21世紀の核軍縮 Nuclear Disarmament in the 21st Century

English Below

1. プロジェクトの概要 

 研究の成果は、2002年9月『21世紀の核軍縮――広島からの発信』として出版された。また、英語版は、Nuclear Disarmament in the Twenty-first Centuryとして、2004年に出版された。
 さらに、プロジェクトの一環として、2000年7月29日、海外の専門家を交えた国際シンポジウム「21世紀の核軍縮の課題」を、2001年7月28日には「どうなる、核廃絶の『明確な約束』?- 核の現状と日本の課題」を広島国際会議場にて開催した。

2. 研究会開催経過

実施期間 : 2000年4月~2002年3月

研究会報告書について 黒澤満(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科教授)
研究会報告書について 黒澤満(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科教授)
研究会報告書について 吉田修(広島大学法学部教授)
 水本和実(広島平和研究所助教授)  城忠彰 (広島修道大学法学部教授) 
研究会報告書について 黒沢満(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科教授)
研究会報告書について 梅林宏道(ピースデポ代表)
研究会報告書について 黒沢満(大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科教授)
「核軍縮におけるNGOの役割――日本を念頭におきながら」 梅林宏道(ピースデポ代表)
「ロシアの核政策について」 松井弘明(大東文化大学教授)
「中国の核戦力の発展過程と課題」 阿部純一(財団法人霞山会主任研究員)
「ミサイル防衛協力をめぐる日米間のパーセプション・ギャップ」  浦山香(東京財団研究事業部「同盟比較研究プロジェクト」 リサーチ・アシスタント)
「北半球における非核兵器地帯構想の動向――特に中央アジアを中心にして」 城 忠彰(広島修道大学教授)
「ロシアの核解体問題」 山内康英(国際大学グロ-バル・コミュニケ-ション・センタ-教授)
「中国の核問題」 飯塚央子(武蔵野短期大学非常勤講師)
「南アジアの核問題」 遠藤義雄(拓殖大学海外事情研究所助教授)
「イスラエルの核政策」 木村修三(姫路独協大学教授)
「米クリントン政権による北朝鮮へのRogue State Doctrine適用と撤回――ミサイル・核開発問題を中心として」 菱木一美(広島修道大学教授)
「核戦略と防衛兵器」 吉田文彦(朝日新聞論説委員)
「ブラジルの非核政策について」 高川定義(全国市町村国際文化研究所調査研究部長兼教授)
「非核政策と同盟 – 1980年代のオーストラリアとニュージーランドの事例を中心に」 上村直樹(広島市立大学国際学部助教授)
「2000年NPT再検討会議と核軍縮」(報告要旨) 黒沢満(大阪大学大学院教授)
「東京フォーラム報告書の残した課題」 水本和実(広島平和研究所助教授)

3. プロジェクトメンバー

黒沢満 大阪大学大学院国際公共政策研究科教授(プロジェクト・リーダー)
城忠彰 広島修道大学法学部教授
浅田正彦 京都大学法学部教授
吉田修 広島大学法学部教授
小柏葉子 広島大学平和科学研究センター助教授
上村直樹 広島市立大学国際学部教授
戸崎洋史 日本国際問題研究所 軍縮・不拡散促進センター研究員
神谷昌道 広島市立大学広島平和研究所特別研究員
水本和実 広島市立大学広島平和研究所助教授(コーディネーター)
秋山信将 広島市立大学広島平和研究所講師(コーディネーター補助)

Nuclear Disarmament in the 21st Century

1. Outline

HPI’s Project on Nuclear Disarmament in the 21st Century examined the prospects for nuclear disarmament in light of the outcome of the 2000 NPT Review Conference, held in New York from April 24 through May 19. The project was a continuation of the progress made at the Tokyo Forum for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.

At the project meetings, held once a month in principle, members gave presentations on their specific research fields. Non-member specialists in related fields, including journalists, policy makers and NGO members, were also invited to participate in discussions and give presentations. Specialists from overseas were asked to contribute occasional reports and written comment on workshop discussions.

The project team released a comprehensive report Nuclear Disarmament in the 21st Century: A Message from Hiroshima”(Japanese version) by Horitsubunkasha in September 2002, and “Nuclear Disarmament in the Twenty-first Century” (English version) in 2004.

As part of the project’s activities, HPI held international symposiums: “Nuclear Disarmament in the 21st century” on July 29, 2000, and “Where Does ‘Unequivocal Undertaking’ Stand? – The Current Situations and Japan’s Responsibilities in Eliminationg Nuclear Weapons” on July 28, 2001 at the International Conference Center in Hiroshima.

*Project Products

 “Nuclear Disarmament in the Twenty-first Century” (English version)

2. Term

   April 2000 – March 2002

3. Project Meetings

20th Meeting (March 22, 2002)“On the Report of the Project” Mitsuru Kurosawa (Professor, The Osaka School of International Public, Osaka University)
19th Meeting (March 5, 2002)“On the Report of the Project” Mitsuru Kurosawa (Professor, The Osaka School of International Public, Osaka University) 
Kazumi Mizumoto (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
18th Meeting (January 25, 2002)
“On the Report of the Project”  Osamu Yoshida (Professor, Hiroshima University) 
Kazumi Mizumoto (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
Tadaakira Joh (Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University)
17th Meeting (December 28, 2001)
“On the Report of the Project”
Mitsuru Kurosawa (Professor, The Osaka School of International Public, Osaka University)
Nobumasa Akiyama (Assistant Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
Kazumi Mizumoto (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
Masamichi Kamiya (Visiting Research Fellow, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
Masahiko Asada (Professor of Law, Kyoto University)
16th Meeting (November 12, 2001)
“On the Report of the Project”
Hiromichi Umebayashi (President, The Peace Depot, Inc.)
Mitsuru Kurosawa (Professor, The Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University)
“Review on Discussions and Voting Patterns of the First Committee of the 56th UN General Assembly”
Masamichi Kamiya (Visiting Research Fellow, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
15th Meeting (October 12, 2001)“On the Report of the Project”
Hirofumi Tosaki (Research Fellow, Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs)
Yoko Ogashiwa (Associate Professor, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University)
Masamichi Kamiya (Visiting Research Fellow, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
Kazumi Mizumoto (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
14th Meeting (September 14, 2001)“On the Report of the Project”
Mitsuru Kurosawa (Professor, The Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University)
Masamichi Kamiya (Visiting Research Fellow, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
13th Meeting (June 6, 2001)“The Role of NGOs in Nuclear Disarmament, with Special Interests in Japanese NGOs”
Hiromichi Umebayashi (President, The Peace Depot, Inc.)
“Denuclearization in the Southern Hemisphere: Prospects for Interregional Cooperation”
Yoko Ogashiwa (Associate Professor, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University)
12th Meeting (May 25, 2001)“On Russia’s Nuclear Policy”
Hiroaki Matsui (Professor, Faculty of International Relations, Daito Bunka University)
“Nuclear Issues in South African Foreign Policy”
Yoshihiko Fujimoto (Associate Professor, Hiroshima University of Economics)
11th Meeting (April 27, 2001)“Chinese Nuclear Arsenal : Its Build-up Process and Problems”
Junichi Abe (Senior Research Fellow, The Kazankai Foundation)
“US-Japan Perception Gap over Missile Defense Cooperation”
Kori Urayama (Research Assistant, The Tokyo Foundation)
10th Meeting (March 30, 2001)“Recent Movement toward the Establishment of Nuclear-Weapon Free Zones in the Northern Hemisphere”
Tadaakira Joh (Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University)
“Complexities of Nuclear Issues in North Korea: Non-proliferation, Containment, and Energy Supply”
Nobumasa Akiyama (Research Associate, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
9th Meeting (February 13, 2001)“Japanese Nuclear Security Cooperation with the CIS Countries: Present Situation and Prospect” Yasuhide Yamanouchi (Professor, Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan)
“Nuclear Development in China”
Hisako Iizuka (Lecturer, Musashino Junior College)
8th Meeting (January 26, 2001)“Nuclear Issue in South Asia – A View from Pakistan -“
Yoshio Endo (Assistant Professor, Institute of World Studies, Takushoku University)
7th Meeting (December 15, 2000)“Israel’s Nuclear Policy”
Shuzo Kimura (Professor, Himeji Dokkyo University)
“Overview of Nuclear Disarmament Negotiations at the United Nations and their Future Prospects”
Masamichi Kamiya (Visiting Research Fellow, Hiroshima Peace University)
6th Meeting (November 24, 2000)“Failure of ‘Rogue States’ Doctrine – From a viewpoint of Clinton Administration’s nuclear and missile policy toward North Korea”
Kazuyoshi Hishiki (Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University)
“Indian Nuclear Doctrine”
Osamu Yoshida (Associate Professor, Hiroshima University)
5th Meeting (October 20, 2000)“Nuclear Strategy and Defensive Weapons”
Fumihiko Yoshida (Editorial Writer, The Asahi Shimbun)
“Nuclear Policy and Non-nuclear Policy in Japan”
Kazumi Mizumoto (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
4th Meeting (September 29, 2000)
“Non-nuclear Policy in Brazil”
Sadayoshi Takagawa (Director-General for Research, Japan Intercultural Academy of Municipalities)
“Nuclear Weapons Control and Non-proliferation in the Middle East”
Hirofumi Tosaki (Research Fellow, Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs)
3rd Meeting (July 7, 2000)“Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Arms Control Policies in the United States”
Shinichi Ogawa (Chief of 1st Research Office, National Institute for Defense Studies)
“Non-nuclear Policy and Alliance – The Case Studies of Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s”
Naoki Kamimura (Associate Professor, Hiroshima City University)
2nd Meeging (May 26, 2000)“The 6th NPT Review Conference and Nuclear Disarmament”
Mitsuru Kurosawa (Professor, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University)
“An overview of the 6th NPT Review Conference”
Masamichi Kamiya (Visiting Research Fellow, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
1st Meeting (April 14, 2000)“Remaining task of the Tokyo Forum Report”
Kazumi Mizumoto (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)

4. Project Members

Project leader:

  • Mitsuru Kurosawa, Professor, the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University

Other members:

  • Tadaakira Joh, Professor of law, Hiroshima Shudo University
  • Masahiko Asada, Professor of law, Kyoto University
  • Osamu Yoshida, Professor, Hiroshima University
  • Yoko Ogashiwa, Associate Professor, Institute for Peace Science, Hiroshima University
  • Naoki Kamimura, Professor, Hiroshima City University