■日時:9月26日、10月3・17・24・31日、11月14・21・28日、12月5・12日 月曜日 全10回 18:30~20:30(講義90分、質疑応答30分)
■会場:広島市まちづくり市民交流プラザ 北棟6階 マルチメディアスタジオ
(広島市中区袋町6番36号 TEL 082-545-3911)
(1) 9/26(月) 田中 利幸/広島平和研究所教授
(2) 10/3(月) 細川 浩史/広島世界平和ミッション派遣メンバー、ヒロシマ・ピース・ボランティア
(3) 10/17(月) 鎌田 七男/(財)広島原爆被爆者援護事業団理事長
(4) 10/24(月) 松井 芳郎/立命館大学法科大学院教授
「国際法から見た原爆投下問題 」
(5) 10/31(月) 高橋 博子/広島平和研究所助手
(6) 11/14(月) 海南 友子/ドキュメンタリー映画監督
(7) 11/21(月) 水本 和実/広島平和研究所助教授
(8) 11/28(月) 永井 均/広島平和研究所助手
(9) 12/5(月) 金 聖哲/広島平和研究所助教授
(10) 12/12(月) 浅井 基文/広島平和研究所所長
市民講座の内容は、当研究所機関紙掲載の記事でご覧いただけます。(『HIROSHIMA RESEARCH NEWS』第8巻3号内記事)
Experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Atomic Bombing and Current Challenges from Nuclear Weaponry
Public Lecture Series 2005
September 26
"How Should We Approach the Problem of Nuclear Arms? Can We Abolish Nuclear Arms Simply through the Efforts of Anti-nuclear Movements?"
Yuki Tanaka, Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
October 3
"How to Convey the Atomic Bombing Experience"
Koji Hosokawa, Volunteer Guide of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Member of the Hiroshima World Peace Mission
October 17
"Late Effects of A-bomb Radiation on the Human Body"
Nanao Kamada, Director of Hiroshima A-Bomb Survivors Relief Foundation
October 24
"Legal Problem of the Use of Nuclear Weapons under International Law"
Yoshiro Matsui, Professor of International Law, Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Law
October 31
"Concealed Hibakusha: Civil Defense Program of U.S. in 1950s and Civil Protection Program of Present Day Japan"
Hiroko Takahashi, Research Associate, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
November 14
"Scars Left by the War on Chinese People: Their Views of Hiroshima"
Tomoko Kana, Documentary Film Director
November 21
"Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Today's Challenge of Weapons of Mass Destruction"
Kazumi Mizumoto, Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
November 28
"Distant from Ground Zero: A Study on the Criminality of the Atomic Bombing"
Hitoshi Nagai, Assistant Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
December 5
"North Korean Nuclear Problems: Present Situations and Possible Approaches to a Solution"
Sung Chull Kim, Associate Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
December 12
"Domestic and International Political Environment: Hiroshima's Position"
Motofumi Asai, President, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
For details of the present Lecture Series, please click the following link: article in Newsletter Vol. 8 No. 3