〈特集論文 人権問題〉
Southeast Asia’s Human Rights Crisis: When Illiberal States meet weak National Human Rights Commissions(Marco Bünte) 21
Denarrating Japan’s Gendered and Raced Citizenship in Okinawa: A Transnational Plurality of Uchinanchu(Ayano Ginoza) 45
現代日本における「上下」からの差別と排外主義――朝鮮学校への差別、ヘイトスピーチ・ヘイトクライムと国連の是正勧告(朴金優綺) 65
Akerke Sultanova, Living in a Nuclear Test Site: The Present of Kazakhstan’s Semipalatinsk(Almas Dissyukov)(アケルケ・スルタノヴァ『核実験地に住む―カザフスタン・セミパラチンスクの現在』花伝社、2018年) 119
星野栄一他著『沖縄平和論のアジェンダ―怒りを力にする視座と方法』法律文化社、2018年(池上大祐) 121
投稿規程及び審査規程 128
< A Window into Peace Studies >
A Record of Psychological Changes and Activities: How far I can go(Kensuke Ueki) 5
< Special Feature: Human Rights Issues >
Southeast Asia’s Human Rights Crisis: When Illiberal States meet weak National Human Rights Commissions (Marco Bünte) 21
Denarrating Japan’s Gendered and Raced Citizenship in Okinawa: A Transnational Plurality of Uchinanchu(Ayano Ginoza) 45
Discrimination and Xenophobia from Above and Below in Contemporary Japan: Hate Speech and Hate Crime against Korean Schools and UN Recommendations (Wooki Park-Kim) 65
< Research Article >
Evolving Functions of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization(CTBTO) and Its Limitation(Teruo Ishigami) 81
Tipping Point to the Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula and Korea-Japan Relations(Koichi Ishizaka) 105
< Book Review >
Akerke Sultanova, Living in a Nuclear Test Site: The Present of Kazakhstan’s Semipalatinsk(Almas Dissyukov) 119
Eichi Hoshino et al.,The Agenda of Okinawa Peace Theory(Daisuke Ikegami) 121