国家テロと人権――20世紀アジアの諸戦争における米国、日本ならびに市民 State Terrorism and Human Rights: The United States, Japan and the Civilians in Twentieth Century Asian Wars

English Below

2002年11月12日 HPI研究フォーラム 

講師 マーク・セルデン(ニューヨーク州立大学教授)

1. テーマ

2. 日時
2002年11月12日(火) 14:30~17:00

3. 場所
広島平和研究所 会議室

4. 講演の概要



(田中利幸 広島平和研究所教授)

5. マーク・セルデン氏の略歴
ニューヨーク州立大学教授。1967年エール大学歴史学博士号取得後、ワシントン大学歴史学部助教授を経て現職。1993年にChinese Village, Socialist State(1991年エール大学出版刊)の著作で、アジア研究協会よりジョセフ・レベンソン賞を受賞。現在、続編のRevolution, Resistance and Reform in Village Chinaを執筆中。この他に著書、共著、編著書多数。

HPI Research Forum on November 12, 2002

State Terrorism and Human Rights: The United States, Japan and the Civilians in Twentieth Century Asian Wars

By Mark Selden, Professor at the State University of New York

1. Topic
"State Terrorism and Human Rights: The United States, Japan and the Civilians in Twentieth Century Asian Wars"

2. Date and Time 
November 12 (Tue.), 2002, 14:30-17:00

3. Venue
HPI Conference Room

4. Abstract of the lecture
The underlying theme of Professor Selden's paper was the question of how we should interpret terrorist acts such as that of September 11, 2001, the subsequent U.S. war in Afghanistan, a potential war against Iraq in the near future and other related occurrences. His comprehensive paper analyzed major wars in Asia involving the U.S. and Japan during the last century. This kind of broad historical examination is vital for understanding the fundamental nature of modern warfare and present military conflicts.

Selden employed two concepts - "human rights" and "the civilian" - as the key to a comprehensive and comparative analysis of different types of wars in Asia, including the Sino-Japanese War, the Pacific War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. In response to the various military conflicts that occurred both in Asia and Europe during the 20th century, a world-wide effort was directed toward establishing international law and law enforcing organizations to protect basic human rights, notably those of civilians in wartime. Paradoxically, however, serious violations of human rights on an unprecedented scale - in particular those of civilians - have been committed by military forces. These have increased with the passage of time, changes in the nature of warfare, and technological advance. Moreover, such violations have increased not only in number, but also in degree.

Selden gave various examples of human rights violations in major wars in Asia to illuminate this paradoxical development. As quintessentially Japanese examples, he cited the Nanjing Massacre, the comfort women system and the vivisectionist experiments conducted on humans by Unit 731 using biological and chemical agents. As similar examples committed by U.S. forces, he highlighted indiscriminate bombings using napalm, atomic bombs and "agent orange." A concern to protect the human rights of civilians in war situations was evident at the international war crimes courts established immediately after World War II. Yet, as Selden pointed out, there has been a continuity of indiscriminate bombings against civilians in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and more recently still in the war in Afghanistan. He defined such indiscriminate bombings by the U.S. as a type of "state terrorism." He noted, further, the impunity with which the U.S. has been able to commit state terrorism in contrast, for example, to the experience of Germany and Japan at the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals.

During the discussion time, questions and comments by participants centered upon the gap between international law and the actual failure to protect the rights of civilians. The concern expressed by those participants was quite natural because, since September 11, the U.S. government has issued new military and foreign guidelines which ignore the legacy of international law built upon the experience of wars and conflicts in the 20th century. Selden's paper was especially stimulating at a time when concrete ideas were urgently needed to reduce the gap between law and practice and to find peaceful methods to resolve military conflicts.
(By Yuki Tanaka, professor at HPI)

5. Profile of Dr. Mark Selden
Professor in sociology and history departments, Binghamton, New York State University since 1979, holds a Ph.D. in history from Yale University. He had been an associate professor in history department from 1967 to 79 in Washington University. His book Chinese Village, Socialist State (with Edward Friedman and Paul Pickowicz, Yale University Press, 1991) won "Joseph Levenson Prize of the Association for Asian Studies." 1993, for best book on twentieth century China. He is currently writing a book Revolution, Resistance and Reform in Village China, successor volume to Chinese Village, Socialist State.