研究員の仕事Members’ work

  • 2020.05.27


    Prof. Mizumoto attends as councilor the regular meeting of board of councilors of the Hiroshima Jogakuin School Cooperation, held at Hiroshima Jogakuin University.

  • 2020.04.27

    河准教授、PR Table Community主催オンライン座談会「Withコロナ時代のPRについて話そう」に登壇

    Associate Prof. Ha participates in the online round table conference hosted by PR Table Community, “Let's Talk about Public Relations in Post Corona Era,” as a speaker.

  • 2020.04.01


    Prof. Sato becomes a Specially Appointed Professor at the HPI, Hiroshima City University.

  • 2020.03.20

    吉川特任教授、“The Regional Security System in East Asia: The Dilemma of the US-Japan Security Alliance”『広島平和研究』第7号、2020年3月、pp. 43-60を寄稿

    Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa contributes a paper entitled, “The Regional Security System in East Asia: The Dilemma of the US-Japan Security Alliance,” Hiroshima Peace Research Journal, Vol. 7, March, 2020, pp. 43-60.

  • 2020.03.20

    ガネサン教授、“The Emerging Security Landscape in Southeast Asia” 『広島平和研究』第7号、2020年3月、pp. 25-42を寄稿

    Prof. Ganesan publishes an article entitled, “The Emerging Security Landscape in Southeast Asia,” Hiroshima Peace Research Journal, Vol. 7, March, 2020, pp. 25-42.

  • 2020.03.15

    吉川特任教授、“The Regional Security System in East Asia: The Dilemma of the US-Japan Security Alliance”『広島平和研究』第7号、Vol.7, 2020年3月、43-60頁を寄稿

    Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa contributes an article entitled, “Regional Security System in East Asia,” in Hiroshima Peace Research Journal, Vol.7, pp.43-60.

  • 2020.03.09

    3月9日-11日 吉川特任教授、OSCEの専門機関ODIHR(民主制度人権事務所)を調査訪問(於:ワルシャワ・ポーランド)

    Mar. 9-11  Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa visits the OSCE ODHIR to conduct research and interviews in Warsaw, Poland.

  • 2020.03.08

    3月3日-8日 吉川特任教授、欧州安全保障協力機構(OSCE)事務局を調査訪問(於:ウィーン・オーストリア)

    Mar. 3-8  Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa visits the OSCE Secretariat to conduct research and interview OSCE staff in Vienna, Austria.

  • 2020.02.20

    2月20日-3月3日 ジェイコブズ教授、ハンターズポイント海軍基地の放射能汚染に関する現地調査を実施(於:サンフランシスコ・米国)

    Feb. 20-Mar. 3  Prof. Jacobs conducts fieldwork on the radiological contamination of the Hunter’s Point Naval Station, San Francisco, USA.

  • 2020.02.18


    Prof. Sato joins the oral examination of a Ph.D. dissertation on-line as an examiner held by the Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University.

  • 2020.02.17

    2月17日-19日 ガネサン教授、ミャンマーの公務員に公共政策の立案と研究方法論について講義(於:ネピドー・ミャンマー)

    Feb. 17-19  Prof. Ganesan trains the Myanmar civil service on public policy formulation and research methodology at the Ministry of Information in Naypyitaw.

  • 2020.02.15


    Associate Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “The Legal Theory of Social Rights and Basic Workers' Rights,” hosted by JICHIRO (All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union) Kagoshima Branch in Kagoshima.

  • 2020.02.14


    Associate Prof. Kawakami presents a lecture titled, “Social Rights and Basic Workers' Rights in Postwar Japan,” hosted by Kagoshima Local Self-Government Institute in Kagoshima.

  • 2020.02.13


    Profs. Kikkawa, Mizumoto and Jacobs present lectures on, “International Security,” “Nuclear Disarmament,” and “Global Hibakusha,” respectively to the members of Nagasaki Youth Delegation, a group certified by PCU Nagasaki Council for Nuclear Weapons Abolition as a messenger working towards nuclear weapons abolition, at the HPI.

  • 2020.02.07

    河准教授、広島平和研究所プロジェクト研究「平和都市・広島の文化的構築に関する予備的調査」にかかる公開セミナー「被爆2.5世『援助屋(JICA 職員)』が語る広島東洋カープと連携事業」を企画・実施(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)

    Associate Prof. Ha organizes a public seminar, “Collaboration Project of Hiroshima Toyo Carp and JICA,” as an activity of the HPI Research project “Preliminary Study on Cultural Reconstruction of Hiroshima,” held at the Satellite Campus of Hiroshima City University.

  • 2020.01.24

    ガネサン教授、英語による市民講座で “Ethnic Peace Process in Myanmar” と題して講義(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)

    Prof. Ganesan presents a lecture on, “Ethnic Peace Process in Myanmar,” at the 5th Annual HPI English Language Lecture Series, Hiroshima, Japan.

  • 2020.01.17

    ジェイコブズ教授、英語による市民講座で “American Victims of Radiation Exposure” と題して講義(於:広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス)

    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture on, “American Victims of Radiation Exposure,” at the 5th Annual HPI English Language Lecture Series, Hiroshima, Japan.

  • 2020.01.15


    Associate Prof. Ha presents a lecture, “Peace and Media,” to the students from Kyungpook National University of Korea, at the HPI.

  • 2020.01.14

    水本教授、日本国際問題研究所 軍縮・科学技術センター主催の広島県委託「ひろしまレポート作成事業」研究会に委員として出席(於:東京都千代田区、同センター)

    Prof. Mizumoto attends as committee member the Hiroshima Prefecture’s “Hiroshima Report Drafting Project” meeting organized by and held at the Center for Disarmament, Science and Technology, Japan Institute of International Affairs in Tokyo.

  • 2020.01.09


    Associate Prof. Takemoto presents a lecture on, “German and Japanese Peace Movement,” at a seminar for students from Kyungpook National University of Korea, held at Hiroshima City University.

  • 2019.12.20


    Associate Prof. Ha presents a lecture, “Let’s PR Your Town,” to the students of Hiroshima Prefectural Kake High School at Akiota, Hiroshima.

  • 2019.12.15


    Prof. Sato gives an outline presentation of the symposium and serves as moderator in the panel discussion in an international symposium titled, “Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons and Crimes Against Humanity,” held by the Hiroshima Peace Institute and others at the International Conference Center Hiroshima.

  • 2019.12.13


    Associate Prof. Xu presents a lecture, “Institutionalization of Japan-China relations,” at a seminar for students of SOKA University, held at SOKA University.

  • 2019.12.13


    Director Oshiba presents a talk on, “Poverty Alleviation and Peace,” at Hiroshima Shudo University (Dept. of International Community).

  • 2019.12.12

    河准教授、12月に発行された『アステイオン』 91号、特集「可能性としての未来――100年後の日本」に小論「企業社会からPR社会へ?」が掲載

    Associate Prof. Ha contributes an essay, “Shift from Corporate Society to PR Society?” to Asteion (Vol. 91), for a special feature, "Future as Possibilities: Japan after 100 Years."

  • 2019.12.10


    Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa contributes a book chapter entitled, “War and Forced Deportation of National Minorities――The History of Forced Deportations National Minorities as a means of Peace Settlement,” in, S. Araragi, A. Kawakita, and Y. Matsuura, eds., Repatriation, Deportation and Remainder, University of Nagoya Press, 2019.

  • 2019.12.06


    Associate Prof. Ha organizes a public seminar, “The meaning of the Hiroshima Toyo Carp in Baseball Culture,” as an activity of the HPI Research project, “Preliminary Study on Cultural Reconstruction of Hiroshima,” in which she serves as the principal investigator, held at the Satellite Campus of Hiroshima City University.

  • 2019.12.02


    Prof. Jacobs presents a lecture to United Nations Guides at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima, Japan.

  • 2019.10.10

    吉川特任教授、「ベルリンの壁を崩壊させたピクニック」日本平和学会編、『戦争と平和を考える NHKドキュメンタリー』法律文化社、2020年、46-49頁を寄稿。

    Specially Appointed Prof. Kikkawa contributes a chapter entitled, “Pan-European Picnic that Pulled Down the Berlin Wall,” in Japan Association of Peace Studies, ed., NHK Documentaries on War and Peace, Houritsu Bunka Sha, 2020.

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