研究 Research
(1) 広島の歴史的体験を世界に伝えるとともに核兵器廃絶に向けた知的枠組みを構築する
(2) 「積極的平和」(J.ガルトゥングの言葉)の構築、および国際問題の解決に取り組む
(3) 広島から発信する平和学を構築し、新しい平和のパラダイムを探求する
さらに、外部研究者も参加できる「プロジェクト研究」制度を通じて、関連分野ではもちろん、分野横断的な共同研究と研究協力をはかることで、社会に貢献してまいりました。 研究成果は、研究所紀要『広島平和研究』をはじめとする各種出版物をウェブで公開するほか、近年では『平和と安全保障を考える事典』(2016年)、『なぜ核はなくならないのかⅡ――「核なき世界」への視座と展望』(2016 年)、『アジアの平和と核』(2018年)などの図書を刊行しています。
The basic concept of the HPI and the Graduate School of Peace Studies comprises three pillars: 1) communicating Hiroshima’s historical experience to people around the world, while establishing an intellectual framework toward the abolition of nuclear weapons; 2) working to achieve J. Galtung’s “positive peace” and to resolve global challenges; and 3) establishing peace studies to be disseminated from Hiroshima, in the quest for a new peace paradigm.
The research activities of our faculty members cover a wide range of fields such as nuclear issues, disarmament, human security, international relations, international law, foreign aid, politics / society / history of Asian countries, science and technology, environmental issues, peace movements, constitution, and media communication.
In addition, through the “research project” system, in which outside researchers can participate, we have contributed to society by conducting interdisciplinary academic joint research with deep research collaborations.
The outcome of the research that is published regularly is available digitally on our website: Hiroshima Peace Research Journal, HPI Booklet, and Hiroshima Research News. Additionally, our recent publications include Why We Can’t Eliminate Nuclear Weapons Ⅱ (2016), Encyclopedia for Peace and Security, and Peace (2016), and Nuclear Weapons and Governance Issues in Asia (2018).