研究員の仕事 Members’ work

  • 2023.02.03


    Lecturer Kato gives an English public lecture entitled “Russia-Ukraine War and the non-Western Countries,” at the HCU Satellite Campus.

  • 2023.01.27

    ガネサン教授、HCUサテライトキャンパスで実施された『英語による市民講座』で、「ASEAN policy responses to military coup in Myanmar」と題して講義

    Prof. Ganesan delivers a lecture in English entitled “ASEAN policy responses to the military coup in Myanmar,” as part of the HPI English lecture series at the HCU satellite campus.

  • 2023.01.23


    Associate Prof. Makiko Takemoto gives a lecture on “German and Japanese Peace Movement” at a seminar for students from Kyungpook National University, held at Hiroshima City University.

  • 2023.01.18

    加藤講師、NIRA総合研究開発機構「日本と世界の課題2023」にコメント「非公式な同盟の浮上、日本は東アジアの紛争回避に責任を」を寄稿 https://www.nira.or.jp/paper/my-vision/2023/issues23.html

    Lecturer Kato contributes commentary entitled, “Emerging Informal Alliance? – Japan’s Responsibility to Avoid Conflict in East Asia,” to the website of Nippon Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA). [in Japanese]

  • 2023.01.07


    Associate Prof. Kawakami participates as a discussant in the public lecture series, “A Looming Crisis of Nuclear War and Us: A Quest for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Spread the Article 9, the Constitution of Japan in all the Countries of the World,” co-hosted by the Pugwash Japan, World Conference Religions for Peace Japan and International Peace Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin University, via Zoom.

  • 2023.01.06


    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a lecture titled, “The OSCE Common Security and the Issues of Transitional Justice,” at the Speakers Series of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo.

  • 2023.01.05


    Prof. Ganesan conducted a field research trip to Singapore and Thailand to interview academics, policy makers and members of the Myanmar diaspora for a research project on ASEAN responses to the military coup in Myanmar.

  • 2022.12.19

    加藤講師、北海道大学スラブ・ユーラシア研究センター境界研究ユニット主催セミナー“Central Asia and Southeast Asia Exploring the Dynamics of Greater Engagement” で、ラングシマポーン・パラドーン博士(タイ外務省)の報告に討論者として登壇(オンライン)

    Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant for a report presented by Minister-Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Dr. Rangsimaporn Paradorn, at the seminar “Central Asia and Southeast Asia Exploring the Dynamics of Greater Engagement,” organized by UBRJ, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, via zoom.

  • 2022.12.16


    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a keynote lecture titled, “World Affairs and Peace in 2022,” at the Hiroshima Korea Forum 2022, co-hosted by Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hiroshima and the Hiroshima Peace Institute. ▽Prof. Okimura presents a paper titled, “Energy Issues in Japan and Korea in the Face of the War in Ukraine,” at the same Forum, held in Hiroshima.

  • 2022.12.09


    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a paper entitled, "The Road to Annexation of Crimea—The formation of Logic of Irredentism," at the Meeting for the study of International Relations, at Sophia University, Tokyo.

  • 2022.11.27


    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a paper entitled, "OSCE Common Security and SSR," at 2022 Autumn Conference of Peace Studies Association of Japan.

  • 2022.11.11

    ジェイコブズ教授、米国ニューオーリンズで開催された技術史学会の年次大会にて、「When is a “Test” Actually an “Attack”? Cold War Nuclear Testing and Downwind Fallout Clouds」と題して報告(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a paper titled, “When is a “Test” Actually an “Attack”? Cold War Nuclear Testing and Downwind Fallout Clouds,” to the of the Society for the History of Technology annual conference in New Orleans, USA, via Zoom.

  • 2022.11.09


    Specially appointed Prof. Sato presents a brief lecture on the United Nations and peace as part of an interview by a student at Nagoya University Affiliated Lower Secondary School who visited the Hiroshima Peace Institute, via Zoom.

  • 2022.11.09


    Profs. Oshiba, Kikkawa, Jacobs, Nagai, and Takemoto, participate in interviews by students of Nagoya University Affiliated Lower Secondary Schools on the International Understanding and Peace Study Tour, at Hiroshima City University.

  • 2022.11.05


    Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant, at the plenary session of the 2022 annual convention of the Japan Association for Russian and East European Studies “Russia-Ukraine Relations and the World.”

  • 2022.11.05


    Associate Prof. Kawakami delivers a presentation titled, “The Peace Policy and Naoki KOBAYASHI’s Constitutional Theory,” at a workshop supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP 20K01283, at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto.

  • 2022.11.05

    ガネサン教授、オーストラリア国立大学クロフォード公共政策大学院のウェブサイト「East Asia Forum」に、論文「ロシア製武器とミャンマーへの影響」が掲載

    Prof. Ganesan publishes an article titled, “Russian Arms and Influence in Myanmar,” at the East Asia Forum, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.

  • 2022.10.29


    Lecturer Kato presents a paper entitled, “Europe’s Fault Lines Growing in the Post-Cold War Era: From the Perspective of Russia’s Multilateral Diplomacy,” at the Russia and Eastern European studies section I of the 2022 annual convention of the Japan Association of International Relations.

  • 2022.10.28


    Associate Prof. Shijo presents an online lecture titled, “Narratives of A-bomb Damage in Yukaku,” at the Study Group for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B): “Reconstruction Discourse of A-bombed Cities” and Women, via Zoom.

  • 2022.10.27


    Associate Prof. Kawakami gives a lecture titled, “The Pacifism Provision of the Constitution of Japan and HIROSHIMA,” for students of Meito Senior High School visiting Hiroshima on a school excursion at the HCU.

  • 2022.10.19

    ジェイコブズ教授、シカゴ大学東アジア研究センターにて、単著『Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha』に関して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a book talk on his book, Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha, to the Center of East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago, via Zoom.

  • 2022.10.07


    Associate Prof. Xu presents a lecture titled, “On the 50th Anniversary of the Normalization of Japan China Diplomatic Relations,” to the students of School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences of Nagasaki University, via Zoom.

  • 2022.09.22

    ジェイコブズ教授、ポモナ大学ベントン美術館にて、単著『Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha』に関して講演(於:米国カリフォルニア州クレアモント)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a book talk on his book Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha at the Benton Art Museum of Pomona College, Claremont, CA, USA.

  • 2022.09.17


    Associate Prof. Shijo participates, as a discussant, in the first symposium of the Interdisciplinary Symposium on the World War II and its Long-term Effects in Japan 2022, Considering a Safe Space for Vulnerable People to Share their Experiences of the War, via Zoom.

  • 2022.09.16

    ジェイコブズ教授、ブリティッシュコロンビア大学の公共政策・世界情勢大学院および歴史学部にて、単書『Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha』に関して講演(於:カナダ・バンクーバー)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a book talk on his book, Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha to the School of Public Policies and Global Affairs and the History Department at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

  • 2022.09.04


    Prof. Okimura participates, as a discussant, at the first regular research meeting of the Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR) Graduate Students and Young Researchers Section, via Zoom.

  • 2022.09.01

    ジェイコブズ教授、芸術家エリン・オハラ・スラヴィック氏の作品(写真20点)に添えた詩20編が掲載された書籍『Toxic Immanence: Decolonizing Nuclear Legacies and Futures』がマギルクイーンズ大学出版局から刊行

    Prof. Jacobs publishes 20 poems in dialogue with 20 photographs by artist elin o’Hara slavick in the book, Toxic Immanence: Decolonizing Nuclear Legacies and Futures (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2022).

  • 2022.08.28


    Director Oshiba contributes an article based on an interview, “Japan’s Action Needed for Nuclear Disarmament,” to the Chugoku Shimbun.

  • 2022.08.21

    ジェイコブズ教授、広島で開催されたエコクリティシズム研究学会の年次大会で、「Slow-Motion Nuclear War」と題して基調講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs delivers a keynote lecture, “Slow-Motion Nuclear War,” to The Society for Ecocriticism Studies in Japan annual conference in Hiroshima, via Zoom.

  • 2022.08.09

    ジェイコブス教授、イギリスのイスラム系テレビ局の番組「The Scope」で、広島と長崎への核攻撃と核兵器の歴史について解説

    Prof. Jacobs is interviewed on the show The Scope, on British Muslim TV about the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the history of nuclear weapons.

  • 2022.08.03

    加藤講師、Akihiro Iwashita, Yong-Chool Ha, and Edward Boyle, eds., Geo-Politics in Northeast Asia (Routledge) に“Competing Sovereignty Regimes within Northeast Asia”を寄稿。[オープン・アクセス: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003288039]

    Lecturer Kato contributes an article entitled, “Competing Sovereignty Regimes within Northeast Asia,” to Akihiro Iwashita, Yong-Chool Ha, and Edward Boyle, eds., Geo-Politics in Northeast Asia (Routledge, 2022) [Open access: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003288039]

  • 2022.07.29


    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents a paper entitled, "OSCE Security Regime and Problems of Transitional Justice," at a public symposium entitled "The Outbreak of War in Ukraine and the Future of 'Common Security'" organized by the Subcommittee on International Politics of the Committee on Political Science, Science Council of Japan.

  • 2022.07.16

    竹本准教授、ソウル大学統一平和研究院主催の国際ワークショップPeace Studies in Asia: Seeking Sustainable Peace in Democracyにて「Peace Studies in Japan: Coevolution of Knowledge and Practice」と題して報告(オンライン)

    Associate Prof. Takemoto gives a paper titled, "Peace Studies in Japan: Coevolution of Knowledge and Practice," at the international workshop “Peace Studies in Asia: Seeking Sustainable Peace in Democracy,” organized by the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University, via Zoom.

  • 2022.07.16

    ガネサン教授、ソウル大学統一平和研究院主催の国際ワークショップPeace Studies in Asia: Seeking Sustainable Peace in Democracyにて東南アジアをテーマとしたパネルディスカッションの討論者として参加(オンライン)

    Prof. Ganesan serves as the discussant for a panel on Southeast Asia at the international workshop “Peace Studies in Asia: Seeking Sustainable Peace in Democracy,” organized by the Institute for Peace and Unification Studies, Seoul National University, via Zoom.

  • 2022.07.08


    Lecturer Kato contributes an article entitled, “Russian Invasion of Ukraine and Asia – Russia’s Military and Foreign Policy and the Future of International Order,” in Kazuko Kawamoto ed., Russian Invasion of Ukraine (Nippon Institute for Research Advancement).

  • 2022.07.02


    Professor Yamada gives a lecture entitled,  “Myths and Interpretations on the Use of the Atomic Bombs on Japan,”  as part of Hiroshima Peace Forum Lecture Series 2022 at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

  • 2022.06.27

    6月27日 - 29日、ガネサン教授、米国コーネル大学の教員の依頼により、多様性と民族の調和センター(ミャンマー)の55人の学生を対象にタイの政治と外交について講義(オンライン)

    Prof. Ganesan conducts an online course on Thai politics and foreign policy for 55 Myanmar students of the Centre for Diversity and National Harmony, Myanmar coordinated by a faculty at Cornell University in New York.

  • 2022.06.26


    Specially appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.25


    As a discussant, lecturer Kato comments to the keynote speakers in the symposium, “Considering the Future of Japan-South Korea Relations and the East Asian International Order in Hokkaido,” in Sapporo.

  • 2022.06.23

    加藤講師、アジア境界研究ネットワーク(ARBN)の第七回年次大会(中央大学校、韓国)の特別企画ラウンドテーブル“War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Asia”で“War in Ukraine and the Security in East Asia”と題して報告(オンライン)

    Lecturer Kato gives a presentation titled, “War in Ukraine and the Security in East Asia,” in the Special Roundtable, “War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Asia,” at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Asian Borderlands Research Network (ARBN) at Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea), via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.21


    Prof. Nagai attends the 692nd NHK International Broadcast Programs Council, held online.

  • 2022.06.20


    Associate Prof. Shijo contributes a book review entitled, "Creating and Passing Down War Experiences," in Journal for Sociology of Warfare, Vol.6 (June 2022): pp.275-278.

  • 2022.06.18


    Associate Prof. Xu presents a paper titled, “Chinese Peninsula Policy and Six-Party Talks,” at a meeting hosted by the research project of the East Asian Armistice Regime, via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.06

    6月6日 - 21日、ガネサン教授、米国コーネル大学の教員の依頼により、多様性と民族の調和センター(ミャンマー)の55人の学生を対象に公共政策の策定につ いて講義(オンライン)

    Prof. Ganesan conducts an online course on public policy formulation for 55 Myanmar students of the Centre for Diversity and National Harmony, Myanmar coordinated by a faculty at Cornell University in New York.

  • 2022.06.04


    Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant in the Russia-Ukraine War Seminar “Background and Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War,” co-hosted by the NPO Russian Far East Studies and the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.02

    吉川特任教授、ユネスコ・アフリカ地域能力開発国際研究所主催の平和教育研修Peace and Resilience Building in Education from Educational Policies and Course Perspectives: Experience from Japanにおいて 「東アジアの安全保障環境の現状と課題」と題して講義(オンライン)

    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents an online lecture entitled, ”Current Situation and Issues of Security in East Asian Countries,” at the Webinar for Peace and Resilience Building in Education from Educational Policies and Course Perspectives: Experience from Japan, by UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa.

  • 2022.06.01

    大芝亮特任教授、インタビュー記事「G7サミット ヒロシマへ 期待と注文」が『中国新聞』に掲載

    Specially appointed Prof. Oshiba contributes an article based on an interview, "G7 Summit in Hiroshima," to the Chugoku Shimbun: 26.

  • 2022.05.26

    ジェイコブス教授、東京・国際基督教大学のロータリー平和フェローに向け「The Global Hibakusha」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs delivers a lecture titled, “The Global Hibakusha,” to the Rotary Peace Fellows at International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan, via Zoom.

  • 2022.05.21

    ジェイコブス教授、ドイツ・ケルン大学にて開催された会議「Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Fukushima - Articulations of the Nuclear. The Case of Japan」に参加し、「The Passive-Aggressive Atom: Can Nuclear Reactors Be ‘Peaceful’?」と題する論文を発表(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs delivers a paper titled, “The Passive-Aggressive Atom: Can Nuclear Reactors Be ‘Peaceful’?” to the “Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Fukushima - Articulations of the Nuclear. The Case of Japan” conference at the University of Köln in Germany, via Zoom.

  • 2022.05.18


    Associate Prof. Takemoto attends a meeting of the International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future Committee, organized by the Youth Support Department of Hiroshima City Board of Education, via Zoom.