アトムの道を巡る旅ーカナダ・グレートベア湖からヒロシマへ The Uranium Highway from Great Bear Lake, Canada to Hiroshima

English Below

2015年4月7日 HPI研究フォーラム

ピーター・C. ファン・ヴィク(コンコルディア大学教授


1. テーマ

2. 日時
 2015年4月7日(火) 18:00~20:00

3. 場所
 広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス セミナールーム2

 広島市中区大手町4-1-1 大手町平和ビル9階 (市役所本庁舎向い)

4. 講演の概要
カナダ北西部にあるグレートベア湖付近には、ウラン鉱山がある。カナダの先住民ディネが暮らすその人里離れた地域は、実は、マンハッタン計画、1945年の広島・長崎への原爆投下へと繋がる地でもある。カナダ人研究者ピーター・C. ファン・ヴィクとジュリー・サルヴァーソンは、ともに核時代の文化、物質、語りの歴史について研究しており、グレートベア湖から被爆地に繋がるこの長く複雑な道を「アトム(原子)の道」と呼ぶ。

5. 講師の略歴

コンコルディア大学(カナダ)コミュニケーション・メディア研究教授。文化・自然・環境・景観・記憶・廃棄物などを結ぶ理論的・実質的関係に長く関心を寄せる。著書にSigns of Danger: Waste, Trauma, and Nuclear Threat  (University of Minnesota Press, 2005)、Primitives in the Wilderness: Deep Ecology and the Missing Human Subject (State University of New York Press, 1997)などがある。カナダにおける原子爆弾のルーツを巡った近著The Highway of the Atom (McGill-Queens University Press, 2010)で2011年Gertrude J. Robinson Book Prizeを受賞。


       クイーンズ大学(カナダ)演劇専攻准教授。核に関する文化、トラウマ、歴史的記憶、倫理やその創造の産物などについての演劇や記事、エッセイなどを出版。原子爆弾を題材にした風刺チェンバーオペラ劇「シェルター」の作者。プロ・アマを問わず幅広い協力者とカリキュラムや作品の制作に取り組み、ワークショップやプレゼンテーションを行う。そこでは創造的な芸術のメソッドを用いてストーリーを共有し、コミュニティーの問題を分析、グループや組織内の困難な力関係に取り組む。2016年には“Lines of Flight: An Atomic Memoir”を出版予定。

HPI Research Forum on April 7, 2015

The Uranium Highway from Great Bear Lake, Canada to Hiroshima

By Peter C. van Wyck, Professor of Communication and Media Studies, Concordia University, and Julie Salverson, Associate Professor of Drama, Queen's University

The Hiroshima Peace Institute held an HPI Research Forum as follows:

 1. Topic
"The Uranium Highway from Great Bear Lake, Canada to Hiroshima"

2. Date and Time
April 7, 2015 (Tue.) 18:00-20:00

3. Venue
Seminar Room 2, Satellite Campus, Hiroshima City University
9F Otemachi Heiwa Building
4-1-1 Otemachi, Nakaku, Hiroshima

4. Abstract of the forum

Peter C. van Wyck and Julie Salverson will talk about their research and collaboration concerning the cultural, material and narrative histories of the atomic age. In particular they will speak about the long and complicated route – the highway of the atom, they call it – that connects a remote uranium mine on the shores of Canada's Great Bear Lake, the Dene whose home is that lake, the Manhattan Project, and the 1945 bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In a combination of scholarship, anecdote, opera performance and memoir, they will talk about their journey along this atomic highway.

5. Lecturers

Peter C. van Wyck is Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Concordia University in Montréal. He is an interdisciplinary scholar and writer with an abiding interest in the theoretical and practical relations between culture, nature, environment, landscape, memory and waste. His most recent book, The Highway of the Atom (McGill-Queens University Press) – winner of the 2011 Gertrude J. Robinson Book Prize from the Canadian Communication Association – is a theoretical and archival investigation tracing the origins of the atomic bomb in Canada’s North. In addition to a variety of articles, book chapters, critical reviews and creative texts, he is also author of Signs of Danger: Waste, Trauma, and Nuclear Threat (University of Minnesota Press, 2005), and Primitives in the Wilderness: Deep Ecology and the Missing Human Subject (State University of New York Press, 1997). His current projects concern global nuclear repositories, atomic media and the Anthropocene, apology, justice and the future.

Julie Salverson is a writer, scholar and community animator who has published plays, articles and essays about atomic culture, trauma, foolish witness, historical memory, ethics and the imagination. She is the librettist for Shelter, a cartoon chamber opera about the atomic bomb. She has worked extensively developing curriculum and arts work in professional/community partnerships and gives workshops and presentations using creative arts methods to share stories, analyze community issues and address difficult dynamics within groups and organizations.  She is developing resilience training for frontline service providers, including The Attachment Association of Canada and War Horse Awareness Foundation in Alberta. Julie is Associate Professor of Drama at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada and Adjunct Professor at The Royal Military College of Canada. Her book Lines of Flight: An Atomic Memoir will be published in 2016 by Wolsak and Wynn, Canada.