新介入主義の正統性と合理性 Legitimacy and Rationality of New-Interventionism

English Below

1. プロジェクトの概要 


2. 研究会開催経過

実施期間 : 2000年7月~2002年3月

第14回研究会(2001年12月14日)「OSCEの民主化戦略 ― 文明の衝突?」 依田 博(京都女子大学現代社会学部教授)「ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ復興開発に携わるアクターのCo-ordination」
 加瀬智子(プライスウォーターハウスクーパース フィナンシャル・アドバイザリー・サービス株式会社)
第13回研究会(2001年11月5日)「『テロリストに対する戦争』をめぐる諸問題とその意味」 篠田 英朗(広島大学平和科学研究センタ―助手)
「行財政面から見た国連PKO活動」 石原直紀(政策研究大学院大学オーラルヒストリー・プロジェクト事務局長)
「『新介入主義』概念の参照枠組み」 星野俊也 (大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科助教授)      
「国際平和協力法と新介入主義」 大河内昭博 (外務省国際平和協力室課長補佐)
第10回研究会(2001年8月23日)「JICAの平和構築に対する取り組み」 黒沢啓 (国際協力事業団企画・評価部環境・女性課課長)
 登丸求己 (玉川大学教授)
第9回研究会(2001年6月22日)「国連システムと人道的介入のメカニズム」 関薫子(国際連合事務局人道問題担当官)
「人道的介入の副産物:コソボにおけるクラスター爆弾問題」 長有紀枝(難民を助ける会専務理事・事務局長)
「NGOによる緊急人道支援活動 ― コソボのケース」  
「東ティモール現地調査報告」 星野俊也(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科助教授)
「現代国際社会と人道的干渉――国際紛争と国内紛争」 大澤麻衣子(九州大学大学院法学部博士課程1年)
「国際紛争に対する取材の現状――国際的な介入が実施されたボスニア紛争、コソボ紛争、東ティモールを例として」 土生修一(読売新聞東京本社国際部次長)
「コソヴォ及び東ティモールにおける政府の取り組みに関する一考察」 金杉憲治(外務省総合外交政策局総務課企画官)
「アフリカの食糧事情――旧宗主国の政治的介入の下での食糧援助」 松村裕幸(国連世界食糧計画日本事務所所長)
第3回研究会(2000年10月13日)「紛争地域における国際赤十字の救援活動」 中田晃(日本赤十字社国際部開発協力課課長)
「コソボ紛争介入と国際社会」 星野俊也(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科教授)

3. プロジェクトメンバー

星野俊也 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科助教授(プロジェクト・リーダー)
遠藤誠治 成蹊大学法学部教授
長有紀枝 難民を助ける会常務理事
金杉憲治 外務省北米局北米第二課長
篠田英朗 広島大学平和科学研究センター助手
柴田明穂 岡山大学法学部助教授
坪内淳  山梨大学教育人間科学部助教授
土生修一 読売新聞東京本社国際部次長
山田哲也 日本国際問題研究所研究員
水本和実 広島市立大学広島平和研究所助教授
秋山信将 広島市立大学広島平和研究所講師(コーディネーター)

Legitimacy and Rationality of New-Interventionism

1. Outline

The project team conducted a multidimensional evaluation of humanitarian intervention in domestic conflicts by international society, the source of much debate since the end of the Cold War. The project interpreted the relationship between humanitarian intervention and norms in international society, as well as the rationality of policy decisions, such as objectives, methods and the timing of intervention. It also drew conclusions about the universal legitimacy of such intervention, using case studies to explore two concepts – moral, legal and political legitimacy, and rationality.

It was necessary to analyze not only military intervention in the form of UN peacekeeping operations and multinational forces, but also intervention by a diverse collection of members of international society, such as aid and rescue programs involving NGOs and international organizations, and agenda setting by the media.

HPI’s research project assessed the validity of this new interventionism and the contribution Japan – through its government and citizens – has made to conflict resolution, by examining specific cases and comparing them with those in the post-Cold War era.

At project meetings, to have been held once a month in principle, members made presentations on their specific research fields. Non-member specialists in related fields, including journalists, policy makers and NGO members, were also invited to participate in discussions and give presentations. The project released a report in February 2003.  

* Hiroshima Peace Institute eds., Jindo kiki to kokusai kainyu: Heiwa kaifuku no shohosen (Yusindo, 2003) is now released as a result of the project report.

2. Term

    July 2000 – March 2002

3. Project Meetings 

15th Meeting (March 13-14, 2002)Reviewing manuscripts of final report of the project
14th Meeting (December 14, 2001)
“OSCE and Its Democratization Strategy: A Clash of Civilizations?” Hiroshi Yoda (Professor of Comparative Politics, Faculty for the Study of Contemporary Society, Kyoto Women’s University) “Co-ordination among Involving Actors on Post-Conflict Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina”     
Tomoko Kase (Pricewaterhouse Coopers Financial Advisory Services) 
13th Meeting (November 5, 2001)“The Issues and Implications of the ‘War against Terrorism'” Hideaki Shinoda (Research Associate, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University)  “The Situation of Afgan Refugees in Pakistan and Landmine Problems in Afganistan and Pakistan”  Yukie Osa (Secretary General, Association for Aid and Relief)
12th Meeting (October 15, 2001)
“Administrative and Financial Aspects of UN Peacekeeping Operations” Naoki Ishihara (Managing Director,C.O.E. Oral History Project, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) 
“Lessons from PKO in Cambodia and the Future of the Japanese PKO”    Hiroshi Hayashi (Ground Self Defense Force/Staff College Research Section Chief)
11th Meeting (September 18, 2001) “Terms of Reference with regard to the Concept of ‘New-Interventionism'” Toshiya Hoshino (Associate Professor, the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University)
“International Peace Cooperation Law and New-Interventionism”
Akihiro Okochi (Assistant Director, International Peace Cooperation Division, Ministry  of Foreign Affairs, Japan) 
10th Meeting (August 23, 2001)
“JICA’s Efforts Pertaining to Peacebuilding”  Satoru Kurosawa (Director, Global Issues Division, Planning and Evaluation Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency) 
“Tajikistan’s Conflict Resolution – Role of the UN”
“UN’s Support for the Post-Conflict Rebuilding in East Timor”    Motomi Tomaru (Professor, Tamagawa University Global Education Center) 
9th Meeting (June 22, 2001) “The Role of the United Nations in Responding to Humanitarian Crises ” Kaoruko Seki (Humanitarian Affairs Officer, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, United Nations <currently on special leave>) 
8th Meeting (April 12, 2001)
“By-product of humanitarian intervention: Cluster munitions deployed in Kosovo” Yukie Osa (Secretary General, Association for Aid and Relief) 
“Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of Peace Winds Japan: Kosovo’s Case” Hiroaki Ishii (External Relations, Tokyo Office, Peace Winds Japan)
7th Meeting  (February 27, 2001)
“Report of the Field Survey in East Timor” Toshiya Hoshino (Associate Professor, the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University)
“Intervention as International Law Enforcement?: Doctrinal Development in Japan”   Akiho Shibata (Associate Professor, International Law, Okayama University)
“Humanitarian Intervention in the Modern World: International Conflict or Internal Conflict” 
Maiko Ozawa (Ph.D.Candidate, Graduate School of Law, Kyushu University) 
6th Meeting (January 25, 2001)“Media Influence on the International Politics: Bosnia and Kosovo as Examples” Shuichi Habu (Deputy International Editor, International News Department, the Yomiuri Shimbun)
“Friction of Humanitarianism and National Interests in Refugee Relief Activities : Case of Italy’s ‘Missione Arcobaleno'”
Nobumasa Akiyama (Research Associate, Hiroshima Peace Institute)   
5th Meeting (December 22, 2000)“A study of the Japanese Government’s measures to cope with situation in Kosovo and East  Timor”
“What is New in the ‘New Interventionism’?: Legitimacy and Rationality of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia” Kenji Kanasugi (Senior Assistant for Policy Coordination, Foreign Policy Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Hideaki Shinoda (Research Associate, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University)
4th Meeting (November 24, 2000)“Food Situation in Africa: Food Assistance Under Circumstances of Political Intervention by Former Suzerain Power” Hiroyuki Matsumura (Director, World Food Program Office in Japan)
“Subregional Conflict Resolution by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): Intervention for Regime Security”   Takehiko Ochiai (Lecturer, Keiai University)
3rd Meeting (October 13, 2000)“Relief Operations by the International Red Cross in Areas of Conflict” Akira Nakata (Director of the International Relations Department, Japanese Red Cross Society)
“The Challenges and Dilemmas Facing UN Transitional Administration in East Timor”
Kenji Isezaki (District Administrator Suai(Cova Lima), Governance & Public Administration, UN Transitional Administration in East Timor)    
2nd Meeting (September 8, 2000)“Intervention in Kosovo Conflict and the Role of International Society” Toshiya Hoshino (Associate Professor, Osaka School of International Public Policy)
“East Timor and its Implications for Humanitarian Intervention”
Tetsuya Yamada (Research Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs)
1st Meeting (July 27, 2000)Brain Storming

4. Project Members

Project leader:   

  • Toshiya Hoshino, Associate Professor, the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University

Other members:

  • Seiji Endo, Professor, Faculty of Law, Seikei University
  • Yukie Osa, Secretary General, Association for Aid and Relief  
  • Kenji Kanasugi, Director, Second North America Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Hideaki Shinoda, Research Associate, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University 
  • Akiho Shibata, Associate Professor, International Law, Okayama University
  • Jun Tsubouchi, Associate Professor, Yamanashi University (International Relations)
  • Shuichi Habu, Deputy International Editor, International News Department, the Yomiuri Shimbun
  • Tetsuya Yamada, Research Fellow, The Japan Institute of International Affairs
  • Kazumi Mizumoto, Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute
  • Nobumasa Akiyama, Assistant Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute (coordinator)