6/18 平和学研究科「オンライン進学説明会」 Online briefing session on admission to the Graduate School of Peace Studies / June 18, 2021

English Below

この度、広島市立大学大学院平和学研究科(博士前期課程・博士後期課程)では、下記のとおりZoom Cloud Meetingsにてオンライン進学説明会を開催しました。


 第1部 研究科概要説明 (15分)
 第2部 入試概要説明 (15分)
 第3部 現役院生からみた平和学研究科 (10分)
 第4部 質疑応答 (50分)







ミーティングID・パスワードを使い、進学説明会のZoom Meetingにログイン  


広島平和研究所事務室 E-mail:office-peace&m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp

Online briefing session on admission / June 18, 2021

The Graduate School of Peace Studies (Master’s Program/Doctoral Program) will conduct an online briefing session on admission via Zoom Cloud Meetings.

1 Date & Time: June 18, 2021 (Friday) 18: 30 – 20: 00

2 Contents:

Briefing session on admission to the Graduate School of Peace Studies

Part 1 (15 min)
Features of the Graduate School, faculty members and curriculum
Part 2 (15 min)
Outline of the entrance examination
Part 3 (10 min)
Brief introduction by current graduate students
Part 4 (50 min)
Q&A: Individual consultation session

3 How to participate:

  1. Application
    Please fill in the application form.
  2. Confirmation email from the Hiroshima Peace Institute office
    We will inform you of the Zoom meeting ID and password to attend the information session.
  3. Download “Zoom Client for Meetings” and install it on your PC or smartphone
  4. On the day of the briefing session
    Using the meeting ID and password, log in to Zoom Meeting.

▶For more information on the last session
▶Faculty members of the Graduate School of Peace Studies

Secretariat, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
Phone:082-830-1811 Fax:082-830-1812
E-mail: office-peace&m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
(*Please replace & with @)