*報告書全文英語版 (1999年12月3日更新)
*報告書全文日本語版 (2000年2月3日更新)
The Tokyo Forum for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament
August 30, 1998 - July 25, 1999
Responding to the nuclear tests conducted by India and Pakistan in May 1998, the Tokyo Forum for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament was organized at the initiative of the Japanese government so as to maintain and strengthen global non-proliferation regime and disarmament. The Forum was co-sponsored by the Japan Institute of International Affairs and the Hiroshima Peace Institute. The Forum held four meetings as indicated below and adopted its report, which included key recommendations for furthering nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
Mr. Yasushi Akashi, co-chairman of the Tokyo Forum and former President of HPI handed the report to Mr. Keizo Obuchi, Prime Minister of Japan. The Prime Minister promised to spare no effort in achieving nuclear disarmament worldwide, making the best use of the report. Mr. Akashi also presented the report to Mr. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations in New York. The Tokyo Forum's report has been distributed to the U.N. member states as an official document. The New York Times carried an article that the Tokyo Forum report critically reminded the U.S. and other nuclear weapon states of their responsibilities.
1st meeting: Aug. 30-31, 1998 (Tokyo)
2nd meeting: Dec. 18-19,1998 (Hiroshima)
3rd meeting: Apr. 9-10, 1999 (Pocantico, New York, U.S.)
4th meeting: Jul. 23-25,1999 (Tokyo)
Key recommendations of the Tokyo Forum report
Full text of the Tokyo Forum report (updated on December 3, 1999)