静岡県浜松市出身。1955年生まれ。一橋大学法学部卒業、同大学院法学研究科修士課程卒業後に、フルブライト奨学金奨学生としてアメリカ・フレッチャー法律外交大学院にて法律外交修士の学位を取得。1994年に博士(法学、一橋大学)の学位を取得。1984年に一橋大学大学院法学研究科博士課程退学後、同大学法学部助手、専任講師、助教授、教授、同大学院法学研究科教授を経て、2018年 4 月より現職。
Dr. Tetsuo SATO was born in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture in 1955. After obtaining his LL.B. from the Faculty of Law, Hitotsubashi University and LL.M. from the Graduate School of Law, Hitotsubashi University, Dr. SATO, as a Fulbright Scholarship Grantee, studied and obtained a MALD at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in the USA. He also obtained a Ph.D. in Law from Hitotsubashi University in 1994. He taught at Hitotsubashi University as Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor before arriving at the HPI in 2018.
研究テーマResearch Theme
(1) 国際社会の組織化に由来する現代国際法の発展や特徴の研究
国際組織の存在と活動に基づく国際社会の組織化は、国際社会の構造的な動きとして必然的に国際法秩序の変容をもたらしている。国際社会の組織化が高度化するにともない、国際社会全体が共同体として認識され、国際共同体の法益の保護が求められるようになってきた。強行規範(jus cogens)や対世的義務(obligation erga omnes)の承認は、その象徴的な例である。このような国際社会の組織化に由来する現代国際法の特徴に関心を持っている。
⇒ 最近の研究成果としては、「国際連合の70年と国際法秩序:国際社会と国際連合における法の支配の発展」日本国際連合学会編『国連:戦後70年の歩み、課題、展望』(『国連研究』第17号、国際書院、2016年)45-76頁、「国連安全保障理事会は『国際立法』権限を簒奪したのか?――国際テロリズムと大量破壊兵器の不拡散をめぐって」『法律時報』89巻10号(2017年9月) 21-26頁(寺谷広司・編、伊藤一頼・編集補助『国際法の現在――変転する現代世界で法の可能性を問い直す』(日本評論社、2020)に所収)、「グローバル化する国際社会における国際法秩序と非国家アクター――国際法協会での取組経験を主な素材として――」岩沢雄司・岡野正敬編集代表『国際関係と法の支配 小和田恆国際司法裁判所裁判官退任記念』(信山社、2021)779-815頁がある。
(2) 国際連合等の国際組織の活動に関する研究
⇒ 最近の研究成果としては、日本の捕鯨問題をめぐる国際捕鯨委員会の活動であり、国際司法裁判所における捕鯨事件をとりあげた研究成果として、「捕鯨事件にみる国際組織の創造的展開――『加盟国の誠実協力義務』の立証責任転換機能に注目して――」柳井俊二・村瀬信也編『国際法の実践 小松一郎大使追悼』(信山社、2015年)149-180頁に加えて、判例解説「国際組織加盟国の地位――国際すず理事会事件」森川幸一・兼原敦子・酒井啓亘・西村弓編『国際法判例百選[第3版]』(有斐閣、2021)88-89頁がある。
(3) 国連安全保障理事会による集団安全保障制度の研究
⇒ 最近の研究成果としては、「国連による安全保障の70年と日本の対応」『法律時報』87巻12号(2015年11月) 21-26頁、『国連安全保障理事会と憲章第7章 集団安全保障制度の創造的展開とその課題』(有斐閣、2015年)、「国際連合による集団安全保障制度の理論と実際――アジアの事例を主な素材として」『核兵器と反人道罪のない世界へ』(広島平和研究所ブックレット第7巻、2020年)211-243頁、「国際法秩序の変容と「武力行使禁止原則」の課題――戦争をなくすための根本原則の機能と限界」広島市立大学広島平和研究所編『広島発の平和学――戦争と平和を考える13講』(法律文化社、2021)212-231頁がある。
(1) Research on the development and characteristics of contemporary international law that stem from the organization of international society
The organization of international society based on the existence and activities of international organizations inevitably brought about changes in the international legal order as a structural transformation of international society. With the sophistication of the organized international society, the entire international society was recognized as a community with its own legal interests to be protected. As a result, in addition to the conventional horizontal bilateral relations under international law, peremptory norms (jus cogens: norms of public order situated hierarchically above traditional ordinary norms) and obligations erga omnes (obligations protecting the interests of the international community as a whole) have been introduced. I am interested in the development and characteristics of contemporary international law that stem from the organization of international society.
⇒ Recent research outcomes include “Seventy Years of the United Nations and the International Legal Order: Development of the Rule of Law in International Society and in the United Nations” (in Japanese), in UN at 70: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects (Japan Association for United Nations Studies ed., The UN Studies, No. 17, Kokusai-shoin, 2016): pp. 45-76; “Did the UN Security Council usurp the authority of ‘international legislation’?: with regard to international terrorism and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction” (in Japanese), Horitsu Jiho, Vol. 89, No. 10 (September 2017): pp. 21-26 (Included in International Law at Present: the Possibility of Law in the Ever-changing World (Koji Teraya and Kazuyori Ito eds., Nippon Hyoron Sha, 2020)); “International Legal Order and Non-State Actors in the Globalized International Society: An Analysis of a Work Experience at the International Law Association” (in Japanese), in International Relations and the Rule of Law: Festschrift for Judge Owada Hisashi in commemoration of his retirement from the International Court of Justice (Iwasawa Yuji and Okano Masataka eds., Shinzansha Publisher Co., Ltd, 2021): pp. 779-815.
(2) Research on the activities of international organizations such as the United Nations
The areas and problems that involve the activities of international organizations have their own characteristics and require an understanding of the law of international organizations. I have produced outcomes such as Evolving Constitutions of International Organizations: A Critical Analysis of the Interpretative Framework of the Constituent Instruments of International Organizations (The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1996), and The Law of International Organizations (Yuhikaku, 2005, in Japanese). In that sense, I think that research on the activities of international organizations such as the United Nations is a field of my responsibility.
⇒ Recent research outcomes include, concerning the activities of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) over the issue of whaling by Japan and the Whaling in the Antarctic case in the International Court of Justice, “Creative Development of International Organizations: the case of the International Whaling Commission (IWC)” (in Japanese), in Putting International Law into Practice: In Memory of Ambassador Ichiro Komatsu (Shunji Yanai and Shinya Murase eds., Shinzansha, 2015): pp. 149-180; Case Law Commentary, “Status of Member States of International Organizations: International Tin Council Case” (in Japanese), in Leading Cases in International Law (3rd ed., Koichi Morikawa et. al. eds., Yuhikaku Publishing Co., Ltd., 2021): pp. 88-89.
(3) Research on the collective security system by the UN Security Council
As one area of “Research on the activities of international organizations such as the United Nations,” I have studied activities of the UN Security Council based on Chapter VII of the UN Charter since the end of the Cold War. For details, refer to my explanation in “Individual Research.”
⇒ Recent research outcomes include “70 Years of the Security by the United Nations and Japan's Response” (in Japanese), Horitsu Jiho, Vol. 87, No. 12 (November 2015): pp. 21-26; The Security Council of the United Nations and Chapter VII of the UN Charter (Yuhikaku, 2015, in Japanese); “Theory and Reality of the Collective Security by the United Nations: Cases in Asia” (in Japanese), in Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons and Crimes Against Humanity (Hiroshima Peace Institute Booklet, Vol. 7, 2020): pp. 211-243; “Transformation of the International Legal Order and Challenges for the Prohibition of the Use of Force: Functions and Limits of the Fundamental Principle for Eradicating Wars,” in A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies: 13 Lectures on War and Peace (Hiroshima Peace Institute ed., Horitsu Bunka Sha, 2021): pp. 212-231.
大学生の皆さんへMessage to Students
I would like all those who study at and graduate from the Graduate School of Peace Studies to have a basic understanding of international law. In the coming era of globalization, you will need basic knowledge of international law if you get a job related to the field of peace studies, whether you are a civil servant, a practitioner, or a researcher. International law is an academic discipline with organic unity. Even if you pick up a textbook or academic paper by necessity, you will not be able to fully understand it, unless you systematically study this field while in graduate school.
The area regulated by international law in international society is expanding, and knowledge and understanding of international law are essential to comprehend the events and phenomena in international relations. In addition, the mutual penetration of international law and domestic law is proceeding, and it is becoming increasingly necessary for those who work in Japan to pay attention to related treaties. Furthermore, the organization of international society is advancing, and it is impossible to fully comprehend any area such as “international human rights law,” “international criminal law,” “international economic law,” and “international environmental law,” without understanding the existence and activities of international organizations.