講座名 平和文化を育むために
第1回 11/18(金)~11/22(火)
「平和研究と平和文化」 大芝 亮 / 広島平和研究所長・特任教授
第2回 11/25(金)~11/29(火)
「憎しみとゆるし――広島とマニラの戦後から」 永井 均 / 広島平和研究所教授
第3回 12/2(金)~12/6(火)
「平和思想と文化――ドイツの事例から」 竹本 真希子 / 広島平和研究所准教授
第4回 12/9(金)~12/13(火)
「『核兵器禁止条約の時代』の平和・軍縮教育」 中村 桂子 / 長崎大学核兵器廃絶研究センター准教授
第5回 12/16(金)~12/20(火)
「平和首長会議と平和文化」 小泉 崇 / 広島平和文化センター理事長・平和首長会議事務総長
HPI Public Lecture Series on the Web AY2022
Enhancing Cultures of Peace
The Hiroshima Peace Institute (HPI) at Hiroshima City University presented a series of talks to explore the cultures that build peace from the perspectives of peace theory, the history of war and reconciliation, thoughts on peace, peace education for the next generation, and various policy initiatives related to peace in the HPI Online Public Lecture Series.
November 18-December 20, 2022 (Five lectures starting from Friday)
■Capacity: 500 people ■Fee: Free ■Lecture: 60 minutes
All lectures were recorded and made available on YouTube for a week for those who had signed up.
<Availability / Contents>
▶ 1st lecture: Nov. 18 (Fri) - Nov. 22 (Tue)
“Peace Research and the Culture of Peace”
Ryo Oshiba (Director and Specially Appointed Professor, Hiroshima Peace Institute)
Russia has invaded Ukraine. What factors contribute to peace? What kind of efforts have been made for peace? How does the culture of peace promote peace? This lecture will discuss these problems referring to Johan Galtung’s peace research theory.
▶ 2nd lecture: Nov. 25 (Fri) - Nov. 29 (Tue)
“Hatred and Forgiveness: After Warfare in Hiroshima and Manila”
Hitoshi Nagai, Professor at HPI
World War II scorched many parts of the world, resulting in enormous losses of life and profound hatreds. Hatred impedes the realization of peace and increases hostility. This lecture will focus on the Battle of Manila, which began in February 1945, and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima six months later, highlighting the hatreds that arose and the subsequent efforts of those survivors who sought to overcome them.
▶3rd lecture: Dec. 2 (Fri) - Dec. 6 (Tue)
“Peace and Culture in Germany”
Makiko Takemoto, Associate Professor at HPI
When it comes to peace education, Hiroshima is always mentioned as if the city is given a special meaning. In this lecture, the relationship between Hiroshima and Peace, an obvious matter of importance for the majority of people, will be reviewed to explore the new meaning of peace in the contemporary world.
▶4th lecture: Dec. 9 (Fri) - Dec. 13 (Tue)
“Peace and Disarmament Education in the ‘Era of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons’”
Keiko Nakamura, Associate Professor at Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University (RECNA)
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which entered into force in January 2021, is the first disarmament treaty to stipulate the importance of education. What role can peace and disarmament education play in realizing the world envisioned by the treaty? And what can the A-bombed cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki contribute to that end? This lecture will provide an overview of the current state of peace and disarmament education and consider the challenges it faces.
▶5th lecture: Dec. 16 (Fri) - Dec. 20 (Tue)
“Mayors for Peace and A Culture of Peace”
Takashi Koizumi, Chairperson at Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
July last year, Mayors for Peace adopted the Vision for Peaceful Transformation to a Sustainable World. The new vision includes, “Promote a culture of peace” as a new goal, in addition to the previous two pillars of, “Realize a world without nuclear weapons,” and “Realize safe and resilient cities.” Let’s think together about what “a culture of peace” is and what it aims to achieve.
■Information on the lecturers
▶Faculty members of the Hiroshima Peace Institute
▶Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation
Secretariat, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima City University
E-mail: office-peace&m.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
(*Please replace & with @)