11/19 平和学研究科「オンライン進学説明会」 Online briefing session on admission to the Graduate School of Peace Studies / November 19 2021

English Below

この度、広島市立大学大学院平和学研究科(博士前期課程・博士後期課程)では、下記のとおりZoom Cloud Meetingsにてオンライン進学説明会を開催します。




 第1部 平和学研究科概要説明 (15分)
 第2部 入試概要説明 (15分)
 第3部 現役院生から見た平和学研究科 (10分)
 第4部 質疑応答 (50分)







ミーティングID・パスワードを使い、進学説明会のZoom Meetingにログイン  



広島平和研究所事務室 E-mail:office-peace&m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp

Online briefing session on admission to the Graduate School of Peace Studies / November 19, 2021

The Graduate School of Peace Studies (Master’s Program/Doctoral Program) will conduct an online briefing session on admission via Zoom Cloud Meetings.

1. Date & Time: November 19, 2021 (Friday) 18: 30 – 20: 00 JST

2. Contents:

Briefing session on admission to the Graduate School of Peace Studies

Part 1 (15 min)
Features of the Graduate School, faculty members and curriculum
Part 2 (15 min)
Outline of the entrance examination
Part 3 (10 min)
Brief introduction by current graduate students
Part 4 (50 min)
Q&A: Individual consultation session

3 How to participate

  1. Application:
    Please fill in the application form.
  2. Confirmation email from the Hiroshima Peace Institute office:
    We will inform you of the Zoom meeting ID and password to attend the information session.
  3. Download “Zoom Client for Meetings” and install it on your PC or smartphone:
  4. On the day of the briefing session:
    Using the meeting ID and password, log in to Zoom Meeting.

▶For more information on the last session
▶Faculty members of the Graduate School of Peace Studies

Deadline: November 12, 2021

Secretariat, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
Phone:082-830-1811 Fax:082-830-1812
E-mail: office-peace&m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
(*Please replace & with @)