戦後「平和憲法」理論の形成・展開・課題 The Formation, Development and Issues of “Peace Constitution” Theory in Postwar Japan

English Below

1. プロジェクトの概要





(河上暁弘 広島平和研究所講師)

2. 研究会及び基調講演者 

(1) 2010年3月24日(水)東京
清水睦 中央大学名誉教授(1930年生まれ)
(2) 2010年3月25日(木)川崎 
小林直樹 東京大学名誉教授(1921年生まれ)
(3) 2010年3月26日(金)東京
杉原泰雄 一橋大学名誉教授(1930年生まれ)
(4) 2010年3月29日(月)札幌
深瀬忠一 北海道大学名誉教授(1927年生まれ)
(5) 2010年3月30日(火)札幌
太田一男 酪農学園大学名誉教授(1935年生まれ)

The Formation, Development and Issues of “Peace Constitution” Theory in Postwar Japan

1. Outline

After World War II, the Constitution of Japan (often called the “Peace Constitution”) was promulgated, of which the Preamble and Article 9 are known as “positive pacifist” articles. Since then, the study of the “Peace Constitution” has developed in academic circles.

For the present project, the author organized a research group, inviting pioneering researchers who have contributed to the development of “Peace Constitution” theory in Japan. We held a series of five workshops from March 24 to 30, 2010, at each of which one of the five researchers gave a presentation, providing insightful perspectives and evaluations as well as raising issues relating to the “Peace Constitution.” While the author participated in all of the workshops as a coordinator, there were also two additional speakers: Hiroshi Ando, a former professor at the Strategic Peace and International Affairs Research Institute, Tokai University; and Eiji Ohga, a citizens groups organizer and former secretary to a member of the House of Representatives.

The five workshops will be transcribed in order to produce research materials. They may further be published in the form of journal articles or a book in order that the valuable knowledge can be disseminated to as many people as possible.

By Akihiro Kawakami, Assistant Professor at HPI

2. Workshops and Guest researchers

1) March 24, 2010 (Tokyo)
Mutsumi Shimizu (b. 1930), Prof. Emeritus at Chuo University

2) March 25, 2010 (Kawasaki)
Naoki Kobayashi (b. 1921), Prof. Emeritus at University of Tokyo

3) March 26, 2010 (Tokyo)
Yasuo Sugihara (b. 1930), Prof. Emeritus at Hitotsubashi University

4) March 29, 2010 (Sapporo)
Tadakazu Fukase (b. 1927), Prof. Emeritus at Hokkaido University

5) March 30, 2010 (Sapporo)
Kazuo Ohta (b. 1935), Prof. Emeritus at Rakuno Gakuen University