市民平和運動の活性化を考える――広島市民に問われているもの Thoughts on How to Revitalize Popular Peace Movements: What the Citizens of Hiroshima Need to Do

English Below

2005年6月4日 HPI研究フォーラム 

講師 小田実(作家・評論家)

1. テーマ

2. 日時
2005年6月4日(土) 15:00~17:00

3. 場所
広島平和研究所 会議室

4. 講演の概要






(田中利幸 広島平和研究所教授)

HPI Research Forum on June 4, 2005

Thoughts on How to Revitalize Popular Peace Movements: What the Citizens of Hiroshima Need to Do

By Makoto Oda (Writer)

1. Topic
"Thoughts on How to Revitalize Popular Peace Movements: What the Citizens of Hiroshima Need to Do"

2. Date and Time
June 4, 2005, 15:00-17:00

3. Venue
HPI Conference Room

4. Abstract of the lecture
On June 4, 2005, a well-known writer, critic, and peace activist, Makoto Oda, gave a stimulating speech on how the citizens of Hiroshima should promote anti-nuclear and peace movements in the face of the current phenomenon: the "oblivion to the Hiroshima memory."

In his speech Oda presented his ideas about peace and war, including the nuclear weapons issue, which are profoundly affected by his own childhood experience of the aerial bombing of Japanese cities conducted by U.S. forces in the last stage of the Asia-Pacific War.

The indiscriminate bombing of Japanese cities escalated rapidly after the infamous Tokyo fire bombing on March 10, 1945. Other major cities such as Nagoya, Osaka, and Kobe also became the targets of so-called carpet-bombing: bombing from low altitude with a massive number of napalm bombs. On March 13, in its first aerial bombing, Osaka was showered with 70,000 incendiary bombs resulting in the death of 3,000 civilians. By the end of the war almost 400 cities, towns and villages throughout Japan had been attacked by U.S. bombers. Osaka was bombed eight times altogether, and Oda thrice encountered and survived such aerial bombing in Osaka.

It is widely believed that the U.S. aerial bombing of Japan concluded with the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which brought about Japan's surrender. In actual fact, the cities of Kumamoto, Oita and Miyazaki were bombed on August 10, the day after the bombing of Nagasaki, and on August 12, Kurume City was targeted. Osaka, however, was the target of the last U.S. bombing in World War II, which occurred on August 14, the day before Japan's official surrender. On this occasion, 700 tons of bombs (in the form of large one-ton bombs) were dropped on the complex of army arsenals built within the walls of Osaka Castle, resulting in their complete destruction. Oda, whose house was located near the site, survived this fierce bombing, and learnt the following day that the war had finally ended.

Oda spoke of his discovery that the reason for the terrible end to World War II lay in a political decision. After the war, he had tried hard to find out why Japan did not accept the Potsdam Declaration immediately after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and why it was several days after their total destruction before the Japanese government finally surrendered. While in the U.S. in 1959, Oda retrieved copies of the wartime New York Times and carefully studied reports on the process of the Japanese surrender. By combining the information thus obtained with the relevant Japanese historical background, he discovered that the Japanese government had continued to refuse unconditional surrender, even after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, until U.S. government authorities guaranteed the life of Emperor Hirohito.

Oda showed this was how he came to believe that the atomic bomb had been viewed, both by military leaders and by Japanese and U.S. politicians, not as an extraordinary and decisive weapon, but simply as a more powerful conventional weapon. He further argued that many militarists and politicians still hold with this interpretation of nuclear weapons, and that, with the availability of various "weapons of mass destruction," the distinction between nuclear and conventional weapons is rapidly eroding. Therefore, he suggested, it will be extremely difficult to achieve the abolition of nuclear weapons through anti-nuclear movements alone. He rightly highlighted the need for a new approach to the construction of peace and suggested widening grass-roots civil movements against all types of arms including nuclear weapons.

In concluding his speech, he remarked that war is an act of sheer madness, and its absurd result was clearly shown in World War II: while Japan adopted kamikaze-style suicidal attacks, the U.S. used atomic bombs to indiscriminately kill a large number of civilians. His speech was not simply a reflection of historical events but was highly relevant to the present world situation.
(By Yuki Tanaka, professor at HPI)