ヨーロッパ安全保障共同体の経験――北東アジア共同体構築への教訓として Experience of the European Security Community: Lessons for Building a Northeast Asian Community

English Below

孫 賢鎮(准教授)


ヨーロッパでは多国間安全保障協力体制が早くから構築され、地域の平和と安定した国際関係の構築、民族関係の和解、人間の安全保障のための人権尊重の原則の確立、これらの諸問題の解決を目的とする多国間協議(対話)の場、軍事的信頼関係の構築を目的する信頼醸成措置(CBMs)を実現することができた。その結果、1975年に欧州安全保障協力会議で採択されたヘルシンキ宣言(Helsinki Declaration)は、国家主権の尊重、武力不行使、国境の不可侵、領土保全、紛争の平和的解決、内政不干渉など信頼醸成措置の促進などの安全保障や技術協力など推進を上げ、冷戦時代の東西対話に重要な役割を果たした。





Experience of the European security community-lessons for building a Northeast Asian community-

SON, Hyun Jin (Associate Professor)


In Europe, a multilateral security cooperation system was formed, and regional peace and stable international relations were established. The Declaration of Helsinki, adopted by the European Security Cooperation Council in 1975, played an important role for promoting confidence-building measures such as respect for national sovereignty, non-use of force, non-aggression on borders, territorial integrity, peaceful resolution of conflicts, and non-intervention within domestic affairs. Since the Declaration of Helsinki, Europe had been successful in preventing military conflicts because of the delicacy of military relations and the inability to prepare for large-scale war.

On the other hand, despite the development of economic interdependence in Northeast Asia, a cooperative multilateral security guarantee system has not been established. Especially in this region, there are various problems such as nuclear developments in North Korea, history issues between Japan and South Korea, the China-Taiwan relations problem, and the territorial problems between countries. The purpose of this project is to examine the achievements, challenges and historical background of the confidence-building measures in Europe, and to obtain frameworks for contributing to the formation of a security community in Northeast Asia.


Analyze related papers and reports to examine the background, achievements, and issues of CSCE/OSCE. Visit the OSCE organization and related research institutes, and prepare reports by collecting data and interviewing experts. We will also consider how Germany’s central role in European politics and political changes have influenced the development of the European security community.


Participated in expert meeting: Japan-Korean relations and legal issues in the Korean Peninsula (2019.11.23, Hosei University)
Participated in OSCE Permanent Council, visited OSCE Secretariat and Conflict Prevention Centre to conduct expert interviews (2020.3.4-3.6)
Visit to Center for Korean Studies, Free University Berlin (2020.3.11)