2013年のアメリカ経済・金融政策の展望ー出口のない不毛地帯 The 2013 Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy: No Exit from the Wasteland?

English Below

2012年12月5日 HPI研究フォーラム

講師  タンウィール・アクラム(米国INGインベストメント・マネジメント社 シニア・エコノミスト)

1. テーマ

2. 日時
  2012年12月5日(水) 18:00~19:30

3. 場所
  広島平和研究所 9階会議室

4. 講演の概要

5. タンウィール・アクラム氏の略歴
 コロンビア大学にて博士号(経済学)を取得。米国および世界マクロ経済の分析・考察が専門。国際通貨基金(IMF)や世界銀行でのインターンシップを経て、A.T.カーニーのグローバル・ビジネス・ポリシー・カウンシル部門で勤務。世界銀行に移り、投資環境部門で勤務した後、2004~2006年にはムーディーズ・エコノミー・ドット・コムにて世界マクロ経済の発展、対外直接投資や貿易問題をモニタリング。日米など先進7か国(G7)の中央銀行の金融政策に関する知識も豊富で、2006年9月にINGに移ってからは、様々な組織や企業における経済・投資・定量的研究などの専門家としてだけでなく、マクロ経済原理の見地から、G7経済の分析においてもエコノミストとして指導的役割を担っている。研究論文の発表も多く、『Applied Economics』や『The Global Journal of Finance and Economics』など、論文審査のある専門誌に掲載されている。共著に『Economic Analysis of Contemporary Issues in Bangladesh』(University Press、2006年)がある。 

HPI Research Forum on December 5, 2012 

The 2013 Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy:

No Exit from the Wasteland?

By Tanweer Akram, Senior Economist at ING Investment Management, the U.S.

1. Topic
"The 2013 Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy: No Exit from the Wasteland?"

2. Date and Time
December 5, 2012 (Wed.) 18:00-19:30

3. Venue
HPI Conference Room

4. Abstract of the forum

The major advanced capitalist economies are in an economic wasteland. This lecture will address four key questions for the U.S. economy and monetary policy: 1. Can advanced capitalist countries, including the U.S., exit from the economic wasteland in 2013?; 2. Will the U.S. administration and Congress avert the "fiscal cliff"?; 3. Will economic developments in the rest of the world be favorable to growth?; 4. What is the outlook for monetary policy and interest rates? It will be argued that growth in the U.S. shall be stay feeble and global economic conditions will stay sluggish. Nevertheless, a meltdown will be avoided. Long-term interest rates in the major advanced countries will stay low in 2013 as U.S. and global monetary policy will stay accommodative. Risks to global growth remain tilted to the downside in the near term. An exit from the economic wasteland that engulfs advanced capitalist economies is possible. However, it requires public policies to be supportive. The U.S. and most advanced countries need fiscal stimulus, public works, and policies to induce the private sector to invest and hire.  

5. Profile of Tanweer Akram

Tanweer Akram is Senior Economist at ING Investment Management, where he works for its Global Rates department. He is responsible for developing the department's U.S. and global macroeconomic outlook. Dr. Akram received his Ph.D. degree in economics from Columbia University in New York and his Masters' degree in economics from the London School of Economics in the U.K. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in economics from Grinnell College, Iowa. He has previously worked for Moody's Economy.com where he was responsible for monitoring global macroeconomic developments and foreign direct investment and trade issues. He has also worked for the Investment Climate Department of the World Bank, A.T. Kearney's Global Business Policy Council, and the Asia Department of the International Monetary Fund. He has excellent knowledge of the monetary policy of the central banks of G7 countries. Since he joined ING in 2006, not only as a professional in economics, investment, and quantitative research in various organizations and firms, but also as a senior macroeconomist, he has played a leading role in analyzing the G7 economies from a fundamental macroeconomics prospective. His research papers and reviews have been published in various peer-reviewed journals including Applied Economics, Applied Economics Letters, Bangladesh Development Studies, Journal of Asian Business, Journal of Emerging Markets, Kyklos, and Savings and Development.His co-edited book, Economic Analysis of Contemporary Issues in Bangladesh, was published by University Press in 2006.