〈特集論文 核技術と核兵器〉
Bridge-Building Between Two Morals Toward a Common Goal: Words of Popes and U.S. Presidents (Nobumasa Akiyama) 115
Learning the Wrong Lessons from Hiroshima: US Nuclear Testing in 1946 (Robert Jacobs) 129
The Kazakhstan-Japan Nuclear Nexus: Ideas, Norms, and Identities (Almas Dissyukov) 151
< A Window into Peace Studies >
Editorial Note (Narayanan Ganesan) 7
Down a Tortuous Road to Hiroshima: An Autobiographical Essay (Haruhiko Fukui) 11
< Special Addition >
Transition of Awareness: My Experience as a Researcher in Hiroshima (Kauzmi Mizumoto) 19
Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Kazumi Mizumoto 23
< Special Feature: Nuclear Technology, Weapons, and Related Issues >
Civil Use of Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Non-proliferation: Issues and Prospects of the NPT at 50(Tatsujiro Suzuki)31
On Nuclear Threats by the US Against China During the Early-Cold War: Attempts of "Conventionalization" and Their Irreconcilability with Norms of Nuclear-Non-Use (Toshiya Umehara) 49
North Korean Nuclear Weapons and Denuclearization (Sung Chull Kim) 69
"Inheritance of the Atomic Bomb Experiences" and Documentary Materials: Issues Faced by Facilities in Hiroshima City (Chie Shijo) 93
Bridge-Building Between Two Morals Toward a Common Goal: Words of Popes and U.S. Presidents (Nobumasa Akiyama) 115
Learning the Wrong Lessons from Hiroshima: US Nuclear Testing in 1946 (Robert Jacobs) 129
The Kazakhstan-Japan Nuclear Nexus: Ideas, Norms, and Identities (Almas Dissyukov) 151
< Research Article >
The Manila Speech as Ideas for Economic Cooperation (Nobuhiro Ihara) 179
The Drafting Process of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial City Construction Act (Shota Moriue) 199
The "Carp Jyoshi" Phenomenon: A Study of the Hiroshima Toyo Carp and Fan Community (Kyungjin Ha) 225
< Book Review >
Bettina Stangneth, Erusaremu <izen> no aihiman [Eichmann Before Jerusalem] (Kaname Ishiguro) 247
Call for Papers for the Issue AY2022 (Volume 10) 252
Submission Guidelines 254
Regulation for Evaluating the Manuscripts 256
Editorial Note