法的観点から見る日韓関係の現状と展望ー韓国大法院強制動員判決を中心にー Current States and Prospects of Japan-Korea Relations in Legal Perspective: On the Judgement of Victims of Forced Labor of the Supreme Court of Korea

English Below

講師 金昌禄(キム・チャンロク)(韓国 慶北大学法学専門大学院教授)




1.  テーマ

2.  日時

3.  場所
広島市立大学サテライトキャンパス セミナールーム2

4. 講演の概要

5. 講師の略歴
金昌禄(キム・チャンロク)(韓国 慶北大学法学専門大学院教授)


HPI Research Forum on April 22, 2019

〝Current States and Prospects of Japan-Korea Relations in Legal Perspective: On the Judgement of Victims of Forced Labor of the Supreme Court of Korea″ 

 By Dr. Chang-Rok Kim, Professor, Law School, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, and Dr. Hiroyuki Banzai, Professor, Faculty of Law, Waseda University

The Hiroshima Peace Institute held the HPI Research Forum as follows: 

1. Topic
“Current States and Prospects of Japan-Korea Relations in Legal Perspective: On the Judgement of Victims of Forced Labor of the Supreme Court of Korea"

2. Date and Time
April 22, 2019 (Mon.) 18:00-20:00

3. Venue
Seminar Room 2, Satellite Campus, Hiroshima City University
9F Otemachi Heiwa Building, 4-1-1 Otemachi, Nakaku, Hiroshima

4. Abstract of the Forum
Recently, there has been an increase in tensions between Japan and South Korea around the reparations on Japanese companies due to the ruling of the Korean Supreme Court and the dissolution of the Comfort Women’s Foundation. How should compensation be allocated to individuals who have been affected by the war? Do the agreements between states that have abandoned the claims of citizens have any implications for the compensation of the victims?
In Japan, the so-called “Korean courts’ rulings for compensation for wartime forced labor” (October 30, 2018) has begun, and the deep problems hidden in the Japan-Korea trilogy are again being recognized. In this forum, two legal experts are invited to discuss these serious issues from a legal perspective and then explore the current situation and prospects of Japan-Korea relations.

5. Profile of Lecturers
Dr. Chang-Rok Kim is a Professor of Law at Kyungpook National University in Daegu, South Korea, who specializes in history of legal thought and history of law. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. both from the School of Law at Seoul National University. He also studied at the Graduate Schools for Law and Politics and the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo, as a foreign research student. He has served as a professor at Pusan National University and Konkuk University in Korea, and as a visiting professor at Ritsumeikan University in Japan. He is the incumbent president of Korea Association of Legal History.

Dr. Hiroyuki Banzai is a Professor of Law at Waseda University in Tokyo. He earned his Master of Laws (1998) and Doctor of Laws (2015) at Waseda University. His research focuses on the international responsibility of states. He has served as an associate professor at Surugadai University and Waseda University. He published a book Study on Responsibility for internationally Wrongful Acts: Basic Problems of the Theory on State Responsibility in 2015, with which he won Adachi Mineichiro Memorial Award in 2016. He has also published many papers on international law and state responsibility.