広島市立大学 広島平和研究所/編(法律文化社、2021年8月)
序章 広島発の平和学を目指して(大芝亮)
[第I部 広島とヒロシマを考える視座]
1章 広島における平和と学び(水本和実)
2章 広島への核攻撃と米国の政策、文化、生態系への影響(ロバート・ジェイコブズ)
3章 韓国人が見たヒロシマ(河炅珍)
4章 中国から見たヒロシマ(徐顕芬)
5章 日本による東南アジア占領統治と第二次世界大戦後の発展に与えた影響(ナラヤナン・ガネサン)
6章 ヒロシマとマニラ(永井均)
7章 ヒロシマの語られ方(竹本真希子)
[第II部 平和な世界を創造する手立て]
8章 朝鮮半島の分析と北東アジア安全保障の行方(孫賢鎮)
9章 欧州安全保障協力会議(CSCE)プロセスの再考(吉川元)
10章 気候危機を乗り越える国際制度(沖村理史)
11章 国際法秩序の変容と「武力行使禁止原則」の課題(佐藤哲夫)
12章 憲法九条と核兵器(河上暁弘)
※広島平和研究所教員一覧 https://www.peace.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp/faculty/
A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies: 13 Lectures on War and Peace [Hiroshima Hatsu no Heiwagaku]
Edited by the Hiroshima Peace Institute,
Published in August 2021 by Horitsu Bunka Sha
Book Description
More than 75 years have passed since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As the Hibakusha, the survivors of the A-bomb attacks, grow older it becomes essential to convey their memories and interpret their experiences to new generations. This urgency, alongside a fervent desire to work pragmatically towards a peaceful future, are the driving forces behind the publication of the new book, A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies [Hiroshima Hatsu no Heiwagaku].
The book consists of chapters contributed by the 13 professors at the Hiroshima Peace Institute of Hiroshima City University. These authors, from many countries and working in a variety of academic disciplines, approach their subjects fully cognizant that their work stems from an academic institute situated in the first A-bombed city, Hiroshima. From this common origin each works to analyze the significance and influence of the experiences of Hiroshima and the challenges we face to sustainable peacebuilding in today’s diverse international society, providing perspectives from multiple national and academic vantage points.
Each author approaches their topic with the following questions in mind. 1) What does the word “Hiroshima” symbolize? How is Hiroshima’s self-image shared, reflected or challenged in other countries? 2) Is it possible to maintain and achieve peace in a non-violent way, counter to the logic of “peace through power”? and 3) How can nuclear issues be perceived as global issues, including global environmental issues?
This book explores the conditions fundamental to building a peaceful world, reframing the lessons of A-bomb experiences of Hiroshima through multiple theoretical and national lenses, and diagnosing the factors that threaten human survival and dignity.
Table of Contents
Introduction: A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies (OSHIBA, Ryo)
PART 1: Multiple Perspectives on Hiroshima
Chapter 1 "Peace" and "Studies" in Hiroshima: An Analysis through Atomic Bombing Experience and Peace Education (MIZUMOTO, Kazumi)
Chapter 2 The Impact of the Hiroshima Nuclear Attack on U.S. Policy, Culture and Ecology (JACOBS, Robert)
Chapter 3 Korean Gaze on Hiroshima: Recognition Gap and Variations (HA, Kyungjin)
Chapter 4 China’s Perceptions of Hiroshima: From the Perspective of Foreign Policy (XU, Xianfen)
Chapter 5 The Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia and Its Impact on Post-WWII Developments (GANESAN, Narayanan)
Chapter 6 Hiroshima and Manila: Experiences and Memories of Loss in World War II (NAGAI, Hitoshi)
Chapter 7 How the World Learnt about Hiroshima: Knowledge Spread to West Germany (TAKEMOTO, Makiko)
PART 2: Means to Create a Peaceful World
Chapter 8 Analysis of the Korean Peninsula Issues and Perspectives on Northeast Asian Security (SON, Hyun Jin)
Chapter 9 Reconsideration of the CSCE (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) Process: The Power of International Norm and Institution for Peace Creation (KIKKAWA, Gen)
Chapter 10 International Regimes to Overcome Climate Crisis: Required Global Perspective and Cooperation (OKIMURA, Tadashi)
Chapter 11 Transformation of the International Legal Order and Challenges for the Prohibition of the Use of Force: Functions and Limits of the Fundamental Principle for Eradicating Wars (SATO, Tetsuo)
Chapter 12 Nuclear Weapon and the Constitution of Japan, Article 9 (KAWAKAMI, Akihiro)
HPI Faculty Members https://www.peace.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp/faculty/