「核戦争の危機と被爆地―G7広島サミットを踏まえて」 International Symposium Confronting the Danger of Nuclear War: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, G7 Summit and the Future

English Below



広島国際会議場 地下2階 ヒマワリ
(広島市中区中島町1番5号 平和記念公園内)




 石田 淳(東京大学教授)
 吉川 元(広島平和研究所特任教授)
 田中 美千子(中国新聞編集委員)
 畠山 澄子(NGOピースボート共同代表)
 小倉 桂子(平和のためのヒロシマ通訳者グループ(HIP)代表)
 河合 公明(長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター副センター長・教授)
 加藤 美保子(広島平和研究所専任講師)


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Confronting the Danger of Nuclear War:
Hiroshima, Nagasaki, G7 Summit and the Future

The Hiroshima Peace Institute held an International Symposium on December 10, 2023.
<Interpretation Provided>

■Date & Time: 
December 10, 2023   13:30-16:45

International Conference Center Hiroshima, Second Basement (B2F) “Himawari”
(1-5 Nakashima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, JAPAN)

The Hiroshima Peace Institute (HPI), Hiroshima City University (HCU)
The Chugoku Shimbun
The Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA), Nagasaki University

The danger of nuclear war has become increasingly imminent. Since the start of the Ukraine war, Russia has not only weakened the nuclear nonproliferation regime by its threats to deploy nuclear weapons and the transfer of tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, it is also trying to change the post-Cold War international order. The future of nuclear abolition is now uncertain.
Given this situation, the symposium will discuss how Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as Japan and the international society, should address these changes in international politics and the threat of nuclear war. The Symposium will take into account the changing international situation and related discussions, including the results of the G7 Hiroshima Summit.

Keynote Speaker: 
Atsushi Ishida           
Professor, University of Tokyo

Gen Kikkawa       
Specially Appointed Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University

Michiko Tanaka  
Senior Staff Writer, The Chugoku Shimbun

Sumiko Hatakeyama         
Executive Committee Member, Peace Boat

Message from an A-bomb Survivor:
Keiko Ogura
Director, Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace

Kimiaki Kawai
Vice Director, Professor, Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University

Mihoko Kato            
Lecturer, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University