大芝 亮
Director of the HPI, Specially Appointed Professor
International Relations (Global Governance Studies)



1. 一橋大学法学部1976/03卒業

2. 一橋大学大学院法学研究科修士課程1978/03修了

3. 一橋大学大学院法学研究科博士課程1983/08中退

4. 米国イェール大学政治学博士課程1989/12修了



1. 上智大学法学部専任講師1983/10/01-1985/09/30

2. 上智大学法学部助教授1985/10/01-1987/03/31

3. 一橋大学法学部助教授1987/04/01-1994/03/31

4. オクスフォード大学St. Antony’s College客員研究員1991/04/01-1992/08/31

5. プリンストン大学Center for International Studies客員研究員1992/09/01-1993/03/31

6. 一橋大学法学部・法学研究科 教授1994/04/01-2006/03/31

7. 国立民族学博物館地域企画交流センター客員教授(併任)1997/08/01-2002/03/31

8. 国際日本文化研究センター共同研究員1998/04/01-2000/03/31

9. 一橋大学 評議員2004/04/01-2006/03/31

10. 一橋大学 国際・公共政策大学院 院長2006/04/01-2008/03/31

11. 一橋大学法学研究科・法学部法学研究科長・法学部長2008/04/01-2010/03/31

12. 一橋大学理事・副学長(総務・研究・国際担当)2010/12/01-2014/11/30

13. 青山学院大学国際政治経済学教授2015/04/01-2019/03/31

14. 青山学院大学国際センターセンター長2016/04/01-2019/03/31

15. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所教授2019/04/01-現在

16. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所所長2019/04/01-現在

Academic background

1. Hitotsubashi University Faculty of Law1976/03 Graduated

2. Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law1978/03 Completed

3. Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law Doctor course1983/08 Withdrawn before completion

4. Yale University Graduate School (Political Science) Ph.D. Program1989/12 Completed



1. Sophia University, Tokyo, Faculty of Law, Lecturer1983/10/01-1985/09/30

2. Sophia University, Tokyo, Faculty of Law, Associate Professor1985/10/01-1987/03/31

3. Hitotsubashi University, Faculty of Law, Associate Professor1987/04/01-1994/03/31

4. Oxford University St. Antony’s College, Visiting Scholar1991/04/01-1992/08/31

5. Princeton University, Center for International Studies, Visiting Fellow1992/09/01-1993/03/31

6. Hitotsubashi University, Department of Law, Professor1994/04/01-2006/03/31

7. National Museum of Ethnology, Japan Center for Area Studies, Visiting Professor1997/08/01-2002/03/31

8. International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Project Research Fellow1998/04/01-2000/03/31

9. Hitotsubashi University Councilor2004/04/01-2006/03/31

10. Hitotsubashi University, School of International and Public Policy, Dean2006/04/01-2008/03/31

11. Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of Law, Dean2008/04/01-2010/03/31

12. Hitotsubashi University, Vice-President for International Activities2010/12/01-2014/11/30

13. Aoyama Gakuin University, School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Professor2015/04/01-2019/03/31

14. Aoyama Gakuin University, International Center, Director2016/04/01-2019/03/31

15. Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University, Professor2019/04/01-present

16. Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University, Director2019/04/01-present

研究テーマResearch Theme

  1. 国際政治における非国家的アクターの役割と課題についての分析
  2. 国際政治理論の研究
  1. Non-state Actors in International Politics
    I have been interested in the role of non-state actors, including international organizations and NGOs, in international relations. I am now conducting an analysis of the United Nations, World Bank, and UNESCO.
  2. Global Governance Theory
    I have specialized in international theories, particularly global governance theory. I am now examining global governance theory including realist perspectives.

大学生の皆さんへMessage to Students

  1. 平和学への関心:一匹の迷える子羊を守るために
  2. 研究の姿勢:Cool Heads but Warm Hearts
  3. 研究の方法:理論+現場主義
  1. Motivation of Peace Research
    It is said that politics takes responsibility for 99 sheep while it is the role of religion to save the one stray sheep. Can a shepherd feel relaxed if it is the only one sheep that has strayed? Can we provide safety and security for 99 sheep while one sheep is missing? It is my motivation to engage in Peace Research. What is your motivation to be concerned with Peace Research?
  2. Attitude of the Research
    “Cool Heads but Warm Hearts,” is a famous statement by British Economist, Alfred Marshall. We should engage in analysis with a cool head, but the motivation of the research should be based in our warm heart. I expect you to carry out your research in accordance with this attitude.
  3. Method of the Peace Research: Field Work
    I expect you to learn various concepts/theories. Additionally, please engage in field workin the areas of the issues you take up. This will make it possible to connect the meaning of the concepts/theories to real world situations.
