研究員の仕事Members’ work

  • 2021.12.20

    吉川特任教授、『国際問題』の巻頭エッセイ「人権と安全保障の相克」(No. 704、2021年12月、pp.1-4)を寄稿

    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa publishes an essay entitled, “Conflict between Human Rights and Security,” INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, No. 704, December 2021, pp.1-4.

  • 2021.12.15

    四條准教授、『証言 2021――ナガサキ・ヒロシマの声』に特集記事「原爆投下により公文書が焼失して残っていない?」(第35集、2021年12月、pp.18-22)を寄稿

    Associate Prof. Shijo publishes a featured article entitled, “Did the Official Documents Burn Down by the Atomic Bombing?” In, The Testimonies 2021: The Voice of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, vol.35 (December 2021): pp.18-22.

  • 2021.12.14

    沖村教授、 韓国世宗研究所が主催した2021日韓安保フォーラム「グローバル安保課題と日韓協力」にて「気候危機と国際制度」と題して報告(対面/オンラインのハイブリッド開催)

    Prof. Okimura presents a paper titled, "Climate Crisis and International Regimes," at the Japan-Korea Security Forum "Global Security Issues and Japan-Korea Cooperation," hosted by Sejong Institute, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.10

    竹本准教授、イタリア・ミラノのIULM大学で開催された国際会議「Trails of Peace Between History, Memory and Communication」に参加し、「Japanese Peace and Pacifism: a Comparative Study between Japan and West Germany」と題して報告(オンライン)

    Associate Prof. Takemoto presents a paper titled, “Japanese Peace and Pacifism: a Comparative Study between Japan and West Germany” to the international conference, “Trails of Peace Between History, Memory and Communication,” held at Università IULM in Milan, Italy, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.06


    Prof. Ganesan delivers a lecture entitled, "AUKUS and its Impact on ASEAN," at the 174th Diplomatic Roundtable meeting of the Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR) and the Council on East Asian Community (CEAC) in Tokyo, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.04


    Prof. Okimura serves as moderator for the panel discussion in an online symposium titled, “East Asia on the Move,” held by the Hiroshima Peace Institute and others, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.04

    ジェイコブス教授、ドイツのケルンで開催されたRedraw Tragedy展の一環として、「Nuclear Heritage: A Conversation in Art and Science」と題するドイツの芸術家Grit Ruhlandとの討論に参加(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs joins a dialogue with German artist Grit Ruhland, “Nuclear Heritage: A Conversation in Art and Science,” presented as part of the Redraw Tragedy exhibition, Köln, Germany, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.03

    ジェイコブス教授、スイスのジュネーブおよびオーストリアのウィーンで開催された国連ツアーガイドへの仮想ブリーフィングプログラムの一環として、「After Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Global Hibakusha and Cold War Nuclear Testing」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “After Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Global Hibakusha and Cold War Nuclear Testing,” as part of the Virtual Briefing Program for UN Tour Guides 2021, Geneva, Switzerland and Vienna, Austria, via Zoom.

  • 2021.11.30

    ガネサン教授、『Asian Journal of Peacebuilding』(Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.383-410) に「Democratic Deficits: Structural and Agency Factors in Myanmar’s Ethnic Peace Process during Regime Transition」の章を寄稿

    Prof. Ganesan publishes a chapter, “Democratic Deficits: Structural and Agency Factors in Myanmar’s Ethnic Peace Process during Regime Transition,” in Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Vol. 9, No. 2: 383-410.

  • 2021.11.29


    Associate Prof. Ha participates as a judge for the PR Awards Grand Prix, organized by the Public Relations Society of Japan.

  • 2021.11.27

    ジェイコブズ教授、第49回中・四国アメリカ学会年次大会で開催されたシンポジウム「Hiroshima, America, and Nuclear Legacies」の一環として、「Greenwashing Plutonium: Transforming US Nuclear Weapon Legacy Sites into Nature Preserves」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Greenwashing Plutonium: Transforming US Nuclear Weapon Legacy Sites into Nature Preserves,” as part of the “Hiroshima, America, and Nuclear Legacies” symposium presented to the 49th annual conference of the Chugoku-Shikoku Association of American Studies, Hiroshima, Japan, via Zoom.

  • 2021.11.22


    Prof. Mizumoto attends the Project for Dispatch, Interchange and Inherit “the Thought for Peace,” organized by the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum, as advisor to the five HCU students who participate in the program, held in Okinawa prefecture.

  • 2021.11.12


    Prof. Mizumoto attends a meeting for revising the Peace Education Program for the junior and senior high schools, organized by the Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education, held at Hiroshima City Education Center.

  • 2021.11.12


    Associate Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “The Pacifism Provision of the Constitution of Japan and HIROSHIMA,” to students of Meito Senior High School visiting Hiroshima on a school excursion at Hiroshima City University.

  • 2021.11.11


    Associate Professors Son and Takemoto held a discussion with students of Nagoya University Affiliated Lower Secondary Schools who were visiting Hiroshima, and on a school excursion at Hiroshima City University.

  • 2021.11.11


    Lecturer Kato contributes an article entitled, “Asia’s Security Architecture from the perspective of Russia,” in Akihiro Iwashita ed., Geo-Politics in Northeast Asia: Beyond Competition between the US, China, Japan and Russia (Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press, 2021) [in Japanese].

  • 2021.11.08


    Associate Prof. Ha participates as a judge for the PR Awards Grand Prix, organized by the Public Relations Society of Japan.

  • 2021.11.05


    Prof. Mizumoto attends a meeting for revising the Peace Education Program for the elementary school, organized by the Hiroshima Municipal Board of Education, held at Hiroshima City Education Center.

  • 2021.11.05


    Associate Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “Article 9, the Constitution of Japan and Peace,” to the Christian Aishin High School in Gotsu City, Shimane Prefecture.

  • 2021.10.31

    大芝亮教授、日本政治法律学会秋季研究大会において、ラウンドテーブル「安倍・菅政権とはなんだったか? 新政権に望むこと(国際政治の視点から)」に報告者として参加(オンライン)

    Prof. Oshiba participates in the Roundtable: Japan's Foreign Policy under the New Administration, at the Fall Convention meeting of the Japanese Association of Political and Legal Studies of Japan, via Zoom.

  • 2021.10.30


    Prof. Okimura participates, as a discussant, in the environment subcommittee at the 2021 Annual Convention meeting of the Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR), via Zoom.

  • 2021.10.29

    大芝亮教授、日本国際政治学会年次研究大会「Methodological Developments in the Studies of SDGs」部会に討論者として参加(オンライン)

    Prof. Oshiba participates, as a discussant, in the panel entitled, “Methodological Developments in the Studies of SDGs,” at the Annual Convention meeting of the Japan Association of International Relations (JAIR), via Zoom.

  • 2021.10.25


    Prof. Mizumoto gives a special lecture entitled, “Contributions for International Peace II,” at a training program for Level III Certified Nursing Administrators organized by and held at the Hiroshima Nursing Association.

  • 2021.10.23


    Prof. Mizumoto attends as councilor the regular meeting of board of councilors of the Hiroshima Jogakuin School Cooperation, held at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.

  • 2021.10.22

    ジェイコブズ教授、英国クイーンズ大学ベルファストおよびロンドン大学歴史学研究所が共同開催したTroubling Anniversaries Conferenceで、「Nuclear Memory Effects: Remembering Hiroshima and Forgetting Fukushima」と題して基調講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents the keynote talk titled, “Nuclear Memory Effects: Remembering Hiroshima and Forgetting Fukushima,” to the Troubling Anniversaries Conference, held jointly by Queen’s University Belfast and the Institute of Historical Research of the University of London, via Zoom.

  • 2021.10.20

    ジェイコブス教授、フィンランドのトゥルクで開催されたNordic Summer University Summer Session 2021: Culture and the Impending Ecocatastropheに、「Locating Authority in Envisioning Nuclear Markers」と題して報告(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a paper titled, “Locating Authority in Envisioning Nuclear Markers,” to the Nordic Summer University Summer Session 2021: Culture and the Impending Ecocatastrophe, in Turku, Finland, via Zoom.

  • 2021.10.20


    Prof. Ganesan presents a lecture titled, "Political Developments in Southeast Asia," to the Estoril Political Forum, Lisbon, Portugal. via Zoom.

  • 2021.10.18


    Prof. Mizumoto attends the meeting of “Hiroshima for Global Peace” Plan Promotion Committee, organized by Hiroshima Prefecture, held online.

  • 2021.10.16


    Prof. Nagai gives a lecture entitled “The A-bombing and Reconstruction in Hiroshima,” at the “Hiroshima Peace Forum” organized by the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation at the Memorial Hall of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

  • 2021.10.08


    Prof. Mizumoto attends the working group meeting of the “Round-Table for Strengthening the Base Function of Hiroshima,” held at Hiroshima City Hall.

  • 2021.10.06


    Associate Prof. Xu presents a lecture, “Sino-Japanese Relations in Asia,” to the students of the School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences of Nagasaki University, via Zoom.

  • 2021.09.30


    Associate Prof. Kawakami contributes an article titled, “The Era of the COVID-2019 Pandemic Crisis and the Constitution of Japan,” to Ho no Kagaku (Science in Law) Vol.53 (30 September 2021).

  • 2021.09.30


    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato’s case law commentary, “Status of Member States of International Organizations: International Tin Council Case” (in Japanese), published in Leading Cases in International Law (3rd ed., Koichi Morikawa et. al. eds., Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd., 2021).

  • 2021.08.31


    Associate Prof. Shijo presents an online lecture titled, “Where is ‛The Boy of Cremation Site’ Going: Building of Collective Memories of Atomic Bomb Damage Seen in Photographs,” at the Society for Nagasaki Atomic Bomb History.

  • 2021.08.31


    Associate Prof. Shijo co-edits a book, Seventy-five Years after the Atomic Bombing: Tracing Records and Memories of Nagasaki, Association to Document the Postwar Histories of the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing (Shoshi Tsukumo, 2021). The book was co-edited with, Katsuya Kinaga, Yusuke Kusano, Takeshi Shinki, Maika Nakao, and Yamaguchi Hibiki.

  • 2021.08.19


    Lecturer Kato gives a lecture titled, “Introduction to Russia’s Foreign Policy Studies,” in the summer school organized by the Japan Association for Russian and East European Studies.

  • 2021.08.11

    ジェイコブス教授、英国アイアンブリッジで開催された英国被曝退役軍人協会の年次会議で、「The history of military thought about radioactive fallout as an intentional weapon effect in warfare」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture, “The history of military thought about radioactive fallout as an intentional weapon effect in warfare,” to the annual conference of the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association in Ironbridge, UK, via Zoom.

  • 2021.08.07


    Prof. Mizumoto gives a lecture on, “The Inhumanity of Nuclear Weapons and the Inhumanity of the War,” to high school students attending “Future Leaders' Program for Global Peace,” organized by Hiroshima Prefecture, held online.

  • 2021.07.24

    ジェイコブズ教授、創価大学平和問題研究所主催の核兵器禁止条約の履行に焦点を当てたセミナーの一環として、「Being present with the past and the future at nuclear weapon test sites: a challenge for TPNW effectiveness」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture on, “Being present with the past and the future at nuclear weapon test sites: a challenge for TPNW effectiveness,” as part of the ongoing series of seminars focused on the implementation of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons at Soka University in Tokyo, Japan, via Zoom.

  • 2021.07.19


    Associate Prof. Shijo contributes an article based on an interview, “Importance of historical materials to supplement the A-bomb experience,” to the Chugoku Shimbun.

  • 2021.07.18

    佐藤特任教授、論文「グローバル化する国際社会における国際法秩序と非国家アクター――国際法協会での取組経験を主な素材として――」が、岩沢雄司・岡野正敬編集代表『国際関係と法の支配 小和田恆国際司法裁判所裁判官退任記念』(信山社、2021)に掲載

    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato’s article, “International Legal Order and Non-State Actors in the Globalized International Society: An Analysis of a Work Experience at the International Law Association” (in Japanese), printed in, International Relations and the Rule of Law: Festschrift for Judge Owada Hisashi in commemoration of his retirement from the International Court of Justice (Iwasawa Yuji and Okano Masataka eds., Shinzansha Publisher Co., Ltd, 2021).

  • 2021.07.08


    Prof. Mizumoto attends the 3rd meeting on the Peace Declaration organized by the City of Hiroshima, held at the Hiroshima City Hall.

  • 2021.07.05

    ジェイコブズ教授、Google Meetを介して、インドの西ベンガル州マルダにあるグルバンガ大学で「The global hibakusha and post-Cold War nuclear humanities」と題して講演

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “The global hibakusha and post-Cold War nuclear humanities,” at the University of Gour Banga in Malda, West Bengal, India, via Google Meet.

  • 2021.06.20


    Specially Appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, held online.

  • 2021.06.18

    ジェイコブス教授、リトアニアのビリニュスで開催されたAtomic Heritage ConferenceにZOOMを介して参加し、「Still violent: The ambiguous legacies of nuclear power plants」と題して報告

    Prof. Jacobs participates in Atomic Heritage Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania online and presents a paper titled, “Still violent: The ambiguous legacies of nuclear power plants,” via Zoom.

  • 2021.06.11


    Prof. Mizumoto attends the 2nd meeting on the Peace Declaration organized by the City of Hiroshima, held at the Hiroshima City Hall.

  • 2021.06.06


    Associate Prof. Ha participates in the Japan Society for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication 2021 Spring Conference as a moderator of the symposium, “The Media Structure of Discrimination?: The Public Sphere in the Age of SNS.”

  • 2021.05.31

    ガネサン教授、Helene Maria Kyed 編、『Everyday Justice in Myanmar: Informal Resolution and State Evasion in a Time of Contested Transition 』の書評を『International Quarterly for Asian Studies』(Vol. 52、2021年、pp.153-157)に寄稿

    Prof. Ganesan contributes a review of Helene Maria Kyed (ed.), Everyday Justice in Myanmar: Informal Resolution and State Evasion in a Time of Contested Transition, in International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Vol. 52, Spring 2021: 153-157.

  • 2021.05.30


    Associate Prof. Son presents a lecture, “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons from a Regional Perspective,” at the forum on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons hosted by the City of Hiroshima, supported by the HPI.

  • 2021.05.15


    Specially Appointed Prof. Oshiba, Director, gives a Commemorative Lecture entitled, “Global Governance Theories,” as a winner of “Contemporary Political Science Award” at the Spring Convention of the Japanese Association of Political and Legal Studies of Japan.