原爆投下の違法性を米国の公的機関で問う可能性と「核兵器条約」の必要性 Is it possible to take legal action against the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at American public institutions?

English Below

2009年4月17日 HPI研究フォーラム 

講師 大久保賢一(弁護士)

1. テーマ

2. 日時
2009年4月17日(金) 17:30~19:30

3. 場所
広島平和研究所 会議室

4. 講演の概要

※The International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament(核不拡散・核軍縮に関する国際委員会)

5. 大久保賢一氏の略歴
1947年(昭和22年)生まれ。東北大学法学部卒業。法務省人権擁護局等に勤務。現在、日本反核法律家協会事務局長。日本弁護士連合会憲法委員会副委員長。著書に『新版・憲法ルネサンス』(イクォリティ)など。日本反核法律家協会の代表的な理論家として、広島・長崎の被爆者や平和活動家に広く知られている。2006年~2007年の「原爆投下を裁く国際民衆法廷 広島」ではアミカス・キュリエ(法廷助言人)として活躍。

HPI Research Forum on April 17, 2009 

Is It Possible to Take Legal Action Against the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at American Public Institutions?

By Kenichi Okubo, Lawyer

1. Topic
"Is it possible to take legal action against the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at American public institutions? We Need a Convention for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons."

2. Date and Time
April 17, 2009 (Fri.) 17:30-19:30

3. Venue
HPI Conference Room

4. Abstract of the forum
Until now there has only been one court case in which the criminality of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was examined. That was the so-called "Shimoda Trial," the judgment of which was handed down in 1963. This judgment, issued at the Tokyo District Court, acknowledged that A-bomb survivors were victims of unlawful indiscriminate bombing conducted by the Americans. Yet, the court ruled against any claim for individual compensation for damages caused by the atomic bombing.

In the first half of this lecture, two possible ways of highlighting the illegality of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at American public institutions will be explored, although many difficulties are expected to arise. One possibility would be to appeal to an American Court to demand that the U.S. government compensate for the damages caused by the bombing. Another way to realize this aim would be for A-bomb victims to appeal individually to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

In the latter half of this lecture, Mr. Okubo will discuss what kind of international convention should be formed and how such a convention should be ratified in order to ban the use of nuclear weapons as well as to abolish them. This discussion will be based on the petition that JALANA recently submitted to ICNND.  

5. Profile of Mr. Kenichi Okubo
Born in 1947. Graduated from the Law School of Tohoku University and worked in the Human Rights Protection Department of the Ministry of Law before becoming a lawyer in 1979. Currently, Secretary-General of the Japan Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (JALANA) and Deputy-Chair of the Committee on Constitution, Japan Solicitors Association. His publications include The Constitutional Renaissance (new edition). He is widely known in Japan as a prominent theorist, representing JALANA, and is highly respected by A-bomb survivors and peace activists in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Recently Mr. Okubo drew up the draft for the petition that JALANA submitted to ICNND (the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament).