1. 立教大学文学部史学科1990/03卒業
2. 立教大学大学院文学研究科史学専攻博士前期1993/03修了
3. 立教大学大学院文学研究科史学専攻博士後期2002/03単位取得満期退学
1. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所助手 2002/04-2005/09
2. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所講師 2005/10-2010/03
3. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所准教授 2010/04-2016/03
4. 広島市立大学広島平和研究所教授 2016/04-
5. アテネオ・デ・マニラ大学アジア研究センター(ACAS)客員研究員 2016/06-2017/03
Academic background
1. Rikkyo University, College of Arts, Department of History 1990/03 Graduated
2. Rikkyo University, Graduate School of Arts, Graduate Program in History (Master’s Program), 1993/03 Completed
3. Rikkyo University, Graduate School of Arts, Graduate Program in History (Doctorial Program), 2002/03 Withdrawn after completion of required course credits
1. Research Associate, Hiroshima Peace Institute 2002/04-2005/09
2. Assistant Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute 2005/10-2010/03
3. Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute 2010/04-2016/03
4. Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute 2016/04-
5. Visiting fellow, Ateneo Center for Asian Studies (ACAS), Ateneo de Manila University 2016/06-2017/03
研究テーマResearch Theme
永井均教授は日本近現代史を専門とする歴史家である。第二次世界大戦とその後の日本・フィリピン関係史を中心に研究をしている。特に戦争体験とその記憶をめぐる日比両国民の相互認識、およびその社会的影響に強い関心を持っている。主な研究テーマには、戦争犯罪裁判(東京裁判とBC級戦犯裁判)や戦争捕虜、民間人抑留者の問題などがあり、『フィリピンと対日戦犯裁判 1945-1953年』(岩波書店、2010年)や『フィリピンBC級戦犯裁判』(講談社、2013年)、Transcultural Justice at the Tokyo Tribunal: The Allied Struggle for Justice, 1946-48 ([co-authored] Leiden: Brill, 2018) などの学術書を刊行してきた。近年は、新しい研究テーマとしてフィリピンにおける残留日本兵の研究に着手し、例えばルバング島の小野田寛郎元陸軍少尉ら残留兵の存在が、現地のコミュニティーや外交関係に与えた影響の考察に取り組んでいる。
Professor Hitoshi Nagai is a historian who specializes in modern Japanese history. He works on the history of World War II, focusing mainly on the Japanese occupation of the Philippines and its aftermath. He is particularly interested in the mutual perceptions and their recollections between Japanese and Filipinos about the war experiences, as well as their social and diplomatic impacts after the war in turn. His main research topics include the war crimes trials (Tokyo trial and B & C class war crimes trials), and the issue of the Allied prisoners of war and internees. He has published several scholarly books such as Firipin to Tainichi Senpan Saiban, 1945-1953 ([The War Crimes Trials and Japan-Philippines Relations, 1945-1953], Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2010), Firipin BC-kyu Senpan Saiban ([The B & C Class War Crimes Trials in the Philippines], Tokyo: Kodansha, 2013) and Transcultural Justice at the Tokyo Tribunal: The Allied Struggle for Justice, 1946-48 ([co-authored] Leiden: Brill, 2018). As part of a current project, he is conducting research on the Japanese army stragglers in the Philippines after the end of World War II such as former Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda on Lubang Island.
大学生の皆さんへMessage to Students
I have conducted field research not only in Japan but also in many countries such as the Philippines, United States and Europe for collecting primary sources about World War II. Why should I conduct archival research and interviews with participants in historical events in several countries? The reason is that World War II cannot be discussed from the perspective of Japan alone. It is also because I believe it is important to respect the “memories” of other countries, learn different perspectives and try to understand history from diversified viewpoints. History is a discipline that analyzes the background and causes of relations that occurred in the past, explains their context from a broader perspective based on evidence (materials), and attempts to explain their meaning. It can be said to be a reference axis and a tool for understanding not only the past but also the present and the future. In my lecture, I would like to share the historical methodology and support your research so that it will be powerful and engaged.