平和学研究科 平和学専攻 博士前期課程
科目区分 | 科目群 | 授業科目の名称 |
研究基礎科目 | 分析・接近法 (6科目) | 平和学、グローバル・ガヴァナンス論、現代社会と平和、現代国際法と平和、日本国憲法と平和主義、地方自治と平和 |
広島と核 (6科目) | 核と歴史Ⅰ、核と歴史Ⅱ、被爆の記憶、核文化論、グローバル・ヒバクシャ、反核運動史 |
科目区分 | 科目群 | 授業科目の名称 |
平和の理論 | 平和と軍縮 (5科目) | 軍縮国際法、核軍縮と核軍備管理、国際人道法、科学と平和、軍縮と平和 |
平和の創造 (6科目) | 戦争裁判と国際刑事裁判、安全保障論、平和構築と国際社会、グローバル・コミュニケーション論、ジャーナリズム論、平和思想と平和運動 |
グローバル/ リージョナル・ガヴァナンス
科目区分 | 科目群 | 授業科目の名称 |
グローバル/ リージョナル・ガヴァナンス | 地域と平和 (7科目) | 東南アジアをめぐる国際関係、東南アジアの紛争と協力、韓国・北朝鮮外交と核問題、現代中国の政治と外交、現代ロシアの政治と外交、日本の近現代史、日本の平和・安全保障政策 |
国際機構と平和 (5科目) | 国連論、国際組織と国際制度、地域機構と平和・安全保障、予防外交論、国際環境論 |
Graduate School of Peace Studies (Master’s Degree Program)
As a university located in the city that experienced the first atomic bombing in human history, Hiroshima City University established the Hiroshima Peace Institute in April 1998 as an affiliated research institute. The institute conducts peace-related education and academic research that aims to contribute to the abolition of nuclear weapons, the establishment of world peace, and the development of local communities.
The Graduate School of Peace Studies established in April 2019 aims to contribute to the realization of world peace by providing a curriculum that fosters graduates who have acquired; i) analytical academic methodologies in specialized areas such as peace studies, international politics, international law and international relations, and ii) the specialized and wide-ranging skills needed to analyze a diversity of real problems.
●Career paths graduates will be prepared for:
(1)Researchers who have the intellectual ability to identify and analyze the connections between 1) the framework of international relations and basic structure of politics and governance, and 2) human security, while at the same time being able to propose effective preventive measures aimed at avoiding and solving disputes;
(2)International officials and international NGO and NPO employees who can contribute to the drafting and formulation of international public policy aimed at building and realizing peace, and national and regional public officials involved with public policy and internationally related work; and
(3)Journalists and mass-media specialists who have acquired the skills to astutely and systematically analyze a diversity of issues including current international disputes and global problems, and who have the ability to share information with civil society and the international community from a peacebuilding perspective.
●Degree: M.A. (Peace Studies)
●Terms of Study: Two Years
●Number of Applicants to be Admitted: 10
Curriculum Features
The aim of the Master’s degree program is for students to study the dangers and human misery of nuclear war, the history of peace and war, and to acquire peacebuilding skills that have already been widely developed in the global community. To systematically acquire these skills the curriculum is divided into three categories “Social Science Concepts and Methods,” “Peace Theory” and “Global/Regional Governance,” and these categories are further divided into groups of courses.
Social Science Concepts and Methods
‘Social Science Concepts and Methods’ provides students basic analytical methods of modern society and ‘Hiroshima and Nuclear Age’ enables students to learn about nuclear threats based on the history and mission of Hiroshima with focusing on the experience of the atomic bombing.
Classification | Group of Courses | Course Name |
Social Science Concepts and Methods | Analytical Approach
(6 Courses) | Peace Studies, Global Governance, Contemporary Society and Peace, Contemporary International Law and Peace, Constitution of Japan and Pacifism, Local Governance and Peace |
Hiroshima and Nuclear Age (6 Courses) | Nuclear History Ⅰ, Nuclear History Ⅱ, Memories of Atomic Bombings, Atomic Culture, Global Hibakusha, History of Antinuclear Movements |
Peace Theory
‘Peace Theory’ is composed of related subjects centered on international politics and international law which provides students to learn a basic approach and an analytical approach that is effective in solving various problems in the age of globalization.
Classification | Group of Courses | Course Name |
Peace Theory | Peace and Disarmament (5 Courses) | International Disarmament Law, Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Arms Control, International Humanitarian Law, Science and Peace, Disarmament and Peace |
Fostering Peace (6 Courses) | War Crimes Trials and International Criminal Tribunals, International Security, Peacebuilding and International Society, Global Communication, Journalism Studies, Pacifism and Peace Movements |
Global/Regional Governance
‘Global/Regional Governance’ is composed of subjects mainly related to Asia, especially East Asian area studies, and fosters a perspective and analysis ability that can give insight into the structure of international relations in Contemporary Asia and the basic structure of politics and governance and human security.
Classification | Group of Courses | Course Name |
Global/Regional Governance | Regions and Peace (7 Courses) | International Relation in Southeast Asia, Conflict and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Korean Foreign Policies and Nuclear Issues, Politics and Foreign Policy in Contemporary China, Politics and Foreign Policy in Contemporary Russia, Modern and Contemporary History of Japan, Peace and Security Policies of Japan |
International Organizations and Peace (5 Courses) | United Nations, International Organizations and International Systems, Regional Organizations and their Peace and Security Policies, Preventive Diplomacy, International Environment |
Support Systems for Adult Learners
The provisions below are provided to encourage the enrollment of committed adult learners.
① Tuition Fee Exemptions
There is an admission and tuition fee exemption system aimed at people working for national and local governments, news media, and international organizations. (Applications will be screened.)
② Long-term Study System
Students who apply to be, and are accepted as “long-term study students” may, once they paid for two year’s worth of courses (Master’s Program) or three year’s worth of courses (Doctoral Program), extend the course period.
※The maximum period: four years (Master’s Program), six years (Doctoral Program)