核兵器禁止化の世界的な動きと日本の選択肢 Implications of a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty for Japan: The Difficult Decision Japan Faces If the Treaty Negotiations Commence

English Below

2016年11月16日 HPI研究フォーラム

林 伸生(オスロ国際法政策研究所(ILPI)上級法律顧問)


1. テーマ

2. 日時
2016年11月16日(水) 18:00~20:00

3. 場所
広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス セミナールーム2
広島市中区大手町4-1-1 大手町平和ビル9階 (市役所本庁舎向い)

4. 講演の概要

5. 講師の略歴
林 伸生


HPI Research Forum on November 16, 2016

〝Implications of a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty for Japan: The Difficult Decision Japan Faces If the Treaty Negotiations Commence″ 

By Nobuo Hayashi, Senior Legal Advisor, the International Law and Policy Institute (ILPI), and Hirofumi Tosaki, Senior Research Fellow, the Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (CPDNP)

The Hiroshima Peace Institute held an HPI Research Forum as follows:

1. Topic
"Implications of a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty for Japan: The Difficult Decision Japan Faces If the Treaty Negotiations Commence" 

2. Date and Time
November 16, 2016 (Wed.) 18:00-20:00

3. Venue
Seminar Room 2, Satellite Campus, Hiroshima City University
4-1-1 Otemachi, Nakaku, Hiroshima
9F Otemachi Heiwa Building

4. Abstract of the Forum
Recent years have witnessed growing momentum towards a nuclear weapons ban. The 2016 UN General Assembly will consider adopting a draft resolution on the commencement of multilateral treaty negotiations to that effect. Although it is not entirely clear what specific form the instrument will take, a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (NWBT) is a likely candidate among other possibilities, such as a comprehensive Nuclear Weapons Convention (NWC) or a more flexible framework convention.

This novel approach to nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation has gathered wide-spread support from non-nuclear-weapon states and civil society. Meanwhile, it has attracted strong criticisms among nuclear-armed as well as umbrella states for whom the current trend overlooks weighty security dimensions. As a victim of atomic bombings yet a beneficiary of the US nuclear umbrella, where should Japan situate itself?

Two ILPI and CPDNP experts have examined Japan's position from various perspectives. At this HPI forum, which coincides with the publication of their co-authored ILPI report, we will discuss the pros and cons of the options Japan has.

5. Profile of Lecturers
Nobuo Hayashi is a Senior Legal Advisor at the International Law and Policy Institute (ILPI), Oslo. His areas of specialization include the law of armed conflict, international criminal law, the law on use of force and general public international law. He has more than fifteen years of experience writing and editing academic publications, preparing court documents and advising international prosecutors, and teaching in these areas.

Hirofumi Tosaki is a Senior Research Fellow of the Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation (CPDNP), the Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA). He is an author of numerous articles on nuclear arms control, non-proliferation, nuclear strategy and deterrence, missile defense and so on. He earned his Ph.D from Osaka University.