『広島発の平和学』で問うたこと ② A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies: Its Main Points and Significance of the Chapters in Part II

沖村 理史(広島平和研究所教授)

*この記事は『Hiroshima Research News』60号に掲載されたものです。

English Below

第2部 各章の論点と意義

書巻頭の序章で、大芝亮所長は、広島発の平和学の課題として、1)広島の自己像と外国における広島観の相違点を理解すること、2)非暴力的方法による平和の維持・達成の仕方を示すこと、3)核の問題を地球環境問題を含むグローバル・イシューズとして考察すること、の 3 点を示した。「平和な世界を創造する手立て」と題した本書第II部では、第 2 、第 3 の課題に取り組んだ。



第8、9 章では、地域レベルでの平和な世界を創造する手立てを検討したが、本章では、世界レベルでの平和な世界を創造する手立てを取り上げた。気候危機を乗り越える国際制度を分析した本章は、グローバル・イシューズの考察という第 3 の課題への取り組みでもある。沖村は、現在の国際社会では気候変動への危機感が強まっており、気候危機と呼ばれる段階に達していることを示し、気候変動と紛争の関連性については、気候変動によって人間の安全保障が継続的に脅かされている、という現時点での知見を紹介した。さらに、この四半世紀の間に形成された国際制度とその変遷を整理し、それぞれの実効性を評価した。本章の意義は、京都議定書やパリ協定などの国際制度の到達点を示し、求められるグローバルな視点と協力の必要性を提起した点にある。


本章では、日本による平和な世界を創造する手立てとして、憲法 9 条の平和主義と核兵器の関係について考察を試みた。河上は、核兵器の保有と使用をめぐる日本政府の見解を、国会での政府答弁を中心に歴史的に検証し、政府は自衛のための必要最小限の範囲内ならば許されると応答してきたことを示した。さらに、集団的自衛権の限定行使容認によって変更された、自衛権発動としての武力行使に関する新三要件と核兵器の使用・提供等の関係性についても考察した。本章の意義は、原子力基本法や非核三原則などの法律や政策レベルで日本は核兵器保有を禁じているのに対し、憲法 9 条の政府解釈では日本は核兵器の保有や使用が許される余地があることを示した点にある。政府の立論そのものに問題があるのではないか、と河上が提起した論点は、丹念な事例分析を踏まえているからこそ、より重みを持つ内容となっている。

このように第 II 部では、国レベル、地域レベル、世界レベルにおける多面的な平和の領域(核開発、冷戦、紛争、武力行使、核兵器)と、平和を達成する手立て(国際交渉、国際組織、国際制度、国際法、憲法 9 条)について、国際法学、国際政治学、国際関係論、憲法学の視点から検討し、平和研究発展への寄与を目的とする広島平和研究所の研究成果を世に問うている。

A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies: Its Main Points and Significance of the Chapters in Part II

*This article is from Hiroshima Research News #60.

Tadashi Okimura (Professor at HPI)

In the introductory chapter of the book A Hiroshima Approach to Peace Studies, HPI Director Oshiba defines the three foundational themes of Peace Studies originating from Hiroshima: 1) understanding differences between Hiroshima’s self-image and images of Hiroshima held in other countries; 2) demonstrating non-violent ways to achieving and maintaining peace; and 3) examining issues relating to nuclear power from a global perspective encompassing global environmental problems. Part II of the book, “Means to Create a Peaceful World,” concerns themes 2) and 3).

Chapter Eight: Analysis of the Korean Peninsula Issues and Perspectives on Northeast Asian Security (author: Hyun Jin Son)

In Chapter Eight, the author analyzes nuclear arms development and the denuclearization process of North Korea. The division of the Korean Peninsula is explained with the historical developments of Japanese colonial rule, divided occupation by the United States and the Soviet Union, and the Korean War, presenting a clear description of the background against which North Korea has come to demand a peace treaty. With reference to this background, the author then analyzes the situation on the Korean Peninsula since 2018, and the issue of the denuclearization of North Korea. The significance of this chapter lies in examination of the steps to denuclearize North Korea, one of the most pressing challenges for security in Northeast Asia today. For a comprehensive consensus to be formed on building a strong and sustainable system for peace in Northeast Asia, major components are: the total denuclearization of North Korea as desired by the international community, and security guarantees for the Pyongyang regime as desired by North Korea. The author emphasizes it is essential that this consensus-forming process include the construction of a framework for regional confidence-building measures, for restoring mutual confidence among the related countries, to create a peaceful world.

Chapter Nine: Reconsideration of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Process (author: Gen Kikkawa)

In this chapter, the author analyzes the process by which confidence-building measures in Europe contributed to the revolutions in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War. He argues that the principle of respect for human rights gradually became the norm in international relations, as the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) repeatedly held international meetings amidst the East-West confrontation in Cold War-era Europe. The author also argues that this international norm led to the development of social confidence-building measures, constructing a regional governance system through the application of the measures. The author finally concludes that the norms and systems demonstrated their peace-creating power, facilitating developments leading up to the revolutions in Eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War. The significance of this chapter is its analysis that attributes the peaceful conversion of the socialist regimes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to international norms and systems, and the attitude of East European nations that used them for their own reforms. The role played by the CSCE is a highly useful model for peace building in East Asia, where security dialogues and confidence-building measures are not yet well developed.

Chapter Ten: International Regimes to Overcome Climate Crisis (author: Tadashi Okimura)

While the two preceding chapters examine means of creating a peaceful world at the regional level, Chapter Ten takes up the same at the international level. In analyzing international climate regimes, this chapter is an attempt to tackle the third foundational theme of this book: the examination of global issues. Noting that the international community is currently experiencing an intensified sense of danger regarding climate change to the extent that it is referred to as a “climate crisis,” the author presents the viewpoint that has become established thus far with regard to the connection between climate change and conflict, climate change being a constant threat to human security. Furthermore, the chapter summarizes the international instruments that have been put in place over the last quarter-century, along with a description of their evolution and an evaluation of the practical effectiveness of each of these instruments. This chapter is significant in that it indicates the degrees of achievement of international regimes, highlighting necessary global perspectives and the necessity of international cooperation.

Chapter Eleven: Transformation of the International Legal Order and Challenges for the Prohibition of the Use of Force (author: Tetsuo Sato)

In this chapter, the principle of banning the use of armed force under international law is analyzed as a means of creating a peaceful world at the international level. Presenting his argument from a perspective that focuses on the decentralized structure and practical effectiveness of international law for world order, the author draws an overall picture of the principle of banning the use of armed force with its details and exemptions, as well as its impact and related problems to be solved. This chapter is significant in that it discusses the principle of banning the use of armed force, not only as embodied in the United Nations Charter but also by examining how it is related to society and order by the rule of law. For example, exemptions from banning the use of armed force and justifications therefore are examined by taking into account the processes by which specific cases have been handled around the world. Based on such an examination, the author argues that a ban on the use of armed force solely through the illegalization of war is not enough, and that it is essential to eliminate the need to resort to force by building a pacifist and practically effective mechanism for conflict resolution, emphasizing the need to view this challenge as one concerning the entire international community.

Chapter Twelve: Nuclear Weapons and the Constitution of Japan, Article 9 (author: Akihiro Kawakami)

In this Chapter, the author examines the relationship between nuclear weapons and the pacifism expressed in Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, as a means of creating a peaceful world at Japan’s initiative. The author looks into the Japanese government’s historical stances on the use and possession of nuclear weapons, mainly based on comments and replies by governmental representatives at Diet sessions, clarifying that the government has basically maintained that nuclear weapons should be permitted for self-defense within a minimum necessary range. The author further examines the relationship between the use, provision and other forms of handling of nuclear weapons and the three requirements for Japan’s use of armed force as an exercise of the right of collective self-defense under international law, that is, the conditions newly defined following the government’s decision to permit a limited exercise of collective self-defense right by Japan. The significance of this chapter is its demonstration that, despite Japan’s ban on the possession of nuclear weapons in legal and policy terms as stipulated under the Atomic Energy Basic Act and in the Three Non-Nuclear Principles, the new governmental interpretation of Article 9 leaves room for Japan to be allowed to possess or use nuclear weapons. The author’s suggestion that the government’s argument might be falsely structured in the first place is all the more significant since it is backed by carefully analyzed case studies. As summarized above, Part II examines multiple aspects of peace at the national, regional, and international levels (concerning nuclear development, the Cold War, conflict, the use of armed force, nuclear weapons, and so forth) and means of achieving peace (international negotiations, international organizations, international instruments, international law, and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution) from the perspectives of International Law, International Politics, International Relations, and Constitutional Studies. In doing so, Part II exhibits the research results obtained by the HPI thus far, so as to fulfill its objective of helping the development of Peace Studies.