◇◇◇ 2021年度 連続市民講座 各回の内容 ◇◇◇
第1回<1月7日(金)午前11 時 ~1月13日(木)午後3時>

第1回<1月7日(金)午前11 時 ~1月13日(木)午後3時>
[講師]四條 知恵(広島平和研究所准教授)
第2回<1月14日(金)午前11時 ~1月20日(木)午後3時>

第2回<1月14日(金)午前11時 ~1月20日(木)午後3時>
[講師]河上 暁弘(広島平和研究所准教授)
第3回<1月21日(金)午前11時 ~1月27日(木)午後3時>

第3回<1月21日(金)午前11時 ~1月27日(木)午後3時>
[講師]水本 和実(広島平和研究所教授)
第4回<1月28日(金)午前11時 ~2月3日(木)午後3時>

第4回<1月28日(金)午前11時 ~2月3日(木)午後3時>
[講座名]『The February 2021 Military Coup in Myanmar:
Its Impact on Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy』(英語のみ)
第5回<2月4日(金)午前11時 ~2月10日(木)午後3時>

第5回<2月4日(金)午前11時 ~2月10日(木)午後3時>
[講座名]『The History of the Global Hibakusha』(英語のみ)
[講師] ロバート・ジェイコブズ(広島平和研究所教授)

HPI Public Lecture Series AY2021
A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies
The HPI Public Lecture Series AY2021 was conducted on the web for the first time, with a significantly larger audience than that of the Lecture Series we held in the past.
This summer, we will publish an HPI Booklet in Japanese which has articles by each of the speakers at HPI Symposium and Public Lecture Series AY2021, and an English version of the booklet (4th and 5th lecture of the Public Lecture Series only), so that those who didn't see the lectures online can read the articles on our website.
We will plan to continue to hold activities that are open to public with more engaging and relevant contents after reflecting on the opinions received from the audiences of the last Public Lecture Series.
We hope to see you in our future and ongoing activities.
▶HPI Activities
▶HPI Publications
◇◇◇ AY2021 HPI Public Lecture Series ◇◇◇
AY2021 HPI Public Lecture Series were conducted online from January 7 to February 10, 2022.
1st week <Jan. 7(Fri) 11 am ~Jan. 13 (Thu) 3 pm>

1st week <Jan. 7(Fri) 11 am ~Jan. 13 (Thu) 3 pm>
“Atomic Bomb Damage and Newspaper Coverage” (in Japanese)
Chie Shijo, Associate Professor at HPI
2nd week <Jan. 14 (Fri) 11 am ~Jan. 20 (Thu) 3 pm>

2nd week<Jan. 14 (Fri) 11 am ~Jan. 20 (Thu) 3 pm>
“Nuclear Weapons and the Constitution of Japan, Article 9” (in Japanese)
Akihiro Kawakami, Associate Professor at HPI
3rd week <Jan. 21 (Fri) 11 am ~ Jan. 27 (Thu) 3 pm>

3rd week <Jan. 21 (Fri) 11 am~Jan. 27 (Thu) 3 pm>
“Hiroshima & Peace Studies: To Review the Stereotypic Relationship”
(in Japanese)
Kazumi Mizumoto, Professor at HPI
4th week <Jan. 28 (Fri) 11 am ~ Feb. 2 (Thu) 3 pm>

4th week <Jan. 28 (Fri) 11 am ~Feb. 2 (Thu) 3 pm>
"The February 2021 Military Coup in Myanmar:
Its Impact on Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy" (in English)
Narayanan Ganesan, Professor at HPI
5th week <Feb. 4 (Fri) 11 am ~Feb. 10 (Thu) 3 pm>

5th week <Feb. 4 (Fri) 11 am ~Feb. 10 (Thu) 3 pm>
“The History of the Global Hibakusha” (in English)
Robert Jacobs, Professor at HPI

Secretariat, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
E-mail: office-peace&m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
(*Please replace & with @)