ナラヤナン ガネサン(教授)
教育・研究の両面で、東南アジアの政治や外交政策を扱っており、特に国家および国家間の緊張関係や紛争問題に焦点を当てています。 これまでに10冊の本と80以上の国際的査読を受けた章やジャーナル記事を執筆・編集・共同編集しました。 近刊の出版物は、ミャンマーの民族和平プロセスと民主化が内戦へ及ぼした影響に関するものです。International Perspectives on Democratization and Peaceと題するこの著書は、三大陸にまたがる七つの事例を取り上げており、2020年後半にロンドンのEmerald Publishersから発行される予定です。

Researching and documenting intrastate and interstate tensions and conflicts in Southeast Asia
Narayanan Ganesan (Professor)
Dr. N. Ganesan’s teaching and research competence is in the politics and foreign policy of Southeast Asia with a special focus on interstate and intrastate tensions and conflict. He has authored/edited/co-edited 10 books and more than 80 internationally refereed chapters and journal articles. His more recent publications have focused on the ethnic peace process in Myanmar and the impact of democratization on civil conflicts. An edited book on this subject looking at 7 case studies across three continents will be published later this year by Emerald Publishers in London and entitled International Perspectives on Democratization and Peace.
Other than academic activities at the Institute he also serves as coordinator and trainer for the Myanmar civil service and academics at Yangon and Mandalay Universities since 2014. Both of these projects are funded by the German government.