Thailand(Narayanan Ganesan) 57
< Research Note >
A Study of the Illegality of the Use of Nuclear Weapons: From the Perspective of the Principle of Unnecessary Suffering(Teruo Ishigami) 79
< Research Trends >
A Historiography of Recent Research Trends on the Tokyo War Crimes Trial(Hitoshi Nagai) 99
< Book Review >
Gen Kikkawa and Kazumi Mizumoto eds., Why We Can’t Eliminate the Nuclear Weapons? II(Hirofumi Tosaki) 113
Author Guidelines 118
第3号 2016年3月15日 HPI Journal Vol 3

原爆70年――医師が見た非人道的結末(朝長万左男) 5
The Problem of the “Real”: Representation and Sanctification in the Hiroshima Museum(Ran Zwigenberg) 15
広島市街地における原爆記念物の時間と空間(田川 玄) 37
2015年NPT再検討会議――核廃絶決議との相関性から見て(福井康人) 55
グローバル政治の焦点としてのウクライナ紛争――国家性・地域機構・地政学(湯浅 剛) 75
日本の平和博物館とヒバク情報(竹本真希子) 91
投稿規程 104
< A Window into Peace Studies >
The 70th Anniversary of the A-Bombs: Inhumane Consequences as Viewed by a Medical Doctor(Masao Tomonaga) 5
< Article >
The Problem of the “Real”: Representation and Sanctification in the Hiroshima Museum(Ran Zwigenberg) 15
Time and Space in A-Bomb Memorials in Hiroshima City(Gen Tagawa) 37
2015 NPT Review Conference: Coherence with the Nuclear Disarmament Resolutions(Yasuhito Fukui) 55
The Ukrainian Conflict as a Focal Point of Global Politics: Stateness, Regional Organizations and Geopolitics(Takeshi Yuasa) 75
< Research Note >
Museums for Peace: Peace Museums and Information on Radiation Exposure in Japan(Makiko Takemoto) 91
Submission Guidelines 104
第2号 2015年3月16日 HPI Journal Vol 2

戦争と戦後の時代を生きて(葉佐井博巳) 5
〈特集論文 ビキニ水爆被災の諸相〉
特集に寄せて(高橋博子) 19
キャッスル作戦とマーシャル諸島の人びと(豊﨑博光) 21
ビキニ事件・原水禁署名運動から60年――過去(1953~54年)、そして現在(丸浜江里子) 47
Anthropogenic Fallout: The Bravo Test and the Death and Life of the Global Ecosystem(Robert Jacobs) 77
Intra-state Conflicts: Can the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Play a Role?(Ramses Amer) 97
金正恩体制下の北朝鮮――核と拉致問題を中心に(孫 賢鎮) 123
憲法9条訴訟と平和的生存権(河上暁弘) 149
平和博物館から見る自治体の「平和」とヒバク情報(竹本真希子) 185
投稿規程 192
< A Window into Peace Studies >
Memories of My Experience during the War and After(Hiromi Hasai) 5
< Special Feature: Reconsidering the Castle Bravo Incident >
Bravo Research: An Introduction for the Special Feature(Hiroko Takahashi) 19
Operation Castle and Its Effect on the Marshal Islands(Hiromitsu Toyosaki) 21
The Bravo Test and the Citizen Petitions for the Nuclear Test Ban: Reflections after 60 Years(Eriko Maruhama) 47
Anthropogenic Fallout: The Bravo Test and the Death and Life of the Global Ecosystem(Robert Jacobs) 77
< Article >
Intra-state Conflicts: Can the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Play a Role?(Ramses Amer) 97
North Korea under the Kim Jong-Un Regime: Perspectives on Nuclear and Abduction Issues(Son Hyun Jin) 123
A Study of the Theory of Constitutional Suits on the Right to Live in Peace in Post-War Japan(Akihiro Kawakami) 149
< Activity Report >
Peace Museum Studies on Relationships Regarding the Idea of “Peace” and Presentation of the Information on Radiation Disaster among Local Governments(Makiko Takemoto) 185
Submission Guidelines 193
第1号 2013年11月28日 HPI Journal Vol 1

広島平和研究所の再スタート(吉川 元) 3
〈特集 平和研究が直面する主要な課題〉
「核兵器のない世界」実現への展望(黒澤 満) 4
今日の正義・明日の平和――ジェンダー政治試論(福井治弘) 23
平和とは何か――だれのための平和、友好、そして援助なのか(吉川 元) 33
Consolidating Peace in Southeast Asia: Japan’s DPJ Government, JICA and the Epistemological Community(Lam Peng Er) 54
Peace and Conflict Drivers: Spillover and Mutual Reinforcement Between Traditional and Non-Traditional Security Paradigms(Brendan M. Howe) 84
Civil Society and Democracy: A Contested Companionship(Mark R. Thompson) 107
内閣法制局の憲法9条解釈(河上暁弘) 142
長崎の原爆被爆に関する研究史を巡る一考察――占領下の「復興」の問題に寄せて(桐谷多恵子) 157
編集後記 186