吉川 元(特任教授)
US war crimes trial in Manila
SC 240071, SC-WW II, RG 111, National Archives at College Park, MD, USA
A Comprehensive Study of Peace and Governance in Asia
Gen, KIKKAWA (Specially Appointed Professor)
This research project is designed to clarify the structure of international relations and the governance of nuclear developing countries in Asia, where nuclear development is advancing, and to question the current institutionalization of regional governance in Asia and the role of nuclear weapons in Japan's security.
The end of the Cold War brought humanity out of the crisis of the threat of nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and the advent of a free and democratic global society based on the globalization of good governance standards was expected, but such expectations seem to have been dashed in the 21st century. On the contrary, today, people are facing a global crisis that transcends national borders and ethnic groups, as abnormal weather conditions caused by climate change occur in many parts of the world. On the one hand, there are moves to restructure the international order, such as the struggle for supremacy between the U.S. and China, and China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative, while on the other hand, regional integration is approaching a turning point, as symbolized by the U.K.'s withdrawal from the European Union.
In Asia, in particular, international peace and human security are facing a serious crisis. Asia has now become the center stage of the struggle for hegemony between China, which is becoming a military power, and the United States, and with the maritime security issue in the South China Sea and the worsening military tensions between China and Taiwan, it is difficult to foresee how things in Asia will go. Moreover, since the end of the Cold War, India, Pakistan, and North Korea have succeeded in developing nuclear weapons in rapid succession, plunging Asia more sharply into the "nuclear age. Particularly, the rise of military tensions on the Korean Peninsula due to North Korea's nuclear development has raised the specter of nuclear war in East Asia, where the three nuclear powers (the United States, China, and North Korea) are facing off. Additionally, human security is threatened in various parts of Asia, such as the oppression of the people in the totalitarian state of North Korea, the forced assimilation policy of the Xinjiang Uyghurs in the one-party dictatorship of China, Afghanistan and Iraq in turmoil after the failure of peace-building, and Myanmar where the military dictatorship has been restored. Why is nuclear weapon development proceeding in Asia? Why is militarization advancing and stable peace not taking root? Why have regional governance systems not been established?
It is hoped that the results of this research project will provide clues to the structure of the crisis in Asia, and help us to consider ways to establish regional governance systems that can balance international peace and human security.
▶︎第一回 プロジェクト研究会が開催されました。
講 師 :坂元 茂樹(神戸大学 名誉教授)
テーマ :「中国の人権問題を考える」
形 式 :オンライン(ZOOM)