加藤 美保子
KATO, Mihoko
International Relations, Russia’s Foreign Policy, International Order in East Asia



1. 東京外国語大学外国語学部ロシア・東欧課程ロシア語専攻卒業 2001/03

2. 北海道大学大学院文学研究科歴史地域文化学専攻スラブ社会文化論専修修士課程修了 2005/03

3. 北海道大学大学院文学研究科歴史地域文化学専攻スラブ社会文化論専修単位取得退学 2011/03 (同年9月博士号取得)



1. 北海道大学スラブ研究センター新学術領域研究学術研究員・博士研究員 2009/04/01 – 2010/03/31

2. オックスフォード大学セント・アントニーズ・カレッジ、シニア・アソシエイト・フェロー 2011/08 – 2012/07

3. 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD 2014/04/01 – 2016/03/31

4. 人間文化研究機構総合人間文化研究推進センター研究員(北東アジア地域研究事業)として、北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター拠点へ出向(特任助教)2016/04/01 – 2021/03/31

5. 神奈川大学アジア研究センター客員研究員2016/10/01 – 2019/03/31

6. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所 講師 2021/04/01 – 現在


Academic background

1. B.A., Russian and East European Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 2001/03

2. M.A., History and Area Studies, Hokkaido University 2005/03

3. Ph.D., History and Area Studies, Hokkaido University 2011/09




1. Research Fellow (2009/04/01-2009/12/31) and Postdoctoral Fellow (2010/01/01 – 2010/03/31), Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University 

2. Senior Associate Fellow, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford 2011/08 – 2012/07

3. Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 2014/04/01 – 2016/03/31

4. Research Fellow, Area Studies project for Northeast Asia, National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) and Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Slavic Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University 2016/04/01 – 2021/03/31 

5. Visiting Fellow, Center for Asian Studies, Kanagawa University 2016/10/01 – 2019/03/31 

6. Lecturer, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University 2021/04/01 – present


研究テーマResearch Theme



I have been studying Russia’s foreign policy toward the Asia-Pacific region in the post-Cold War period from the perspectives of multilateral and bilateral relations. During my M.A., I began examining the Soviet Union and Russia’s policy and process to negotiate its participation in the Asia-Pacific regional cooperation framework (ASEAN, APEC), both in the field of security and economy. This work developed into my Ph.D. thesis, which explored the characteristics of Russia’s multilateralism and its relations with aspirations for a multipolar world order. In particular, I focused on the role of Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia in the global/regional order that Russia has sought.

It thus became clear that post-Soviet Russia had once strove to accept the U.S. led international order and co-create the rules of international relations to manage the post-Cold War world; however, this optimistic scenario was not sustainable. Under the Putin administration, Russia made the strategic choice to challenge the existing international order and reshape it to ensure its pre-eminence, especially in the neighbouring Eurasian space. From this perspective, my research interests expanded into two topics: 1) the restoration and strengthening of Russia’s bilateral relations with former Soviet friends/allies such as China, India, North Korea, and Vietnam in terms of shaping a new Eurasian international order and 2) the change in the interpretation of state sovereignty norms over the past fifteen years and its use in foreign policy since the 2010s.

大学生の皆さんへMessage to Students


“もしイギリスに宗派が一つしかなかったら、その専制は恐るべきものとなるだろう。もしも宗派がふたつなら、両派はたがいに喉を切り合うだろう。しかし、イギリスには宗派が三十もある。だから、みんな仲良く平和に暮らしているのである” *




When I think about what peace is, I remember the following words:

“If one religion only were allowed in England, the Government would very possibly become arbitrary; if there were but two, the people would cut one another’s throats; but as there are such a multitude, they all live happy and in peace.”*

Voltaire drew the lesson above from how people who believe in various religions rationally negotiate a common economic purpose while staying at the Royal Exchange in London in the early eighteenth century. To me, these words provide a clue to achieving an interfaith coexistence while maintaining differences in religions and customs. Actually, English society may have been overflowing with prejudice in that period. Even today, given the reality that ethnic conflicts, religious antagonism, and territorial disputes occur in every part of the world, I am inclined to think that tolerance is gradually declining both in human relationships and international relations. However, because of current situation, it must be worth asking what circumstances diminished tolerance and what are the conditions necessary to achieve peaceful coexistence.

There are various motives for going to graduate school. While some strive to develop a research theme chosen during undergraduate studies, others need to develop expertise to obtain a specific job. In any case, two years in the master’s course is a very short time to either prepare a master’s thesis or conduct a successful job search. To make your graduate student life fulfilling, please have a clear image of who you want to be in two years. Additionally, I do hope that students who enter the Graduate School of Peace Studies will find their own answer to how we can define the condition of “peace” and how to achieve this peace after completing the master’s course.

*Voltaire (1734) Lettres Philosophiques [Translated by Saito Yoshinori (2017) Tetsugakushokan]



Please visit my researchmap page for more details on my achievements.
