研究員の仕事Members’ work

  • 2022.06.26


    Specially appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.25


    As a discussant, lecturer Kato comments to the keynote speakers in the symposium, “Considering the Future of Japan-South Korea Relations and the East Asian International Order in Hokkaido,” in Sapporo.

  • 2022.06.23

    加藤講師、アジア境界研究ネットワーク(ARBN)の第七回年次大会(中央大学校、韓国)の特別企画ラウンドテーブル“War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Asia”で“War in Ukraine and the Security in East Asia”と題して報告(オンライン)

    Lecturer Kato gives a presentation titled, “War in Ukraine and the Security in East Asia,” in the Special Roundtable, “War in Ukraine and Its Impact on Asia,” at the Seventh Annual Conference of the Asian Borderlands Research Network (ARBN) at Chung-Ang University (Seoul, Korea), via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.21


    Prof. Nagai attends the 692nd NHK International Broadcast Programs Council, held online.

  • 2022.06.20


    Associate Prof. Shijo contributes a book review entitled, "Creating and Passing Down War Experiences," in Journal for Sociology of Warfare, Vol.6 (June 2022): pp.275-278.

  • 2022.06.18


    Associate Prof. Xu presents a paper titled, “Chinese Peninsula Policy and Six-Party Talks,” at a meeting hosted by the research project of the East Asian Armistice Regime, via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.06

    6月6日 - 21日、ガネサン教授、米国コーネル大学の教員の依頼により、多様性と民族の調和センター(ミャンマー)の55人の学生を対象に公共政策の策定につ いて講義(オンライン)

    Prof. Ganesan conducts an online course on public policy formulation for 55 Myanmar students of the Centre for Diversity and National Harmony, Myanmar coordinated by a faculty at Cornell University in New York.

  • 2022.06.04


    Lecturer Kato participates as a discussant in the Russia-Ukraine War Seminar “Background and Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War,” co-hosted by the NPO Russian Far East Studies and the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, via Zoom.

  • 2022.06.02

    吉川特任教授、ユネスコ・アフリカ地域能力開発国際研究所主催の平和教育研修Peace and Resilience Building in Education from Educational Policies and Course Perspectives: Experience from Japanにおいて 「東アジアの安全保障環境の現状と課題」と題して講義(オンライン)

    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents an online lecture entitled, ”Current Situation and Issues of Security in East Asian Countries,” at the Webinar for Peace and Resilience Building in Education from Educational Policies and Course Perspectives: Experience from Japan, by UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa.

  • 2022.06.01

    大芝亮特任教授、インタビュー記事「G7サミット ヒロシマへ 期待と注文」が『中国新聞』に掲載

    Specially appointed Prof. Oshiba contributes an article based on an interview, "G7 Summit in Hiroshima," to the Chugoku Shimbun: 26.

  • 2022.05.26

    ジェイコブス教授、東京・国際基督教大学のロータリー平和フェローに向け「The Global Hibakusha」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs delivers a lecture titled, “The Global Hibakusha,” to the Rotary Peace Fellows at International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan, via Zoom.

  • 2022.05.21

    ジェイコブス教授、ドイツ・ケルン大学にて開催された会議「Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Fukushima - Articulations of the Nuclear. The Case of Japan」に参加し、「The Passive-Aggressive Atom: Can Nuclear Reactors Be ‘Peaceful’?」と題する論文を発表(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs delivers a paper titled, “The Passive-Aggressive Atom: Can Nuclear Reactors Be ‘Peaceful’?” to the “Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Fukushima - Articulations of the Nuclear. The Case of Japan” conference at the University of Köln in Germany, via Zoom.

  • 2022.05.18


    Associate Prof. Takemoto attends a meeting of the International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future Committee, organized by the Youth Support Department of Hiroshima City Board of Education, via Zoom.

  • 2022.05.17


    Prof. Nagai attends the 691st NHK International Broadcast Programs Council, via Zoom.

  • 2022.05.12


    Director Oshiba and Prof. Okimura welcome H.E. Mr. Stefan Haukur Johannesson, Ambassador of Iceland to Japan, and introduce him to the work of the HPI.

  • 2022.05.10

    永井教授、岩波書店から『フィリピンと対日戦犯裁判 1945-1953年』(岩波オンデマンドブックス)を刊行

    Prof. Nagai publishes The War Crimes Trials and Japan-Philippines Relations, 1945-1953 (on demand) from Iwanami Shoten.

  • 2022.05.05

    ジェイコブス教授、プリンストン大学のScience & Global Securityセミナーで、「Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha,” to the Science & Global Security Seminar at Princeton University, via Zoom.

  • 2022.04.23


    Associate Prof. Kawakami gives a lecture titled, “The Meaning of the Constitution of Japan in World History,” at the Niho Community Center.

  • 2022.04.19


    Prof. Nagai attends the 690th NHK International Broadcast Programs Council, held online.

  • 2022.04.17


    Specially appointed Prof. Sato attends the Board of Councilors of the Japanese Society of International Law, via Zoom.

  • 2022.04.15


    Lecturer Kato participates in a round-table talk on, “Where does this war come from and where does it go?” published in a special edition of journal Sekai.

  • 2022.04.07

    ジェイコブス教授、創価大学平和問題研究所発行の『創大平和研究』に「Being present with the past and the future at nuclear weapon test sites: a challenge for TPNW effectiveness」と題した記事を掲載

    Prof. Jacobs publishes an article titled, “Being present with the past and the future at nuclear weapon test sites: a challenge for TPNW effectiveness,” in the journal Soka University Peace Research.

  • 2022.03.30


    Specially appointed Prof. Oshiba publishes an article entitled, "Approaches to Global Governance, " Political and Legal Studies of Japan, no.4 (March 2022): 77-92.

  • 2022.03.29


    Specially appointed Prof. Sato presents a lecture titled, “From the viewpoint of International Law,” in a research forum titled, “Invasion of Ukraine: Russia, Humanitarian Crisis, International Law,” organized by the Hiroshima Peace Institute, via Zoom.

  • 2022.03.28


    Associate Prof. Takemoto gives a Zoom lecture on German and Japanese peace movements to Nagasaki Youth Delegation.

  • 2022.03.26

    ジェイコブス教授、米国ユージーンで開催された米国環境史学会の年次会議で、「The Pacific Ocean as a Radioactive Fallout Sink during the Cold War」と題した論文を発表(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a paper titled, “The Pacific Ocean as a Radioactive Fallout Sink during the Cold War,” at the annual conference of the American Society of Environmental History, Eugene, USA, via Zoom.

  • 2022.03.25


    Associate Prof. Shijo presents a lecture titled, “‛Inheritance of the Atomic Bomb Experience’ from Documentary Materials: Issues in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” at the meeting for jointly reviewing Seventy-five Years after the Atomic Bombing: Tracing Records and Memories of Nagasaki  at Hiroshima University.

  • 2022.03.19


    Lecturer Kato’s interview appears in the article, “Reaction of economic sanctions is worldwide,” published by AERA (March 28, 2022).

  • 2022.03.16

    竹本准教授、マイケル・D.ゴーディン/G.ジョン・アイケンベリー編、藤原帰一/向和歌奈監訳『国際共同研究 ヒロシマの時代』(岩波書店、2022年)でホルガー・ネーリング「戦争の記憶と広島の忘却──冷戦期の西ドイツにおける反核運動」の翻訳を担当

    Associate Prof. Takemoto translates the article “Remembering War, Forgetting Hiroshima: ‘Euroshima’ and the West German Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movements in the Cold War” by Holger Nehring in Kokusai Heiwa Kenkyu Hiroshima no Jidai, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2022, translation supervised by Kiichi Fujiwara and Wakana Mukai (Original Title is The Age of Hiroshima, edited by Michael D. Gordin and G. John Ikenberry, Princeton University Press, 2020).

  • 2022.03.16


    Prof. Jacobs participates in a round-table discussion on the topic, “Cities of Peace,” as part of the Global Media Festival 2022 hosted by Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA, via Zoom.

  • 2022.03.16

    加藤講師、中国新聞「露の核使用 可能性は 「恫喝戦略」リスクはらむ」にインタビュー掲載。https://www.hiroshimapeacemedia.jp/?p=117550

    Lecturer Kato’s interview appears in the article, “Possibility of Russia’s nuclear-weapon use: the risks of intimidation strategy,” published by the Chugoku Shimbun.

  • 2022.03.11


    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa publishes an essay entitled, ”Putin’s Perception of Security Crisis and Ukraine War,” for the Column and Commentary of International Relations and Area Studies at Ritsumeikan University.

  • 2022.03.07


    Associate Prof. Kawakami gives a lecture titled, “The Constitution of Japan and Our Lives,” hosted by the Article 9 Society Hiroshima for Childcare Workers, via Zoom.

  • 2022.03.06


    Lecturer Kato’s interview appears in the article, “Russia’s attack on the nuclear power plant is a blackmail, protest from the atomic bombed city Hiroshima,” published in the Asahi Shimbun.

  • 2022.03.03

    吉川特任教授、立命館大学国際地域研究所主催緊急ウェビナー「危機と世界 戦争・平和・勢力圏・民主主義」において「エスニック政治と侵略戦争」と題して報告

    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa presents an online lecture entitled, “Ethnic Politics and Military Aggression,” at the Webinar for Institute of International Relations and Area Studies at Ritsumeikan University.

  • 2022.03.03

    加藤講師、立命館大学国際地域研究所主催緊急ウェビナー「ウクライナ危機と世界 戦争・平和・勢力圏・民主主義」において「ロシアの視点から」と題して報告。

    Lecturer Kato gives a presentation titled, “Ukraine War from the standpoint of Russia,” in the webinar for Institute of International Relations and Area Studies at Ritsumeikan University.

  • 2022.02.23

    ジェイコブズ教授、成城大学グローカル研究センター主催の「In conversation with Prof Robert (Bo) Jacobs, author of Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha, Yale University Press」と題する講演会に参加(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs takes part in a book talk, “In conversation with Prof Robert (Bo) Jacobs, author of Nuclear Bodies: The Global Hibakusha, Yale University Press,” hosted by the Center for Glocal Studies at Seijo University, via Zoom.

  • 2022.02.16

    ジェイコブズ教授、英国サウスウェールズ大学のワークショップ「Ethics & Ethnography in Nuclear History」において「Nuclear fieldwork in the Global Hibakusha Project」と題して基調講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a Keynote lecture, “Nuclear fieldwork in the Global Hibakusha Project,” as part of the "Ethics & Ethnography in Nuclear History” workshop, University of South Wales, UK, via Zoom.

  • 2022.01.28

    ガネサン教授、「ミャンマーにおける2021年2月軍事クーデター 国内政治および外交政策への影響」と題して連続市民講座で講義(オンライン)

    Prof. Ganesan gives an English public lecture entitled "The 2021 military coup in Myanmar: Its impact on domestic politics and foreign policy."

  • 2021.12.20

    吉川特任教授、『国際問題』の巻頭エッセイ「人権と安全保障の相克」(No. 704、2021年12月、pp.1-4)を寄稿

    Specially appointed Prof. Kikkawa publishes an essay entitled, “Conflict between Human Rights and Security,” INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, No. 704, December 2021, pp.1-4.

  • 2021.12.15

    四條准教授、『証言 2021――ナガサキ・ヒロシマの声』に特集記事「原爆投下により公文書が焼失して残っていない?」(第35集、2021年12月、pp.18-22)を寄稿

    Associate Prof. Shijo publishes a featured article entitled, “Did the Official Documents Burn Down by the Atomic Bombing?” In, The Testimonies 2021: The Voice of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, vol.35 (December 2021): pp.18-22.

  • 2021.12.14

    沖村教授、 韓国世宗研究所が主催した2021日韓安保フォーラム「グローバル安保課題と日韓協力」にて「気候危機と国際制度」と題して報告(対面/オンラインのハイブリッド開催)

    Prof. Okimura presents a paper titled, "Climate Crisis and International Regimes," at the Japan-Korea Security Forum "Global Security Issues and Japan-Korea Cooperation," hosted by Sejong Institute, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.10

    竹本准教授、イタリア・ミラノのIULM大学で開催された国際会議「Trails of Peace Between History, Memory and Communication」に参加し、「Japanese Peace and Pacifism: a Comparative Study between Japan and West Germany」と題して報告(オンライン)

    Associate Prof. Takemoto presents a paper titled, “Japanese Peace and Pacifism: a Comparative Study between Japan and West Germany” to the international conference, “Trails of Peace Between History, Memory and Communication,” held at Università IULM in Milan, Italy, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.06


    Prof. Ganesan delivers a lecture entitled, "AUKUS and its Impact on ASEAN," at the 174th Diplomatic Roundtable meeting of the Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR) and the Council on East Asian Community (CEAC) in Tokyo, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.04


    Prof. Okimura serves as moderator for the panel discussion in an online symposium titled, “East Asia on the Move,” held by the Hiroshima Peace Institute and others, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.04

    ジェイコブス教授、ドイツのケルンで開催されたRedraw Tragedy展の一環として、「Nuclear Heritage: A Conversation in Art and Science」と題するドイツの芸術家Grit Ruhlandとの討論に参加(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs joins a dialogue with German artist Grit Ruhland, “Nuclear Heritage: A Conversation in Art and Science,” presented as part of the Redraw Tragedy exhibition, Köln, Germany, via Zoom.

  • 2021.12.03

    ジェイコブス教授、スイスのジュネーブおよびオーストリアのウィーンで開催された国連ツアーガイドへの仮想ブリーフィングプログラムの一環として、「After Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Global Hibakusha and Cold War Nuclear Testing」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “After Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Global Hibakusha and Cold War Nuclear Testing,” as part of the Virtual Briefing Program for UN Tour Guides 2021, Geneva, Switzerland and Vienna, Austria, via Zoom.

  • 2021.11.30

    ガネサン教授、『Asian Journal of Peacebuilding』(Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.383-410) に「Democratic Deficits: Structural and Agency Factors in Myanmar’s Ethnic Peace Process during Regime Transition」の章を寄稿

    Prof. Ganesan publishes a chapter, “Democratic Deficits: Structural and Agency Factors in Myanmar’s Ethnic Peace Process during Regime Transition,” in Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Vol. 9, No. 2: 383-410.

  • 2021.11.29


    Associate Prof. Ha participates as a judge for the PR Awards Grand Prix, organized by the Public Relations Society of Japan.

  • 2021.11.27

    ジェイコブズ教授、第49回中・四国アメリカ学会年次大会で開催されたシンポジウム「Hiroshima, America, and Nuclear Legacies」の一環として、「Greenwashing Plutonium: Transforming US Nuclear Weapon Legacy Sites into Nature Preserves」と題して講演(オンライン)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture titled, “Greenwashing Plutonium: Transforming US Nuclear Weapon Legacy Sites into Nature Preserves,” as part of the “Hiroshima, America, and Nuclear Legacies” symposium presented to the 49th annual conference of the Chugoku-Shikoku Association of American Studies, Hiroshima, Japan, via Zoom.