コロナ時代の日本国憲法と民主主義 The Constitution of Japan and Democracy in the COVID-19 Era

河上 暁弘(准教授)

English Below

*この記事は『Hiroshima Research News』59号に掲載されたものです。

















The Constitution of Japan and Democracy in the COVID-19 Era

KAWAKAMI, Akihiro (Associate Professor)

 *This article is from Hiroshima Research News #59.

Emergence of the novel coronavirus and the crisis of democracy

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been spreading throughout the world. The fact that the virus is invisible has added to people’s anxiety.

In these circumstances, people may feel too insecure about their own wellbeing to think of politics and issues of public concern, even feeling that the act of thinking itself is a burden. At times like this, people want to entrust everything to a strong leader. Recent years have seen the rapid emergence of authoritarian or populist leaders. The COVID-19 pandemic seems to be accelerating this dangerous trend.

Which is more important—freedom or security? This is an old question, but the fear of coronavirus can bring about excessive restrictions on freedom in the name of security. With regard to personal information, moreover, governments may collect and use personal data and location history using a smartphone app—even worse, such big data, combined with artificial intelligence (AI), may be used to identify potential criminals or generate each individual’s personal credit score, eventually leading to unfair discrimination or social exclusion.

In the future, governments may be unwilling to give up the ultimate authority they have obtained during the crisis and exceptional situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The public may also be willing to accept mass surveillance and government control to escape from fear and become insensitive to excessive restrictions on freedom. This creates a state of emergency that shakes the very foundations of democracy.

COVID-19 and constitutional rights

Article 13 of the Constitution of Japan stipulates the right to life and the right of people to be respected as individuals. Article 25 states that all people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living, and requires the government to promote and extend public health, etc.

The spread of COVID-19 infections poses a grave risk to the lives and health of the people, which can be treated similarly to a natural disaster from the standpoint of the law. Minimum restrictions exceptionally placed on the freedom of movement and business may be allowed for the sake of public welfare, as set forth in the Constitution—although unlimited restrictions cannot be allowed.

Rather, the problem is that the people’s right to life and health has not been guaranteed in terms of medical care, due to a poor PCR testing system for patients (including asymptomatic carriers and those with minor symptoms) and the central government’s medical expenditure reduction policy.

Moreover, the national government has called on people to refrain from leaving home or moving around and on businesses to refrain from operating without adequately providing compensation. The government’s requests for voluntary restraint have been acting virtually as a compulsory measure through peer pressure. However, if the government implements a policy of allowing the people to exercise self-control at their own discretion without providing any compensation, some people will continue to operate their business or attend work in order to make a living, thereby further spreading the coronavirus and eventually leading to more business failures and economic poverty. The government needs to understand that compensation will be an effective infection prevention measure and recognize that as a result of the recent neoliberal policies that have brought about an enormous number of non-regular employees and a larger wealth gap in society, there are many people who would have no home or food if they were unable to work. It is important to take measures from the perspective that “without compensation, there will be no voluntary restraints.”

It is also an urgent matter to design measures to provide support to cultural and artistic institutions guaranteeing the right to maintain the minimum standards of cultured living, as enshrined in Article 25 of the Constitution of Japan, and to ensure quality and affordable education, and guaranteeing the right to receive an equal education, as enshrined in Article 26 of the Constitution.

Whether it is necessary to revise the Constitution of Japan to create a provision for dealing with national emergencies

Some politicians within the government emphasize the importance of revising the Constitution to create a provision for dealing with national emergencies, saying that a state of emergency as declared under current Japanese law is not sufficient in responding to emergency situations. This means that it would be possible for the prime minister and the administration to suspend the Constitution and concentrate power into their own hands to fully and comprehensively limit citizens’ liberty and human rights (often without any compensation).

Such power belonging to the state could be easily used for an unintended purpose, and the period in which it would be used could be limitlessly extended. It would make it difficult for other state organs or the people to determine the appropriateness of the use of such state power and move to limit or stop it. Restrictions on freedom of the press and speech would deprive the people of opportunities to criticize.

Instead, we need to consider how the principles of the Constitution can be fully implemented within its present scope to ensure that human rights are guaranteed. When a voluntary ban or restrictions are imposed on movements or businesses, they should be implemented as an exceptional and minimal measure to safeguard the life and health of people, based on expert evidence and follow-up review, and they should also be accompanied by compensation.

In an era when anyone could become underprivileged or fall victim to the virus, it is necessary to think about how the most vulnerable people can be saved, rather than placing priority on state sovereignty or considering the law of the jungle or the issue of segmentation and isolation. The Constitution requires the state and its people to achieve a society and politics that respects individuals and enables them to work together and pressure the government if necessary, rather than a society and politics that sacrifices certain people for the benefit of the public. I believe that the principle of Articles 13 and 25 of the Constitution of Japan is that no one should be ill-treated.