徐 顕芬
Associate Professor
XU, Xianfen
History of Japan-China Relations, International Relations in East Asia, International Cooperation Studies



1. 浙江師範大学歴史学部卒業1993/07

2. 慶應義塾大学法学研究科政治学専攻修士課程修了2002/03

3. 早稲田大学政治学研究科政治学専攻博士課程単位取得満期退学2008/03


1. 早稲田大学政治経済学術院助手2006/04-2008/03

2. 早稲田大学アジア研究機構現代中国研究所客員講師2008/04-2012/03

3. 中国・華東師範大学歴史学部教授2012/04/-2017/03

4. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所准教授2017/04/-現在

Academic background

1. Zhejiang Normal University Bachelor Degree Graduated 1993/07

2. Keio University, Graduate School of Law Master Degree Graduated 2002/03

3. Waseda University, Graduate School of Politics Science, Doctorial Program completed 2008/03


1. Research Associate, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda Universty 2006/04-2008/03

2. Program-Specific Senior Lecturer, Waseda Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Waseda University 2008/04-2012/03

3. Professor, Department of History, East China Normal University 2012/04-2017/03

4. Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University 2017/04-present

研究テーマResearch Theme


My research subject is regional governance in East Asia. Through case studies on specific themes such as contemporary Chinese governance, contemporary China-Japan relations, East Asia security system, I explore the nature of regional governance and how it has been explored and built in East Asia. 

Focusing on the many challenges in building regional governance in traditional security areas, and there being a possibility of building regional governance in non-traditional security fields, we will analyze why the institutionalization of regional governance has not formed. 

Subsequently, we will consider how it is possible to build regional governance based on multifaceted confidence-building in the East Asian region.

大学生の皆さんへMessage to Students



When many things are uncertain, take a positive attitude. If you are not informed about a problem, read a book. If you have a problem, read a book and then write about the problem yourself. 

For our inner peace, regional stability, prosperity, and world peace and development, we must constantly explore.
