英マンチェスター大学、ダラム大学から研究者2名が来訪し意見交換 HCU/HPI welcomes Senior Lecturer of Manchester University (UK) and Professor of Durham University (UK)

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国際学部/研究科・紛争解決論の一環として特別講義をされた後、広島平和研究所にて大芝所長、永井副所長、沖村教授とともに、HPI Fellowship等今後の連携について意見交換を行いました。

Second from the left: Dr. Birte Vogel, third from the left: Dr. Roger MacGinty

HCU/HPI welcomes Senior Lecturer of Manchester University (UK) and Professor of Durham University (UK)

On May 8th, 2024, Dr. Birte Vogel of Manchester University (UK) and Dr. Roger MacGinty of Durham University (UK) visited Hiroshima City University (HCU) and the Hiroshima Peace Institute (HPI).

After presenting a special lecture as part of the “Conflict Resolution” course of the Faculty/Graduate School of International Studies, they visited HPI and exchanged opinions on future cooperation, such as the HPI Fellowship, with HPI Director Oshiba, Vice-Director Nagai and Prof. Okimura.