1980年初頭のドイツにおける平和運動と平和思想 The German Peace Movement and Thoughts on Peace in the Early 1980s

English Below

1. プロジェクトの概要 

1950年代の「原爆死反対闘争」(Kampf dem Atomtod)で本格的に始まった西ドイツの反核平和運動は、1960年代の「復活祭行進」(Ostermarsch)を経て、1980年代にその全盛期を迎える。1981年10月10日にはボンで、米ソの核軍拡競争に反対する30万人の市民がデモを行ったが、これは当時ドイツ史上最大の平和デモとなった。この時期の平和運動は核兵器反対運動の枠を越え、東西ブロックの対立に反対し、のちの冷戦終結につながる運動となったのである。



研究の成果として、「平和運動──東西対立を越えて」(石田勇治・福永美和子/編『現代ドイツへの視座――歴史的アプローチ第1巻 想起の文化とグローバル市民社会』勉誠出版、2016年、337-356頁)を刊行した。

(竹本真希子 広島平和研究所講師)

2. プロジェクトの内容 


The German Peace Movement and Thoughts on Peace in the Early 1980s

1. Outline

The anti-nuclear movement in West Germany which first began in the late 1950s as the campaign “Kampf dem Atomtod” (Fight against Nuclear Death) developed into the “Ostermarsch” (Easter march) in the 1960s, then reached its culmination in the 1980s. On October 10, 1981, more than 300,000 people gathered and staged a historic demonstration against the Double-Track Decision in Bonn, which was the biggest peace demonstration up to that point in German history. It was this series of demonstrations that soon developed and went beyond the anti-nuclear issue to cover the antagonism between the Western and Eastern blocks, finally leading to the end of the Cold War. 

Until now the development of German peace movement has been analyzed mainly in relation to “new social movements” which brought about social changes to West Germany, such as the APO (Extraparliamentary Opposition), environmental movements and feminism. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to pacifism or the concept of “peace” at that time, and it has not been examined how the anti-nuclear movement has influenced thoughts on peace in Germany.

Considering this tendency, the project was aimed at analyzing the history of the German peace movement and thoughts on peace from a new perspective. In order to look at the anti-nuclear movements led by the people of West Germany and their consciousness of peace, a particular focus was put on the protest against the Double-Track Decision made by NATO in the early 1980s. The outcome of the project will be published as a book chapter entitled “Peace Movements: beyond the West-East antagonism.”

By Makiko Takemoto, Assistant Professor at HPI

2. Project Details

Term: March 4-19, 2010

Archive research was conducted in Bremen, Germany.