2002年度 連続市民講座 Public Lecture Series 2002

English Below


水曜日 全9回 19:00~21:00(講義90分、質疑応答30分)
■会場:広島市まちづくり市民交流プラザ 北棟6階 マルチメディアスタジオ
(広島市中区袋町6番36号 TEL 082-545-3911)


(1) 10/9(水) 田中 利幸/広島平和研究所教授 

(2) 10/16(水) 田中 利幸/広島平和研究所教授 

(3) 10/23(水) 田中 利幸/広島平和研究所教授 

(4) 10/30(水) 松本 ますみ/敬和学園大学助教授 

(5) 11/13(水) 高橋 哲哉/東京大学助教授 

(6) 11/20(水) 永井 均/広島平和研究所助手 

(7) 11/27(水) 田中 利幸/広島平和研究所教授 

(8) 12/4(水) 水本 和実/広島平和研究所助教授 

(9) 12/11(水) 田中 利幸/広島平和研究所教授 

市民講座の内容は、当研究所機関紙掲載の記事でご覧いただけます。(『HIROSHIMA RESEARCH NEWS』第5巻3号内記事)

Memories and the Future of Northeast Asia: Towards a Mutual Understanding of Asian People in the 21st Century

Public Lecture Series 2002 

October 9
"The Dispatch of Troops to the Korean Peninsula by Hideyoshi Toyotomi: From a Korean Perspective"
Yuki Tanaka, Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

October 16
"The Sino-Japanese War and Yukichi Fukuzawa's View of Asia"
Yuki Tanaka, Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

October 23
"The Russo-Japanese War and Ryotaro Shiba's Historical View"
Yuki Tanaka, Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

October 30
"Anti-Japanese War: Gaps between Memories and Recognitions"
Masumi Matsumoto, Associate Professor, Keiwa College

November 13 
"What Is 'The Responsibility after World War II'?: To Create Order of Peace in Northeast Asia"
Tetsuya Takahashi, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo

November 20
"Various Aspects of the Treatment of Prisoners of War during World War II: A Comparative Study"
Hitoshi Nagai, Research Associate, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

November 27
"The Past and the Present of the Comfort Women Issue Related to Nationalism"
Yuki Tanaka, Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

December 4
"Memories of Hiroshima: Perceptions and Interpretations of the U.S., Asian Countries and Japan"
Kazumi Mizumoto, Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

December 11
"The Future of Northeast Asia: To Deepen Citizens' Mutual Understanding"
Yuki Tanaka, Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

For details of the present Lecture Series, please click the following link: article in Newsletter Vol. 5 No. 3