北東アジアの対立と協調――国内・地域間の連携分析 Contention and Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Analysis of Domestic-Regional Linkages

English Below

1. プロジェクトの概要 

(1) 冷戦後、特に90年代後半における北東アジアの地域安全情勢を特徴づけるものは何かを検証する。
(2) 各国の内政がいかに地域安全問題に連鎖しているかを検証するが、これについては各国の専門家にお願いする。
(3) この地域における安全保障協力をいかに育てるかを模索する。 

*本プロジェクトの成果は、Edward Friedman and Sung Chull Kim, eds., Regional Cooperation and Its Enemies in Northeast Asia (Routledge, 2006)としてまとめられ、出版された。

2. プロジェクトの詳細

・実施期間 : 2004年4月~2006年3月
・第1回ワークショップ : 2004年11月12~13日、広島
・第2回ワークショップ : 2005年5月26~28日、広島

3. プロジェクトメンバー

Leszek Buszynksi 国際大学教授 
T. J. Cheng ウィリアム・アンド・メアリー大学教授
Lowell Dittmer カリフォルニア大学バークレー校教授 
Edward Friedman ウィスコンシン大学教授 
Yong-Pyo Hong 漢陽大学助教授 
Lam Peng Er シンガポール国立大学東アジア研究所上級研究員
李大勲(Daehoon Lee) 参与連帯(PSPD)事務局次長 
Etel Solingen カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校教授 
杉田米行 大阪外国語大学助教授
鄧特坑(James Tang) 香港大学助教授 
和田春樹 東京大学名誉教授
金聖哲(Sung Chull Kim) 広島平和研究所助教授 (プロジェクトコーディネーター)

Contention and Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Analysis of Domestic-Regional Linkages

1. Outline

This research examines the problems that interfere with regional security cooperation. There have been many studies on how to build a multilateral institution in dealing with security issues of Northeast Asia. These previous studies were not based on extensive analyses of linkage problems between domestic politics of individual countries and the region as a whole. This project presumes that identifying the problems, deriving from different regime types and various perceptions on security issue, should precede the construction of a multilateral institutional mechanism.

In order to search for the ways and means of regional cooperation, it is necessary to explore the complex linkages between domestic politics and international issues.

(1) This project examines what characterizes the regional security situation in Northeast Asia in the post-Cold War era, particularly since the second half of the 1990s.
 – define Northeast Asia as a region for peace and identify requisites of the evolution of cooperation
 – characterize the regional security situation by examining contentious issues, tangled at both bilateral and multilateral levels

(2) The project mainly investigates how each country’s domestic politics is linked to regional security issues. This part will be assigned to the country experts.
 – explain each country’s perceptional context through which political leaders and the public interpret salient security issues in the region
 – illustrate change in domestic politics, especially in domestic coalitions, and its impact on regional contention and cooperation
 – explain the feedback loop from the policy choice to the recasting of the policy outcome into domestic political processes

(3) The project explores how to cultivate security cooperation in the region.
 – compare the cases of Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia on domestic-regional linkages
 – examine the relevance of existing dialogue channels for regional cooperation
 – assess the feasibility of the trans-national non-governmental cooperation
*Edward Friedman and Sung Chull Kim eds., Regional Cooperation and Its Enemies in Northeast Asia (Routledge, 2006) is now released as a result of the project report.

2. Project Details

Term: April 2004 – March 2006
1st workshop: Nov. 12-13, 2004, in Hiroshima
2nd workshop: May 26-28, 2005, in Hiroshima

3. Project Members

  • Leszek Buszynksi, Professor, International University of Japan 
  • T. J. Cheng, Professor, The College of William and Mary
  • Lowell Dittmer, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
  • Edward Friedman, Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison 
  • Yong-Pyo Hong, Assistant Professor, Hanyang University
  • Lam Peng Er, Senior Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
  • Daehoon Lee, Activist, Deputy Secretary of People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy
  • Etel Solingen, Professor, University of California, Irvine
  • Yoneyuki Sugita, Assistant Professor, Osaka University of Foreign Studies
  • James Tang, Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong  
  • Haruki Wada, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo 
  • Sung Chull Kim, Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute (Project Coordinator)