小林直樹(1921年10月3日 ― 2020年2月8日)は、日本国憲法第9条が規定する非武装・非軍事の平和方式を、単なる人類的理想であるとか、あるいは敗戦を経験した日本国民が二度と戦争に巻き込まれたくないという厭戦感情を表明したものとしてのみ位置づけるのではなく、核時代・地球時代の現代においては、軍事的安全保障方式と比較して、国民の生命を守り人類共滅を回避する上で、相対的優位性を持った「現実的」な政策であるとして一貫して支持し、その理念を実現する政策論を提起してきたことでも知られています。
第 1章 小林直樹の戦争・軍隊体験―戦争の実態と旧帝国軍隊の特質
第 2章 「8・15」と新憲法の制定
第 3章 小林直樹の先行研究と平和・民主主義論
第 4章 戦後民主主義の試練(逆コース・日米安保条約)
第 5章 激動の1970年代と憲法平和主義・憲法訴訟
第 6章 1980年代の憲法状況と憲法政策としての平和
第 7章 地方自治と市民自治型民主主義
第 8章 冷戦後の憲法状況と21世紀の課題
The Issues of Peace, Democracy, and Local Self-Government in Post-War Japan: Towards Dialogue with Naoki KOBAYASHIʼs Constitutional Theory
Edited by Akihiro Kawakami,
Published in June 2022 by Keibundo
ISBN 978-4-7670-0250-7
Book Description
In this book, the author, Akihiro KAWAKAMI (Professor of HPI) held a “dialogue” with Naoki Kobayashi regarding the theories he presented about the Constitution. This book presented historical and structural discussions about the issues of peace, democracy, and local self-government in post-war Japan, will trigger extensive research on Naoki Kobayashi’s studies of the constitution law.
Naoki Kobayashi (October 3, 1921―February 8, 2020), who was a very famous and brilliant constitutional scholar in Japan. Kobayashi consistently supported the peace policy based on demilitarization, which is stipulated in the Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan. Rather than considering that this policy reflected a merely humanistic and idealistic view or the antipathy to war embraced by the Japanese people who experienced defeat in World War II, Kobayashi regarded it as a realistic policy that had relative advantage over the a national security policy based on military systems, in protecting the lives of people and preventing the annihilation of humanity in this age of globalization and nuclear proliferation. Based on this view, Kobayashi advocated strategies to realize his vision.
Kobayashi, one of the leading constitutional scholars of post-war Japan, provided lectures on constitutional law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo (called Tokyo Imperial University until 1947). He succeeded the classes given by Prof. Tatsukichi Minobe and Toshiyoshi Miyazawa. Kobayashi is known for his leadership in providing theoretical background for the movement in support of the current Constitution. As a researcher, in addition to the hermeneutics of the Constitution, he engaged in extensive studies concerning the principle theory of the Constitution (jurisprudence of the Constitution), dynamic analysis of the Constitution (constitutional sociology and constitutional politics) and constitutional policies.
In the book, It was discussed a wide variety of topics including the nature of military forces based on wartime and military experiences; the processes of the post-war democratization and formulation of the new Constitution; the issues of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty in 1960 and the case of the Sunagawa base lawsuit; the theory of popular sovereignty (including comments on controversies between Tomoo Odaka and Toshiyoshi Miyazawa, and between Yasuo Sugihara and Yoichi Higuchi); the issue of the emperor is the symbol of the state; lawsuits concerning the Self-Defense Forces, including the Naganuma Nike missile base case and Hyakuri base case, and right to live in peace; a vision of education as a human right based on the lawsuit regarding screening of the school textbook written by Saburo Ienaga and experiences of campus disputes; peace theory as a constitutional policy; theory on the Self-Defense Forces as unconstitutional but not illegal; theory on local self-government based on the experience related to the Kawasaki City Charter and Kawasaki Peace Museum; issues, including post-Cold-War international contribution, overseas dispatches of the Self-Defense Forces, amending of the Constitution, and global issues, including nuclear weapons, environmental destruction, and food and energy problems; and the concept of a World Federal Government.
Without pandering to authorities or social trends, Kobayashi consistently pursued accurate analysis of the present situation and sought the optimal ways to realize his visions. His studies of the Constitution can provide us with clues to overcome the present critical situation.