研究所の活動と成果HPI research projects and activities

研究員の仕事Members’ work

  • 2024.09.06


    Prof. Umehara presents an online-talk at “Hachidori-Sha,” a social book café in downtown Hiroshima, titled, “What We Can Tell from Successive Prime Ministers’ Speeches at Hiroshima/Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremonies.” via zoom.

  • 2024.08.14

    梅原教授、秋田魁新報27頁(社会面)の連載「ヒロシマからの問い 秋田戦後79年」第2回「生きているから伝える 被爆者の声」の記事にコメントが掲載

    Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in a feature series article of the Akita Sakigake Shimpo newspaper (a local daily in Akita prefecture) on the 79th anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing and survivors’ testimonies.

  • 2024.08.09

    梅原教授、毎日新聞(朝刊)3面「クローズアップ 伝わらぬ長崎の真意/原爆の日イスラエル除外 主要6カ国大使不参加」の記事にコメントが掲載

    Prof. Umehara’s comment appears in an article of the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper (morning edition, page 3) reporting about disputes surrounding Nagasaki City’s decision not to invite the Israeli ambassador to the 79th year memorial ceremony of Nagasaki Atomic Bombing, and the harsh reaction from ambassadors of 6 Western countries, led by the U.S., not to participate in the Nagasaki ceremony as a way to express their concern.

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