東チモールにおける平和構築――国連平和維持活動と国連ボランティアの役割 Building Peace in East Timor: UN Peacekeeping and the Role of UN Volunteers

English Below

2002年6月6日 HPI研究フォーラム 

講師 ジアンニ・デリジア(国連東チモール暫定行政機構・東チモールボボナロ地区担当コーディネーター)

1. テーマ

2. 日時
2002年6月6日(木) 14:30~16:30

3. 場所
広島平和研究所 会議室

4. 講演の概要


(秋山信将 広島平和研究所講師)

5. ジアンニ・デリジア氏の略歴

HPI Research Forum on June 6, 2002 

Building Peace in East Timor: UN Peacekeeping and the Role of UN Volunteers

By Gianni Deligia, UN Coordinator for Bobonaro District, East Timor

1. Topic
"Building Peace in East Timor: UN Peacekeeping and the Role of UN Volunteers"

2. Date and Time
June 6 (Thu.), 2002, 14:30-16:30

3. Venue
HPI Conference Room

4. Abstract of the lecture
Mr. Gianni Deligia spoke about the historical background leading up to independence in East Timor and visions of state building. This was followed by discussion among the participants regarding the current situation from various angles.

As East Timor became independent on May 20, 2002, discussion focused on how to create a completely new social infrastructure in the newborn nation. Other serious issues discussed included the achievement of "justice" and "reconciliation"; the reintegration of a society fragmented by decades of conflict toward the goal of establishing a nation-state; the shortage of human resources such as medical and legal experts; and relations between the East Timor government and the U.N., whose role in the new state will gradually be reduced.

East Timor's relations with other countries were also covered in the discussion. A significant challenge for East Timor will now be rebuilding its relationship with Indonesia in order to stand on its own feet, specifically, by solving issues concerning inhumane acts committed by the Indonesian military and by reestablishing economic and trade relations with Indonesia. The presence of fossil fuels in the Timor Gap, a narrow trough in the Timor Sea between Australia and East Timor, has attracted attention as a major source of revenue, for which international cooperation is already underway. These topics, among others, were also touched on by some participants.
(By Nobumasa Akiyama, assistant professor at HPI)

5. Profile of Mr.Gianni Deligia
He has worked with UN since 1977 in Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Far East, particularly with UNDP, UNICEF, UNRWA, UNHCR and DPKO. He is an officiall with experience in conflict and post-conflict situations with particular reference to refugees.