中国軍近代化への対応における日米協調 Coordinating U.S. and Japanese Responses to Chinese Military Modernization

English Below

2001年10月25日 HPI研究フォーラム 

講師  ベンジャミン・セルフ(ヘンリー・スティムソンセンター主任研究員)

1. テーマ

2. 日時
2001年10月25日(木) 15:00~17:00

3. 場所
広島平和研究所 会議室

4. 報告内容(要約)










HPI Research Forum on October 25, 2001 

Coordinating U.S. and Japanese Responses to Chinese Military Modernization

By Benjamin L. Self, Senior Associate at the Henry L. Stimson Center

1. Topic
"Coordinating U.S. and Japanese Responses to Chinese Military Modernization"

2. Date and Time
October 25, 2001 (Thu.), 15:00-17:00

3. Venue
HPI Conference Room

4. Summary of the report
The U.S.-Japan Alliance plays a vital role in the stability of East Asia through its deterrence function, but this faces substantial challenges in the years to come.

In addition to the significant security issues such as the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Strait, the rise of China itself represents a structural change that challenges the regional security order in Asia fundamentally. Although China is not said to have the intention nor the capability to rival U.S. power on a global scale, it continues to strive to attain the material capability to control its littoral including Taiwan Strait, and also repeats its insistence that the world order is in transition from U.S. supremacy to emerging multipolarity.

Preparing to meet this challenge, the United States and Japan must cooperate to hedge against the emergence of a challenge from China.

Material aspects of hedging are:
- maintaining forces to cope with the PLA's growing capabilities. Missile defenses developed by the Alliance could make a global contribution, reducing incentives for proliferation;

- better-coordinated linkage of financial incentives to China. If they use force in the Taiwan Strait, any official support from other nations or the international community such as multilateral financial institutions, including the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, as a whole would cease automatically;  
- maintaining the ability to defend sea-lanes. The Alliance needs to play a role in sustaining security not only on the regional level broadly, but from the referents of security up. In this regard, continued moderate sales of arms to Taiwan should be supported by Japan.

Ideational aspects of hedging are:
- building security relationships not purposing to target China, but hedge against a challenge by China;
- counterattack against political relativism to admit authoritarianism and support democracy to achieve domestic stability that lead to international stability;
- rejecting the link between Japan's imperialistic past and its international security role. The United States should defend the credibility and reliability of Japan as a supporter of the current international order.

As hedging faces dangers of missing the opportunity to create a positive international regional security role for China, and promoting a negative security spiral with China, the Alliance also needs to engage China, encouraging positive security relations in material and ideational ways.

In material terms, engagement requires a set of military capabilities that is robust but not threatening. Chinese concerns about the U.S.missile defense and nuclear weapons as threatening. In this context, the U.S. must make deep cuts in its offensive nuclear forces. Japan should also make great efforts to be more active within its ambit of defensive activities under its doctrine of senshu boei (exclusively defensive defense) setting a positive goal in preservation of stability, not allowing others to dictate the meaning of its own policy framework. Regarding the weaponization of space, the United States and Japan should jointly exercise caution and carefully consider their impact not only on U.S./Allied war fighting capability, but also on regional and global stability.

The ideational dimension of engagement is security dialogue, defense exchanges, confidence-building measures, and strategic reassurance as steps in building a security community. The Clinton administration tried to improve the bilateral U.S.-China security relationship but failed because of not integrating the Alliance as a component of whole regional order and China's overreaching in trying to gain the demotion of Japan as America's most valued partner in the region.

The United States' top priority of efforts to restore its military-to-military dialogue with China is Alliance-based CBMs with China. It requires a secretariat to handle joint policy planning and coordination of policy implementation which provides some of the benefits that physical headquarters give to NATO. And it would put a face on the U.S.-Japan Alliance, important for relations with China and for the publics of the United States and Japan. Even in crises, the United States should avoid cutting off security dialogue with China, as defense relationship can provide some stability and keeping a reliable channel will be one of important assets for decision making both in Washington and Tokyo.

The terrorist attacks on September 11 have opened new realms of cooperative activity for the Alliance partners. Not only bottling up the Alliance in Northeast Asia, enhancing the global function of regional security institutions, particularly the U.S.-Japan Alliance, can ease regional tensions while strengthening the global order.

Responding to China's rise and particularly to its military modernization, it is clear that the United States and Japan must strengthen material capabilities and security relationships and work together to shape the security environment for cooperation and stability. With their combined efforts, the Allies are capable of managing the challenge of integrating China into the regional order, but it will take integrated, not parallel, policy planning and implementation to achieve this goal.